July 22, 2011

Week Three Noms- Big Brother 2011 **Spoilers**


Hey guys! The Big Brother 2011 HG’s nomination ceremony went long tonight, and I’ll have a more comprehensive post for you tomorrow with everyone’s reactions.

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July 22, 2011

Same Song-VERY different Day. Big Brother 2011 Week 3 Noms*Spoiler*


I know, I know.  And things may look the same, with Brenchel once again reigning supreme in the Big Brother 2011 house. But a lot has happened since week one and the next few days are going to create MAJOR implications for down the road.   STAY TUNED today as we update you with all the major events.

Paranoia among the Vet alliance is growing, as each of the power couples know they will soon turn on each other. The big question is…..WHEN??

Apparently, after the HOH comp, Rachel pulled a…well…a Rachel, bragging and braying about winning again. This prompted yet another… “How to be a human being” lesson with Shelly.

Brendon and Rachel had a heated discussion last night in the HOH, after taking several HG’s advice on who to put up tomorrow. Of course, it wasn’t really a discussion, but more of a berating as Brendon scolded Rachel not to play with her emotions, but her head.

As of right now, it looks like the quarrelsome couple will put Dom and Adam on the block, with the intention of getting rid of Adam. Kalia and Lawon were discussed, too. But if Dom/Adam win POV, they could take K/L off the block, which would force them to put up JeJo. Although they plan to stick with the JeJo alliance for the moment, every move each couple makes in the next week or two is geared towards gaining allies for the big showdown between them.  Dani is still Dom’s biggest supporter. She works very hard, manipulating the others into believing that he’s on their particular side. Brenchel is blind to what Dani is really doing–setting herself up with a strong partner for when she can play again--though I think JeJo sees it.

Who do you think Rachel should nominate?

I won’t bore you with the HOH details, except to say that after Rachel read her letter, Brendon whined because her sister didn’t mention him or his family.

The next few days of the LIVE FEEDS should be the most interesting of the Big Brother 2011 Season. Nominations and Have-Not Competition today. POV Tomorrow.  We could see the fracture between the two power couples widen.  We definitely will see tons of backstage scheming, as Dani works to save her Pinocchio.

One thing worries me.. IF they nom Dom/Ad–and IF (by chance) Kalia or Lawon win POV,  we COULD see Jeff and Jordan on the block.  If you still don’t have the FEEDS–sign up here for your FREE TRIAL and watch the drama unfold over the next three days!!

Funniest moment of the night—Jeff and Jordan are sleeping in Brenchel’s old bed.  Not only did they strip the sheets they also—well, I’ll let you see for yourself. (Let’s just hope Jeff doesn’t go to jail.)



Don't DO it, Jeff! Don't you know?? Do not remove under penalty of law.




July 21, 2011

Big Brother 2011 Live Eviction Poll and HOH tonight! *Spoiler*


There’s been a lot of grumbling  that Big Brother 2011 is “the worst season ever.”

Based on what’s happened so far.. I’m inclined to agree.. Lookit, I’m not gonna blow smoke up your collective butts,  things could be more exciting. And I think they will be.. Very soon.

Because within the next week or two, we are going to see the end (thank God) of the couple alliance. Once it’s every man for himself, this season’s gonna turn ugly.

It's not what you think. In this pic- Rachel is punching Brendon in the stomach. They were fighting...again...Surprised? Yeah, me too.



yes- but will she return in yet another twist???

In the Big Brother 2011 Week Two Eviction– (hi.. did you notice I said week TWO? Do you realize we’ve JUST gotten started? Now, remember. Big Brother has done this for a looong time. Trust me…they are aware of the fans reaction to the current situation. They have something up their producer sleeves. don’t worry about that.)–Tonight we will almost certainly see Cassi go. Cassi’s downfall was her inability to hide her animosity toward Rache, and it was premature. Brenchel was too strong, and unfortunately–once Dom won the POV– Jeff and Jordan listened to their “partners” and put Cass and Shelly up-with the intention of ousting Cassi.


I think this could be a fatal mistake on Jejo’s part. Cassi could’ve been a good ally for them once Brenchel turns on them. Why Kalia and Lawon continue to stay under the radar is beyond me.  Haven’t they seen people like this make it to the end before? Uh.. Kevin???

