Double the excitement tonight on Big Brother 15, as the HouseGuests were put to the test and faced a double eviction on Big Brother 2013 tonight, but who went home on Big Brother 2013 tonight? It was a jam-packed hour tonight, so get all the voting results in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 - Week 6 Eviction

For Week 6 on Big Brother 15, the final three nominees were: Spencer Clawson, Candice Stewart and Amanda Zuckerman. The HouseGuests again are following suit this week, even though there were a few small attempts to change the plan! If you want a detailed report of how it went down, click here for the Live Recap!!! Otherwise, scroll down to find out which houseguests went home on Big Brother 2013 tonight!


Don’t want to know who went home on Big Brother 15 tonight? Then don’t read ahead!










The first HouseGuest who went home on Big Brother 2013 tonight is Candice Stewart!!! She went out with a bang and a fight with GinaMarie Zimmerman and it got ugly!

It was a quick night and Aaryn Gries won HoH and put up Jessie and Spencer. She then went on to win the veto and took Jessie off the block and put up Judd!!! The house was unanimous again and Judd was evicted on Big Brother 2013 tonight. They can’t trust him, but all the lies they think he said were made up in their minds!!!

The Live Feeds should be full of drama after the double eviction. Get a free two-day trial here!!!

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