Big Brother 2014 Spoilers: Wil Heuser’s Big Brother Saga (VIDEO)
|Wil Heuser was a contestant on Big Brother 14 and made quite a statement during his season, but he now makes parody videos on YouTube of the current Big Brother 2014 season and they are hilarious. Sure, they are a little intense and vulgar at times, but my crazy sense of humor loves them. Big Brother 16: The Saga is a weekly roundup of the events from that previous week and Wil dresses up as all the HGs and hosts as Julie Chen. If you have a sick sense of humor like me, check them out below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!
These videos are just silly and over-the-top, but some of the stuff he does or says are hilarious. It is funny to see his take on things and rip on the HGs at the same time. This is the latest Big Brother 16: The Saga episode and his Christine laugh is great and the cuddling with Cody: