The Big House Split today in POV Ceremony! Big Brother 2010
|WoW! There were some bizarre and nutso stuff going on in the Big Brother 2010 house last night.
We had our first big “Brenchel” fight! Rachel is playing the game hard core, and all Brendan wants to do is profess his undying love for her.

Rachel scolds Brendan
If you don’t have the LIVE FEEDS yet, you Really want to sign up today. Today when Rachel makes her big speech at the POV ceremony- The house is going to have the Big Split!! It will all happen today….
Spoiler Alert!
The first truly crazy moves have been made, as both Andrew and Matt have volunteered to go up as Big Brother 12 pawns. For two different reasons. Matt does not want to have to vote and expose where his loyalties lie. That is almost the most stupid reason I have ever heard. The most stupid prize goes to Andrew, who wants to go up to find out who all hates him. If he goes up- you know he will go home.. Duh…
Crazy, Insane behaviour!!
Rachel is frying her brain, trying to figure out what to do, and Brendan tells everyone what she is thinking. She got totally pi$$ed at him, and told him to shut up!

Rachel tells Brendan to shut up
After this, he comes in and apologizes for being “so stupid” and that if she wants to backdoor him that it’s ok. She asks him if he has gone crazy??
He basically whimpers that all he wants is to love her, and he doesn’t care about the game. They go to the hammock, where he lets loose the tears.

Brendan shows his feminine side....
They eventually make it up, but Rachel will not tell him or anyone what she is going to do, except to say that it will cause the house to split!!
What will Rachel do today in Big Brother 12? If you plan on getting your Free Trial of the Superpass 24/7 LIVE FEEDS, today is the day! The house is going to Lose it today!!
Meanwhile, in the Backyard, Lane, Brendan, Rachel and Monet had a punishment from the Veto Comp. They each had to spend different amount of time in the BB “Stocks” whenever a bell went off.
AND “Krayden” heated things up even more last night.

A little after hours action with Hayden and Kristen
Here are a few quotable quotes- thank you, Joker’s…
Rach still upset. She says she really wants to be there and is there for a reason. – SouthernBelladonna | |
She says she fell for him and it’s a “really cute showmance”, but she really wants to be there and they have to make the right decisions. |
Hayden talking about how upset Bren was tonite & Kris says he acts like a girl on her period/has a very feminine personality NT – NoNeedtoSitDown | |
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Janet–It should be interesting to see who rachel puts up–i think she will put up Andrew–and now i’am going back to my original feeling on brenden and rachel–i don’t think its gonna last–rachel is to stong headed for brenden and hes to sensitive–i coud tell he was upset when they were in the stocks. Shes all about game and hes all about the relationship–to quick to fast——
I think everyone knows too much of what she was planning to do. I think she should throw someone completely out there that no one will expect. I’m serious…DO NOT THROW A WILLING PAWN UP THERE! They are only doing that because they all beleive they will be safe. Mix it up!!!!!!! Pick someone that no-one would expect you to pick, including Brenden.(Dumbass that he is to open his own mouth! what was he thinking!!!!) I say Lane, Enzo, Kathy, I personally think it should be a guy. Too many in the house that are built and can do physical comp. She needs to go sit outside on the couches and watch everyone today in the yard. Working out, playing games, etc. She will realize it if she let’s herself take the time to realize it!
She can then lie to the guy she nominates saying she didn’t tell them ahead of tie to have a “genuine reaction rom them as well, but that she wants to make sure Monet gets gone. Then whichever happens happens, but we all know that mostlikely it will be monet that goes home this week, unless Brechel is dumb enough to put up andrew!
@Susan- I hear ya! I think she is there to play the game, and he is just there to play.
@Liz- i think that is fantastic, as long as Monet goes. She and Brit are too manipulative to be left together. I am really liking Ragan. I think Rachel is smart to listen to him, instead of Brendan-
I am liking Ragan as well., but at the same time again I think to many people know what she was planning to do. Let’s see…Krayden is obviously “together” and no one has put two and two together (which I do not understand at all)! and the other 3 have literally stated to your face that they talked or hung out in the house prior to the nominations. I would not be sitting there listening to Monet or Bratney with there tears the other night….really????? come on Brechel your smart start acting like it.! I think for the best outcome to happen Krayden needs to stick with Brechel under the wire type thing, but Hayden needs to make the “bridgade” believe he is with them. Then work to get the rest out. Andrew not an issue and to be honest, though I like Ragan & Kathy, I don’t see them as much of an issue now either. Get Andrew on your side and that’s (Hayden, Kristen, Rachel, Brenden, Kathy, Ragan, and Andrew. HELLO that’s much more of the house then the “Bridgage” has)7 against the rest of the house…get out one of the nasty little girls this week and pray to god that someone out of the 6 wins HOH this week. Then work on getting some of the muscle out. At least this week…if not next, then grab Bratney and thhrow her out the next week. Now you only have 2 out of the 4 “Bridgade” in the house (Lane and Hayden if they were smart)(and even though none realize about the “bridgade” as of yet. Bratney will start to put two and two together and she can’t keep her mouth shut to save her life so someone will be told out of the 6 as well, especially if Monet is gone. She will have to tell someone!
@Liz-really nice strategizing!! That sure makes a lot of sense! I can’t wait to see what hppens in POV today!!
Rachel is talking about putting up Enzo or Lane!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Hope she does it. She thinks Enzo and Monet might be the “Life long friends” because they don’t talk much but also because Enzo told Hayden to keep Monet last week. I think they are slowly starting to figure it out. AND the Matt might be working with Enzo!!!! Oh I am loving this.
If she puts up Enzo or lane–Monet will definetly go home–this could be interesting….
Susan – I’m not sure I would bet on Brechel splitting up yet…I am pretty headstrong and my boyfriend is a sap! LOL! I love him!!!!!!!!He brings out a much better person in me. I see things from many different sides now and on those moments I don’t, well he will call me out on it if he feels it is necessary. If not he just lets me go and when I am done with my rant…I get “do you feel better now?” I think Brenden is to much of a “girl” to have it end with them while in the house. They might fight, but No matter what I think he will always go back tail between his legs if for no other reason then she will have his back.
Life long friends/Kathy and Brit/Mother and daughter. Just take a good look at the two.
The sab. may have already told us it was Brit and Kathy by marking them on board.
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