August 8, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/7/2015


Let the planning and freaking out begin on Big Brother 2015 for Week 7, as the Nomination Ceremony was held and there were pre- and post-freakout moments! I am still on the fence with Becky and it seems like John might be in the same boat on Big Brother 17. Check out the highlights from Friday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap tonight!!!<<<

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-7-2015 Live Feeds Recap 9

Before the Nomination Ceremony, there was lots of sleeping, but Vanessa woke up and decided to talk with the twins. She asked if Becky made any deals with them and Julia said yes, for Double Eviction. This sets Vanessa off, since Becky would not make any deals with her and now she knows she is the target. All of this even though they all made a deal the week before to send home this week the other member of Chelli that survived the first eviction, so why do they need another deal?

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August 7, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: HoH Nominations – Week 7


We have entered Week 7 on Big Brother 2015 and I was worried about this week, especially after thinking that Vanessa and her followers would be back in charge and put their target on Johnny Mac! Well, that did not happen last night when Becky won HOH, but who would she put on the block for Week 7 on Big Brother 17? Find out the details below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap tonight!!!<<<

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 7 Nominees

I have been and will worry about Becky, as she has flip-flopped throughout the house, so the right person in her ear could change things. However, last night on the Live Feeds she seemed ready for a Backdoor Vanessa plan and I could not be happier! Things always change in the Big Brother 2015 house, so is the plan still in place after today’s Nomination Ceremony???

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August 7, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Week 6 – James’ HoH Photos and Blog (PHOTOS)


Another Friday is upon us in the Big Brother 2015 house and while we wait for the latest Nomination Ceremony to take place, time to look back at the Week 6 HOH blog and photos. James Huling was the king of the castle last week on Big Brother 17, so check it out below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 7-30-2015 Live Feeds Recap 6

Could things have ended better for Week 6? Sure, we still have Shelli to deal with in the house, but James made a big move by putting them both on the block and keeping them there. He broke up a power couple, if only the HGs could have figured out Shelli was the bigger threat.

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August 7, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/6/2015


Just when you are down and out about another Big Brother 2015 season gone bad, we do a 180 and no longer have the Battle of the Block holding us back and Big Brother 17 is exciting and the good guys seem be leading the pack. We have a new HOH and a new backdoor target for Week 7! Check out the highlights from Thursday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-6-2015 Live Feeds Recap 4

Let me preface this by going back to the daytime and Vanessa being a crazy woman. Flashback to 2:20pm BBT and there is a big blowup between her, Clay and John. She claims that she heard them talking the night before and Clay was campaigning to stay and she brings on the tears and there is lots of arguing. She claims John was lying, but Clay took the heat for it all. This caused two things: the house agreed to all vote out Clay because of these “lies” and it is what he wanted (which is why we saw a unanimous vote last night) and it allowed Vanessa to put this target on Johnny Mac’s back, who she wants as her next victim.

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August 6, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Week 7 HoH Competition Results


I have been nervous about this moment all week long on Big Brother 2015, as the little guys made a big move this past week on Big Brother 17, but would they lose control and just get voted out the following week? That all depends on who wins Head of Household on Big Brother 17 for Week 7! So, who won HOH for Week 7 on Big Brother 2015? Find out the results below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 7 HOH Winner

As things ended on the live show tonight, we started the endurance comp and it looked like this one was going to go on a while. Again, I am beyond ecstatic to be done with the Battle of the Block competition, but I am beyond nervous with how this one is going to play out! Get the full details on tonight’s competition over in my live blog right here, otherwise scroll down for the results!

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