The new HOH of the Big Brother 2010 House has put up two people for nomination and they come as something of a surprise.


AFter the big blowup between Matt and Brenchel earlier in the week, I think we all expected Matt to put up at least one of them.

Sure, we predicted Kathy and Andrew, but I didn’t believe it until I heard it for myself. Yep, Matt has nominated Kathy and Andrew! He plans to try to backdoor Brendan, but pre-planned backdooring doesn’t always work.

Matt says he will inform the house that Andrew is a pawn, but both of these noms are pretty unpredictable.. wonder how they will take it??

Sign up for the live feeds- to see how the HG’s react to these noms. Do Brenchel feel safe??

Stay tuned for updates…

UPDATE:!!  POV PICS were done last night and JUST guess who is playing????  Matt, Kathy and Andrew, of course… but also.. Brendan AND Rachel ! Lane is the sixth.  Most of the house was not happy about that, obviously.

POV will be played today. Stay tuned today for POV results!


UPDATE:  Very interesting:  Last night at 1207 AM, FLASHBACK on the LIVE FEEDS-We had Andrew and Brendan having a quick, whispered conversation- Andrew told Brendan to “Just keep doing what you are doing and don’t tell Rachel- and stay away from me tomorrow”  and they did some more strategizing.  Have we finally found our lifelong friends??? I have always wondered why Brendan trusts Andrew so implicitly. Do we possibly have a “fraternal” bond???

Funniest Quote of the night- she is mean, but you gotta admit she is hilarious!

Fri 10:39 PM BBT Brit: “Are you kidding me… they are like the Dollar Tree version of Jeff & Jordan.” LOL NT – bbfan62

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