August 11, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/10/2015


Monday is done in the Big Brother 2015 house and it went just as expected, as the final nominees for Week 7 on Big Brother 17 were determined and the blowup afterwards was pretty good. Now, we have three days of this and the HGs are already starting to question who to send home and it might not be the HGs you would think! Check out the highlights from Monday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-10-2015 Live Feeds Recap 8

In the morning, it was the calm before the storm. Vanessa showered, so John sent Austin up to talk to Becky. She told him of the plans to put up Vanessa as the renom and to keep it quiet. She said she will tell her that he did not know about it, but she wanted to give him a heads up. He then goes to tell Jackie and Meg that he knows and informs Liz about it as the Veto Meeting started.

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August 10, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Week 7 – Power of Veto Ceremony


We had one of the good guys win Head of Household on Big Brother 2015 and it meant another one of the Sixth Sense would be on the chopping block, but who would it be??? Becky has had a mission since taking control and the Veto Ceremony today gets to see her plans laid out fully on Big Brother 17. Check out the final nominees for Week 7 below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 7 Veto Ceremony

In case you missed any of our Big Brother 2015 spoilerslets get you caught up:

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August 10, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/9/2015


The Big Brother 2015 house was a little quiet on Sunday, which is exactly what we needed to keep Vanessa out of the plans to blindside her at today’s Veto Meeting! Everyone seems to be sticking to the plan and things are about to blowup today on Big Brother 17. Check out the highlights from Sunday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-9-2015 Live Feeds Recap 5

To be honest, there isn’t a whole lot to report. Vanessa is paranoid about the plans for today and she seemed to check with Becky a few times and have others check-in with Becky to see if the plan still stands to renom John and Becky has kept saying yes. I hate how Vanessa says that Becky is not making deals and yet, this was the plan and deal from the beginning. Why does she have to make 14 deals before doing the initial plan?

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August 9, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Live Recap: Episode 21 – HOH Beast and Backdoor Plan


We are back with another new episode of Big Brother 2015 tonight, as we get to see the completion of the HOH competition for Week 7 on Big Brother 17 and we will see one HG become a beast during that comp. Then it is time to come up with a plan of attack and end with the Nomination Ceremony for Week 7. Check it out with us during my Big Brother 2015 Live Recap and see who won Head of Household on Big Brother 2015 tonight!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Episode 21 Recap

Last time on Big Brother 17, we saw the fallout of Chelli and most were shocked to see Clay get a unanimous vote for eviction, but he asked for it and Vanessa guaranteed it with a big blowup a few hours before eviction. From there, it was time to start the HOH competition and it was another endurance comp! Yes, two endurance comps in a row (I am liking your style, CBS)! I was live blogging it while it happened on the Live Feeds, but we’ll see how it went tonight on CBS.

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August 9, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Episode 21 Sneak Peek (VIDEO)


We got the start of another endurance competition on Big Brother 2015 on Thursday night, so it is time for CBS to show us who won HOH for Week 7 on Big Brother 17. Of course, we all know who won from my spoilers that night! Check out a sneak peek at Episode 21 below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap tonight!!!<<<

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Episode 21 Sneak Peek

If you are one of those people that refuse to read any of our Big Brother 2015 spoilers and you only watch the shows on CBS then you have no idea what has happened since we saw that endurance HOH competition start for Week 7 on Big Brother 2015! If you do keep up, then you know all the excitement that has happened since then and the drama and tears that are hopefully shown tonight!

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