It was the night before a live eviction show on Big Brother 2014, which means we should see some HGs campaigning to stay in the game, right? Nope! Not when the HG set to be evicted has no clue she is the one going home. Amber is the target of the backdoor and everyone but her seem to be on board with it, even Caleb (for now). He even has a pickle in a banana ready to go in her bag for when she leaves (again, he is a hot mess). Team America gets their mission and Donny is not having any of it! Check out the highlights below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

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Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Derrick and FrankiePhoto Credit:

For tonight, it looks like Amber is going home and it would be a unanimous vote, however Team America got their mission and the vote was to have them throw in two wonky votes and blame it on two HGs after the eviction and before the HoH competition. Frankie and Derrick discuss it and want to do it and put the blame on (you guessed it): Zach and Caleb. There should be a rule that Team America can’t screw over Zach with every mission! Caleb could be an easy person to blame, especially it being Amber. They say that Zach voted that way to stir the pot and he probably wouldn’t deny it!

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They go to Donny with the information and he says no way and they need to decline this mission (I love him even more)! He says it would be out of character for him to go and start blaming people for the way they voted (very true). They all talk in the HoH room some more and Donny said he came to play his own game on Big Brother and not America’s game. He leaves and Derrick and Frankie say he needs to go! Another reason why I hate Team America!

As far as other things happening, during the afternoon the HGs had the Memory Wall flash “HOH: Time to get Loopy” and they all started speculating. Shortly after, 16 videos popped up of all the HGs in previous competitions from the season. We should see the Q&A comp tonight (either true/false or A/B type comp). They were all studying the wall for a while, but Zach was over it and went back to bed!

The HGs are convinced that tonight will be a double eviction on Big Brother 2014 and that it goes back to one HoH. Frankie is sure of it, so everyone agrees. However, the Team America vote proves that wrong with the two HoHs option. We definitely would not have time for the Battle of the Block tonight.

Now to the game play talk and moving on to next week. Caleb should be fine, as The Detonators want to keep him as a number. Looks like Jocasta will be the target (big shocker). However, we have Cody, Hayden and others all talking about Frankie needing to go, but they won’t have the numbers to get him out. Frankie formed another alliance with Zach and Christine (The Trust Circle). This is because Frankie wants her around a while and Zach wants her gone.

To be honest, tonight’s HoH comp will be huge on who wins it and we can pray no Detonators win. Someone needs to go after them, but I then think they will go after Caleb and he doesn’t matter at this point. He thinks he runs the house, but no one listens to the Beast Mode Cowboy in a onesie and bunny slippers! (Side note: he recorded a second goodbye message to Amber, so the one where he was bawling may not be shown….we can hope though)!

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