We all have watched Big brother and know that the best laid out plans never go as expected, which happened again last night on Big Brother 2014! However, this time it was for the good guy. We had a feel-good Friday on Big Brother 16 and it is the next morning and I am still smiling about it. Is it avoiding the inevitable? Maybe, but for now we bask in the joy of what happened in the Big Brother 2014 house! Check out the highlights below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - DonnyPhoto Credit: BigBrotherNetwork.com

We had a very busy Friday, as things kicked off with the Nominations Ceremony and we saw Frankie nominate Caleb and Cody and Derrick nominate Donny and Christine. This was, of course, done after The Detonators plus Caleb drew Skittles to see who would go up with Donny to throw the Battle of the Block and who would go up on the other side. Zach was supposed to be the volunteer, but he talked his way out of it and that will probably come back to hurt him.

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Frankie and Derrick talk with Donny and said the plan is still to get rid of Victoria this week, which will be mentioned to Donny again later on. Derrick tells Donny how they drew Skittles to pick nominees for all four of them (Donny was going up and never had a Skittle drawn for him). He tells him they drew red for Donny. A little later, Donny was chatting with Cody, who happened to be complaining how hard it was to be nominated (this is Cody’s first time on the block and Donny’s fifth time)! Donny was quizzing him and Cody said that Donny’s Skittle was orange! Never underestimate Donny because he may not play the best game out there, but he knows what’s going on and is a smart cookie!

The Battle of the Block was held and Donny (and Christine) won it!!! Christine did try to throw the comp and did nothing to help, but Donny found all the bone pieces on his own and beat Cody and Caleb. Apparently after Donny won, they could hear cheering and clapping from behind the walls! Production was happy for the Donny victory, which had Derrick worried and thinking about later on.

In a surprise twist, we then has Veto Players drawn for Week 8 on Big Brother 2014! This usually happens on Saturday afternoon and then the competition happens later on that day. However, Zingbot should be arriving today and will probably be bright and early to avoid heat exhaustion again! The HGs were anticipating the comp to take place last night, but nothing as of yet.

Here are some other highlights from the night:

  • Team America got their mission: steal an item from everyone and start a neighborhood watch. Stupid twist and stupid mission. Who thinks of the mission ideas and who thinks this would be fun to watch? End rant!
  • While Derrick keeps telling everyone that Victoria is going, he is also slowly planting the seeds of doubt in everyone’s mind about Zach. He wants his pawn to stay, so Zach will probably be a renom if the nominees change after Veto Comp.
  • Zach and Donny have been chatting and Donny is trying to work on him for an alliance deal. Donny promised to vote to keep Zach and not to tell anyone else. Zach doesn’t like to keep his mouth quiet on things, but when asked by Derrick later on, Zach said Donny didn’t say anything to him about the BotB and what not!
  • We saw a rap battle between Caleb and Zach, which was terrible and they said some not-so-nice things about Victoria.

The HGs went to bed earlier than normal, as they expect and early comp today too. We want a sweep from Donny this weekend and keep the nominees the same and have Cody and Caleb freak out this week and bring the excitement of seeing one of them voted off!

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