While we are currently in Week 4 on Big Brother 2014, it seems like these HGs have forgotten that and all of them plan so far ahead on Big Brother 16. Do they not know that all of them can’t make it to the final four or final two? They sure seem to think so, as alliances are everywhere and no one truly knows who is really working with who. All we know: Brittany is done with everyone and no one deserves it more than her! Check out some highlights below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - ChristinePhoto Credit: BigBrotherNetwork.com

We had a pretty eventful day, as the Nomination Ceremony kicked things off. No big shocker there, as Frankie nominated Amber and Jocasta and Cody nominated Brittany and Victoria. This set off Brittany and she felt like she was alone in the house and Victoria made a deal to throw the Battle of the Block competition. Amber is sick of being a pawn and doesn’t understand it.

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In the end, Amber and Jocasta won the Battle of the Block competition and were removed from the block and safe for the week. Brittany and Victoria remain on the block and Cody is the lone HoH for Week 4. From there, things got a little interesting. It seems that Brittany is the target for the week now, but if she wins veto then Donny could go up as the renom!

Of course, no one seems to care about this week. They are all talking weeks in advance, as Amber is sick of the guys and wants to form an all-girl alliance and a F3 alliance with Nicole and Christine and get rid of some of the guys (actually a smart move). However, Christine runs up and tells her Detonators plus Nicole that Amber is talking and wanting to go after the guys. I used to like Christine, but her alliance seems lined up to the guys despite her seeming to be all about Nicole in the DR sessions on Big Brother 2014.

Now the guys don’t think they can trust Amber, especially Zach. They both want each other gone, but Zach is a confusing little fella. He talked with Donny for a little while about possibly going after Victoria this week and going against the house. Donny likes his idea, but how far will Zach actually go with it?

Amber and Cody were on the couch and getting close, so in pops Caleb and it gets as awkward as you would think. He claims he is over her and if he won veto today and she was still on the block, he wouldn’t of used it on her. He is not over her and someone is going to get blown up. I would like to see him win HoH next week with Donny and we could see some interesting nominees for Week 5. The power in the house needs to be broken up, but they keep winning HoH!

While the target for Week 4 seems to be Brittany, today could be a big day for all the Donny fans out there. The winner could determine who stays on the block and if Donny goes up or not. I am quite content keeping the nominees as is, since both of them are pointless to the game! I would rather see Victoria go home and Brittany could possibly work with Donny and whoever else to get rid of some power players. Victoria is just a bump on a log!

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