The final nominees are in for Week 10 on Big Brother 2015 and the rest of Monday was a little slow, as Meg seems pretty confident that it will be her walking through those doors on Thursday night. Her and James come up with a plan late at night, but it won’t work on Big Brother 17! Check out the highlights from Monday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-31-2015 Live Feeds Recap 10

Before the Veto Meeting, Vanessa talks with James and said she can’t take the deal they offered the night before. She said she has to stick to the plan and target Meg. She then goes on to say that she is on the bottom of the totem pole with everyone, mentions it’s harder for her because she is gay and mentions them working together. She tells Meg she has to stick to the plan and break up for power couple, but keep that more powerful trio in the house!

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The Veto Meeting happened and Julia was renom’d. She is worried and said she will never forgive Vanessa if she is actually evicted. Meg was emotional, but that is to be expected. She thinks Van wants her gone so she can work with James. He said that won’t happen and if he wins HOH, then he is putting her on the block. He also thinks the Austwins would go for Johnny Mac over him.


John and Vanessa talk and they think they are in a good position. They talk about which of Austin and the twins should go soon. Mind you, one of the twins is on the block this week and could go home! Van said she prefers Liz to go home first, but we know that’s because she has a F2 deal with Julia!

As the night progresses, we have Meg getting more and more frustrated with Vanessa and this move. She clearly is not a fan of hers. James said he can try and work with Johnny Mac after this week. We see Meg campaigning later in the night to Johnny Mac and he said he’s nominate Vanessa and Steve if he won HOH (not true). Then Austin tells James he won’t nominate him if he wins HOH and he won’t throw away his game for Liz, like Clay did for Shelli.

So, JaMeg meet at the end of the night and discuss their talks from the day. This is where they need Jackie to work through these things, as they want to form a 4-HG alliance with JMac and Austin! James said they can blame the hinky vote on Steve and Austin would love that. They have way too much trust in Austin. He may be disgusting, but he could go all the way and win Big Brother 17.

The rest of the week could be very boring, but we do have Double Eviction on Thursday night, so that is very exciting. We could see Meg try to up the campaigning as the week goes on and maybe thoughts will change in the house, as they normally do before Thursday comes! For now, Meg is a goner.

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