If ever there was an opportunity to make this week on Big Brother 2013 any more boring than it already is well, it happened yesterday on Big Brother 15. Saturday is always more exciting since the Big Brother MVP nominee was announced the Power of Veto Competition takes place. Well, no more MVP twist and the PoV comp took place so late at night that most of the players just slept the day away….snore. Then the winner of veto for Week 7….ugh. Is it Thursday yet? Check out some highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 - AndyPhoto Credit: BigBrotherUpdates.com

I say highlights like something fun or exciting actually happened in the Big Brother 2013 house. The real excitement of the day was the Veto competition, but that was ruined when Andy won veto for Week 7. Doesn’t he know that he is HoH and we need some excitement out here???

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There was some game talk, but most of it focused on next week and not on this current week. Since Andy won Veto, it appears that Jessie most likely will be going home. He did talk with Aaryn and Amanda and they seem to think that maybe Spencer would be a better option since Jessie can be manipulated more (clearly, since she voted with the house both times last week and even voted against Judd). So, I guess that part is still up in the air, but does it really matter which of those two goes to the jury house?

Helen did get my excitement up briefly when she was talking to Andy about needing to backdoor Amanda. They both want to, but it is not the time this week. McCrae and Amanda want to backdoor Helen, so it looks like it could be a showdown next week. McCrae is a very smart guy, but he is trapped under the shadows of Amanda. He wants to vote out Elissa next week because he thinks someone from the jury house will come back into the game and of America votes than they will vote Elissa back in. I like McCrae and would like him even more if he dropped the dead weight he gets frisky with EVERY NIGHT!

The lovers did have another quarrel on Big Brother 2013. McCrae told Amanda to watch her comments and “jokes” and who she says them around. She is being insensitive and mean, but of course she doesn’t think so. He tries non-stop it seems to cover her butt and make her watch what she says, but she never listens to him. The joys of a showmance on Big Brother 15.

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