Big Brother 2015 Predictions: Week 8 Eviction – Who Goes Home Tonight?
|It has been a weird week on Big Brother 2015, as it seems like no one cares that there is an eviction coming up tonight. While they don’t seem to realize it, it still is going to happen tonight on Big Brother 17! So, who goes home tonight on Big Brother 2015? Find out my Week 8 predictions below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Week 8 Eviction Show Live Recap!!!<<<
Last night on Big Brother 17, we saw everything play out for the Power of Veto. Over the weekend, I was a little disappointed when John did not win POV and take himself off the block. As it turns out, he threw the Veto Comp to show his loyalty to Austwins. He was hoping that Becky would win and make sure they were both safe, but it was Liz pulling out the victory and that meant the nominees stayed the same and now we move on to tonight’s eviction.