It is time for another episode of Big Brother 2013 on CBS and it is a chance for everyone to get caught up on all the happenings in the Big Brother 15 house! From who won the Big Brother MVP for Week 3 and who they nominated to the Power of Veto competition and ceremony, after we are done tonight we will know the final three nominees as we prepare for another live eviction show tomorrow night! Come watch it all go down tonight with me during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who won Big Brother MVP tonight with us!

Big Brother 2013 Live Recap - Episode 9

It has been an interesting week in the Big Brother 2013 house and we shall see that all tonight. With Helen as Head of Household for Week 3, I was expecting big things and she has kind of let the title go to her head. She needs to go back to the woman that was stuck in the Have-Not Room for two straight weeks!

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We were able to see her put up her nominees as Big Brother 2013 ended on Sunday night, so the drama and aftermath of that will be hitting us big time tonight. How could there be no drama when Aaryn and Kaitlin are the two HouseGuests on the block?? This should be fun to watch! My Live Recap follows, so keep hitting refresh to keep up-to-date on everything!


Don’t want to know what happened on the Big Brother 2013 Live Recap? Then don’t read ahead!


Here we go…and we start with the disclaimer again tonight. More racist talk tonight? GinaMarie just wants to be happy, as a reminder to everyone.

Let the drama begin, as we start from the end of the Nomination Ceremony. Helen is considering keeping Aaryn since she is the most hated person in the house, but she has her eyes on getting Jeremy out right now.

Jeremy and Kaitlin are talking and they feel he is going to go up for the MVP nomination. Helen then meets with Amanda and McCrae and they want to backdoor Jeremy, but Helen wants Spencer up and Amanda thinks it should be Howard. 

Helen then talks with Spencer and she brings out the tears and said she trusted him and him and Howard let her down and she looks stupid in front of America. She is a Mom and she knows the tears will work. Spencer tells her about the Moving Company and now Howard is outed as a liar again, even though Helen already knew it!

Diary Room time again and the winner of Big Brother MVP for Week 3 is Elissa, for the third straight time. Do you think that is fair? She then talks with Amanda and McCrae and they tell her to put up Howard, but she feels bad doing it. They said there is no other option and Helen will come off with no blood on her hands, which is so true!

Howard heads up to the HoH Room and he comes clean to Judd, Jessie, Andy, Elissa and Helen about being in the Moving Alliance and he feels bad for it, but he was bullied in it. Helen brings on the tears again, but then Elissa wants to talk to Helen. She wants to know they want her around for the MVP vote or if it is genuine. They know they have to backdoor Jeremy, but who is the third nominee going to be on Big Brother 2013? They say Howard is not going home, so it would be just as good to put Spencer up. Helen said she needs to tell McCrae and Amanda that.

They come up and Elissa doesn’t like Howard being villainized, even though he did vote for her! Why the loyalty to him? Elissa doesn’t feel comfortable putting him up and Amanda gets angry and thinks it will ruin their alliance if they don’t put Howard up and trust him. Whose side are you on?

Before the Power of Veto Competition, the HouseGuests find out who the MVP nominated and it is Spencer! He is shocked, but Elissa said she didn’t want to feel the pressure and it didn’t feel right.

For the PoV Competition, it will be Helen, Kaitlin, Aaryn, Spencer, GinaMarie and Candice. That means Jeremy is not picked for Veto competition and they can backdoor him!!! Judd is picked as host!

Kaitlin is freaking and she knows the only way her and Jeremy can be safe is for Aaryn to go home. She said if she wins it then she will not use it and then she tries to convince GinaMarie that if she wins it to not use it, but GM is torn between Kaitlin and Aaryn! Kaitlin talks with Amanda and she tells her that Kaitlin will go home if she doesn’t use the veto!

PoV Competition: they will do them individually and will jump on a trampoline and look over a wall to see the “neighbors” living room and see the artwork they have on the wall and then duplicate it onto their living room wall.

Candice is up first and she screws up once and then gets it correct. Aaryn takes a few attempts and bitches the whole time, but finally gets it. GinaMarie sees the picture of Nick and is driven and gets it right the first time and she wants a pocket size photo of Nick (creeper). Spencer is tired and sweating, but he gets it done. Kaitlin is trying hard and moving along, but it takes her three attempts. Helen can’t jump on a trampoline and memorize at the same time.

The results are in: Candice did it in 8:46, GinaMarie in 8:56, Spencer in 12:19, Aaryn in 9:50, Kaitlin in 7:09 and Helen in 8:55 and Kaitlin has won the Power of Veto! Is this an end to Helen’s plan to backdoor Jeremy on Big Brother 2013???

Now Jeremy is going to turn on the Cherokee Charm and he will get Kaitlin to do as he wants. She is now going to talk to Helen and try to get her to put Howard up on the block. Helen brings on the tears again and the house will come after her if she puts Howard up. Kaitlin brings on the tears because she knows there is no way to save Jeremy. A showmance or a chance at $500,000?

She then talks to Jeremy and she knows that he is going home, but he is walking out of this house with his head high. Really? She knows wonder if she stays on the block would she be the target? She does make a point!

Power of Veto Ceremony time on Big Brother 2013: Kaitlin calls in all the HouseGuests and she declares that she will use the Veto on herself and Helen looks ecstatic and her renom is Jeremy! Can we get rid of him please???

This is huge, but you never know and can Jeremy save himself this week somehow? Find out tomorrow night with the live eviction show!!!

Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who won MVP on Big Brother 15 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.

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