Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Week 12 HoH Competition Results
|We had another endurance comp for HOH tonight on Big Brother 2015 and they showed it to us on the Live Feeds. It was the chicken wire comp and they moved faster then I thought they would on Big Brother 17. So, who won HOH for Week 12 on Big Brother 2015? Find out the results below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
We had the live eviction tonight and it was Julia being sent to the jury house. For the HOH competition tonight, it was the chicken wire comp and they have to move ten eggs over the rainbow. First one to move all ten eggs and buzz in will win HOH for Week 12. There is a luxury prize as well, as they can move their egg into that spot and win a once-in-a-lifetime trip outside of the Big Brother 2015 house. The comp goes on until someone wins HOH and Luxury!