In any case- everything.. absolutely everything relies on tonight’s HOH.  If Jeff doesn’t win HOH, I think his days are numbered. Almost everyone is afraid of Brenchel, in a way they aren’t of Jeff and Jordan..  Dani can’t play for HOH. But she might as well be playing. If Don wins, he’ll put up whoever she tells him to.. And though she’s mentioned Kalia and Lawon, I believe she’d use his HOH to get rid of someone on the couple alliance, while keeping her own hands clean.


We’ve predicted that Brenchel and JeJo will turn on each other, gathering followers to their side, as it happens. The cracks in the alliance began showing early on- but as long as the “couples” thing is going on, both duos know it’s safer to stay together.  But each of the Vet duos have discussed turning on the other, so it’s just a matter of time.  When that happens, we are in for a VERY different show.

The key, of course, to which couple will survive for any amount of time relies on two things. A) Winning HOH’s. B) Who’s on their side. OH! And C) which side Dani falls on.

Dani’s position couldn’t be stronger. She’s got Dominic trussed up like a Christmas ham. He’ll do anything she says. Sign up for the LIVE FEEDS– and watch the fallout from the HOH comp for yourself. It’s bound to be in-SANE!

July 20, 2011

‘Where we at’–Wednesday. Big Brother 2011 *spoilers


We are introducing a new weekly feature…..Where We At Wednesdays.  “Where we at” in the Big Brother 2011 House. Each week, we’ll do an assessment on how each player is doing.  Who’s on top? Who’s flying under the radar? And who’s playing with their head up their butt?

Soo..  Where we at?

Let’s break it down by HG- and take a look at how they’re playing.

Cassi- I’m starting with her, because sadly, it looks like we’ll lose her on Thursday. She’s not really ever had a chance since her partner made that deal with the Vets, and she hesitated when the same deal was offered to her. But you Cassi fans out there–don’t lost hope. I think it highly likely we may see our willowy beauty come back. We are a person short with the departure of ED. Returning player? The magic 8 ball says….yes…

Porshe- She’s stuck so far up Rachel’s butt, she’s  been sitting in dark, smelly comfort for the last week. How will she fare once she has to emerge when  the golden key is done? I believe she’s first out. None of the HG’s (excluding Rachel) likes her.

LawonWho? Other than his brightly-colored clothes, we haven’t seen much of him.  Is he lurking like a spider waiting to pounce? Or is he simply a bug that’s gonna get caught up in the webs being strung? I think he’s out soon, too.

Kalia- She’s trying to ingratiate herself with everyone, and I think she’ll skate longer than her partner. But again- she’s another non-entity. A little person in a big Big Brother 2011 house.

ShellyOur sweet mama is doing well. Everyone loves her to death. That will remain until it comes out that she’s been a secret betrayer all along. When that happens, the remaining Newbies will turn on her, and she’ll remain the low man on the Vet totem pole.. Vet Meat.

Adam What about Adam? We haven’t seen much of him. Is he standing back with a huge sledgehammer- ready to smack down? Or is he a sheep in a big ole hairy wolf-suit?

DomHe’s playing the best Newbie game so far. All the Vets like him–though they don’t trust him as far as they can throw him. He won the POV- so he can compete. He’s high on the Vet’s radar. He’ll have to win to stay in. Unless his sweetie, Dani, saves him again.

BrenchelCombining these two, because they are imploding from within.  All they do is fight. Every day Dani and Jordan have to give Rachel “How to be a normal human being” lesson. Brendon wants to stick with the Vet alliance, but I see Rachel convincing him to turn.

JeffHe’s not the same happy-go-lucky guy he was in his season. Attribute some of that to being partnered with Brenchel. How long could you stay sane locked up next to those two? He’ll go before Jordan–

Jordan– Will we see our first Two-time Big Brother winner?  Chances are good. She’s in a really good place. She’s brave, well-liked, and playing a super-smart game. Dani/Jordan F2??  Likely…

DaniWhew! She’s sitting pretty, and playing the most savvy game of all. I see her sitting at the Finals. Unless…. people start seeing the strings she’s pulling on everyone. For now, they’re cleverly invisible..


So– What do you think of our assessment? Agree? Disagree?  Share your thoughts with us on the comments below!

There’s bound to be a last-ditch effort from Cassi to try to stay. Sign up here for the LIVE FEEDS to see what she does to remain.  Will Shelly be outed??  Only the Live Feeders will know.  Are you one of them?


July 19, 2011

“Make her cry Every Day.”–Big Brother 2011


Remember waaayy back in week one of the Big Brother 2011 house?  Oh wait, it’s only Week two… But reflecting back on the way we started.. Things have changed. Oh yes, my friends, things have changed.

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