Yesterday’s Big Brother 19 live feeds started off with Production making numerous requests for the HGs to get out of bed. This has gone on a lot all season. Yesterday was also nomination day in the Big Brother house and there was a lot of talk about what this week’s plan was. Keep reading my Big Brother 2017 spoilers for all the details!

Big Brother 19 Live Feeds Recap Week 10 - Friday

Christmas made a decision this week when she took the HOH room over that she was going to be straight forward about her plans, to everyone. We were all hoping for a shake up with the Tree of Temptation, but that was a dud for it’s final week. No one wanted to take an apple from it. They all think that they are safe in this game, they do realize there can only be one winner, right?

Live Feeds

After the HGs finally all got out of bed, even though most of them ended up back in bed, the Tree of Temptation lit up and all the HGs were mocking the announcement. After that, the talks of targets and nominations continue. We already know that Christmas plans to put up Jason and Alex at this point, but she tells them they are pawns. They are not pawns, one of them is the target. Christmas tells Raven that she is confident that they can get either Alex or Jason out if no one goes for an apple. Raven had mentioned that Paul was telling Kevin not to.

Throughout the day Paul is playing dumb with Alex and Jason all day. Alex asks what the plan is and Paul tells her that it will probably be her and Kevin on the block in the end. She tells Paul that she doesn’t mind going up and adds that she trusts them, she shouldn’t. Jason and Alex are convinced that the house isn’t going to turn on them. They are in for a rude awakening.

Christmas and Paul talk about the Veto plans and wonder if they should draw the line in the sand with them before Veto or not. Paul tells her that if they do that then Jason and Alex will gun for Veto, but if they play along with them then they won’t play as hard. This is true because they have both been brainwashed! Alex by Paul and Jason by Alex because she is convinced that Paul is taking her and Jason to F3 when that is clearly not his plan. Really wish they would wake up.

After nominations have been done, Alex and Jason are on the block. Alex is not nervous at all, but Jason is freaking out, as he should be. Paul is playing the “I think Christmas is trying to backdoor me” card again, but Jason is too freaked out to really be paying any attention to Paul. Tells him he has no idea and that he is so confused at this point. No matter how much Alex tries to calm Jason down, he is still telling Josh and Kevin that he thinks that Paul knows what’s going on because he has been up in the HOH all day. Josh goes back to tell Paul about that conversation and Paul blames Kevin for it.

Paul is telling Raven and Josh that he is going to win the Veto and not use it. I doubt that highly because he was trying to talk Christmas into putting Kevin and Jason on the block together before nominations. After Paul leaves the room, Josh tells Christmas that she has to distance herself from Paul to make this believable. She tells him that she has, but Josh tells her that she hasn’t because Paul has been up in the HOH all day. Her and Josh agree that Paul needs to lighten up on Kevin or Kevin is going to turn on him

Jason and Paul have a conversation about his paranoia and how Jason is worried about Christmas trying to get him out this week. Adds that Christmas has been acting weird. Paul tells him that he thinks that if Jason or Alex wins Veto that he (Paul) would go up as a renom. Jason then mentions how Alex has been making him so mad that he almost suggested that they get rid of her this week. He says he loves her, but when she is mad she is unbearable.

Paul goes to Kevin and starts lecturing him about keeping his mouth closed with everyone. Kevin asks if he is just supposed to sit in bed in silence all day and Paul tells him “yes.” Kevin tells him that he hasn’t done anything and Paul tells him that nothing can turn into something very easily. Paul tells Kevin that if anyone asks him anything, he should just tell them that he has no idea. After this, Paul lies to Jason and Josh and tells them that he told Kevin flat out not to talk to him anymore.

The picture above is Kevin sitting at the table alone while everyone is eating dinner, he couldn’t eat with them because he is a Have-Not and he wanted to wait until Midnight for real food. At about 11:55pm BBT Jason started putting some food together for Kevin to have when his HN ran out. At 11:59pm, Kevin started to eat and Big Brother told him to “stop that!” He goes into the DR to find out why and they told him he still had one minute and 20 seconds before his HN was over.

The rest of the night was just some chit chat about life back home and then they all went to bed. These HGs are all convinced that Paul is taking them to F2. It’s pathetic to watch. What do you think is the best case scenario this week? I’ve said this a few times, but I will say it again for those who haven’t seen my comments on here or social media. I would like to see Kevin get a chance to play in the Veto comp. I hope Kevin wins and takes Jason down so that Christmas is forced to put up Paul, Josh or Raven as a renom. It would shake up the house and maybe make things interesting for the next couple weeks.

Stay tuned to find out who will play in the Power of Veto a little later and then look for the Power of Veto results after that! Also keep in mind that this week is a Double Eviction and the HGs have no idea that not one, but two of them will be going home this week! That’s going to make for an interesting week too.

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