Friday was a catch up day for the Big Brother 2014 fans, as the Live Feeds were finally turned on late Thursday night and it was our chance to finally get a glimpse of what has been happening in the Big Brother 16 house! It was also a chance to see some scrambling and testing of where alliances stand after one certain HouseGuest took home the victory in the Power of Veto competition! Check out some highlights below in my Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Devin, Frankie and CalebPhoto Credit:

The big news of the day was finding out the Battle of the Block results and then the eventual PoV competition. Donny was the target of the “Bomb Squad” alliance (Frankie, Devin, Caleb, Zach, Cody, Derek, Amber and Christine). However, those chances were ruined when Donny won the PoV, which was some sort of spelling contest and he may have won over Caleb with the word “splitters.”

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With Donny’s victory, the attention shifted to our Team America player, Joey. Apparently she outed the all-girl alliance and no one is happy about it. She is not trusted and seems she may be the victim of the back door! Victoria, who had a breakdown over people finding out she has hair extensions, ensures Joey that she will be safe over Paola if she goes on the block for Week 1.

We seem to have a pretty good alliance between Frankie, Caleb and Devin. However, Devin is a little nuts and playing way too hard, as is Caleb and his need to win every competition. That will only hurt your chances in the long run. He needs to win and he needs to talk about Amber, non-stop! I would start to get a little worried if I was Amber!

But then we seem to also have a strong F2 alliance between Zach and Frankie, who happens to be playing a pretty good game. He may play it up for the cameras for the show, but on the Live Feeds he is playing pretty smart. His nominees may have won the Battle of the Block and he was dethroned as HoH, but he has managed to stay close with Caleb and still sleep in his HoH room all week. And Frankie gets to compete in the next HoH competition, but Caleb is not allowed. And Brittany and Victoria are safe for being renomed since they won Battle of the Block! (lots of info there, sorry).

All-in-all, it was a pretty good day. Donny is safe, but Joey could be going home. The PoV Ceremony is normally on Mondays, but not sure how that will work this week with the crazy schedule. There is still plenty of time for changes to happen, so you never know. Cody seems lost in the house and I want to see more of him! Jocasta is too busy tying her bow ties and forgets she is on a reality show.

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