Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 7/10/2015
|Friday was a day of nominations and Battle of the Block on Big Brother 2015, as the HoHs seem to have their eyes set on certain people and want one of them to go home! I am still waiting for someone to grow a spine on Big Brother 17, but starting to think that will never happen! Check out the highlights from Friday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
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So, the day consisted of everyone coming up to the HoH room and figuring out who the nominees would be for Week 3. Vanessa and Austin are trying to make it known to everyone that the plan is to backdoor Audrey, but that is not true. It appears that James is Target #1 and Jeff is a backup option. I even heard that Jackie is the next option, but then Jason’s name was thrown around too. Vanessa talked to John about going up again and throwing the BotB (YAY)!
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The nominations happened and it was James/John for Vanessa and Jason/Meg for Austin. We had a little blowup happen, as Jason and Meg were angry with Austin and telling him how stupid it is that the same people go up every week and other HGs are going to nap their way to the jury (so, so true)! I think this continued during the actual BotB competition and Jason and Jeff got into a big blowup, which I hope they show.
We had the Battle of the Block competition and Jason and Meg won! John did throw it, but I guess James did very bad and HGs questioned if he was throwing it also, but why would he??? It looks like James is Vanessa’s main target and she does not want him to come off the block and have to name a renom and explain to the house why Audrey isn’t the renom. These people are so freakin’ weak, it baffles me. It is a game and you need to make enemies, not friends. Grow a pair and do something!
We also had Twin Twist talk, as Jason and Meg chatted about less people seeming to be on to it. That is because Clay and Shelli and the gang want to keep her around. They don’t want Liz really talking to anyone and not to smile around John, as she apparently has different teeth and he’ll notice. It’s all stupid because everyone knows and Liz even mentioned telling everyone to just be done with it all.
The Power of Veto is today and I hope John wins to take himself off the block and force poor Vanessa to make a renom and actually make a move. In the meantime, check out some photos from Friday:
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I hope James wins POV so they REALLY are in a pickle. I don’t want John to go, but I wouldn’t mind him squirming about being a pawn. And I wouldn’t mind others realizing when they’re up against John, they are a target because they like to use John as a pawn! Plus they’ll have to explain why Audrey isn’t on the block. And Jeff won’t go down without some drama. Yes, James winning veto could prove fun!
I agree. John has to realize at some point that he is expendable. Although i suspect that if James wins POV, Jeff is gone. Which wouldn’t bother me at all. I see one problem with Vanessas plan. She’s telling everyone that Audrey will be backdoored. If she doesn’t follow through, she’s outed as a liar. Her saving grace might be if she manages to convince the others that Jeff is more of a threat. I hate that scenario because she becomes Shelli 2.0.
Good points!!
Thanks Todd. I really look forward to your Live Feeds Update as us Canucks can’t purchase them this year. Hope everyone is having a good weekend 🙂
I just can’t figure out these people this year. As soon as I figure out the game plan, everything changes. WHY does everyone discuss every single move or idea with every other person?
Yeah, it is insane. Nothing is private and only one side of the house is making the moves!
I’ve said it before. The only real alliance in this house is Chelli. Everything else is fluid.
I know, it’s ridiculous. A bunch of motormouths that don’t know when to keep quiet. Not only that but there’s 10 million alliances. The only true blue one being Chelli. I wonder if they have to ask permission from the others to go take a pi*s. It wouldn”t surprise me.
It seems that’s been our problem. There haven’t been any decent alliances the last couple of years. Not that have lasted. Or the stupid ones that developed late and made up of people we don’t like. Like BB15’s exterminators (or whatever that idiot F4 called themselves). If only Donny had alligned with some good people last year who knew how to play the game. Can “good” folk not discern each other from the weasels?
No, good folk can not always discern each other from weasels. Why? Because weasels have much more experience at lying. Effectively. And for all intents and purposes, BB is a game about lying. Or at least omission of certain truths.
I didn’t actually mean really GOOD people, I just meant hgs we can root for. I know lying is part of this game, but none of the folks we really liked last year or this year seem to align together. Heck, why can’t a decent female alliance work?! Oh wait … Because the idiot women in the alliance OUT the alliance!
I guess there isn’t really an answer. Just frustrating.
I think this whole house against one has made big brother boring. I think the winner of the HoH should be safe for the week and the 2 that do the worst are nominees. Also with PoV, the worst player is the renom if the PoV is used. Make it where the whole house controls it and eliminate the floaters. Just my opinion