After the Power of Veto Ceremony for Week 6 on Big Brother 2013, the HouseGuests seemed to be focused more on a possible double eviction and who is the next target, seeming everyone is convinced that Candice is going home this week. There are some stray cats in the mix, so let’s hope they can rally some more troops over the next couple days in the Big Brother 15 house! Check out some highlights from yesterday in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - AmandaPhoto Credit:

As for the punishments from the Veto competition on Saturday, Amanda finished up her last spray tan last night (she looks pretty, huh?) and GinaMarie was able to remove the dog cone she has been wearing. Her first order of business after it was removed: have Elissa dye her hair!

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Candice did do some campaigning throughout the night and even offered to cook bacon every day for Judd, but I don’t think that will persuade him. Candice and Jessie talk and they want Amanda gone, but they know they don’t have the numbers. Helen is convinced to do it another time, which means she tells everyone to put it on hold for a week or two. Elissa wants to save Candice, but will follow Helen. She needs to grow a pair and make some moves this week on Big Brother 2013!

Two sets of paranoia are happening also:

  1. Amanda and Helen think Judd is MVP and he is doing all this plotting against them. In all honesty, he is just loving his triangle love affair between him, Aaryn (ugh) and Jessie.
  2. The HGs think the double eviction could be happening this week, so talk moves to the new target (which happens to be Jessie).

Yes, Judd is in a love triangle and keeps going back and forth between Aaryn and Jessie. They (GM and Aaryn) convinced him to play nice with Jessie to manipulate her vote, but then Jessie is trying to do the same thing with Judd. Aaryn is flirting to manipulate Judd, but I am sure he is just happy to be making out with both!

Candice puts the idea in Helen’s head that McCrae is MVP and wants to get rid of Amanda because she is ruining his game. Helen then tells this to Andy and she is convinced to backdoor Judd and then go after McCrae. She wants more guys gone before Amanda is gone, even though Amanda will probably be setting her eyes on Helen soon enough!

Why didn’t Candice win HoH for Week 6 on Big Brother 2013??? She is working with Jessie and telling her she needs to win this week and put up Helen or Elissa and then Amanda or McCrae. If one of them wins veto, then put up the other member of these power couples! Candice is smart and knows what is going on, which is why everyone wants her gone. It’s a shame!!! Evict Amanda!!!!

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