OK guys-  You will notice that I didn’t post a new post this morning for Big Brother 2010.  That is because literally nothing happened last night, except the spying on and trashing of Rachel and Brendan.

Yes… She is a Bimbo and He is a girl, but ya’ll… once they go.. what are we going to have to watch on the show, BBAD or the LIVE FEEDS???  This???


Or more of this..

So…If we really want to fire things up.. Make the SUPERPASS LIVE FEEDS really pop every day..

Go to CBS website and tell them:


Make this week a NON-EVICTION WEEK! How much fun would that be????

Let me reiterate that I do NOT want, in any way, shape or form, to save Rachel or Brendan either one. Rather it is this week, or next week, both of them have ZERO chance of staying in the game beyond two weeks, due to the D-POV, and the level of the hatred in the rest of the house. I am just saying that with the Twists getting slammed this year, losing Annie in week one, and the shameful waste of a good D-POV, we need something to REALLY shake things up, at least for one week!
BTW- I am seriously getting a little worried about Britney. I am telling you that ALL…ALL.. she talks about is Brendan and Rachel. I can even start to see some of the others try to steer the conversation to another topic and she doesn’t take the hint. I listened in when she got up at 0935 BBT- until right now at 1227BBT- she has not stopped trash talking these two for ONE minute. She spent 19 out of 24 hours yesterday, talking to everyone, mostly Ragan, about the pair.
Can you say obsession??

Let me reiterate that I do NOT want, in any way, shape or form, to save Rachel or Brendan either one. Rather it is this week, or next week, both of them have ZERO chance of staying in the game beyond two weeks, due to the D-POV, and the level of the hatred in the rest of the house. I am just saying that with the Twists getting slammed this year, losing Annie in week one, and the shameful waste of a good D-POV, we need something to REALLY shake things up, at least for one week!
BTW- I am seriously getting a little worried about Britney. I am telling you that ALL…ALL.. she talks about is Brendan and Rachel. I can even start to see some of the others try to steer the conversation to another topic and she doesn’t take the hint. I listened in when she got up at 0935 BBT- until right now at 1227BBT- she has not stopped trash talking these two for ONE minute. She spent 19 out of 24 hours yesterday, talking to everyone, mostly Ragan, about the pair. Can you say obsession??

Can you imagine???  The utter and complete chaos that would rain down on the other HG’s if neither Brendan or Rachel went home?  They could come up with some reason, and let them know that the double eviction would come up in the next two weeks, but THINK ABOUT IT.

It would shake that house down the the very foundations, and give us some incredible LIVE FEED ACTION.

I think Britney and Ragan would literally poop in their pants.  LOL!

What do you think? If you are as unhappy as I am at the way this season is going, and the obvious outcome we see before us.. Go to CBS and let your voice be heard!! GIVE US SOME EXCITEMENT in this BORING-AZZ Season!!

If you agree- Carry it forward to all the other sites you visit.

Yes, That’s right.  I know about the other sites…

No.. no.. don’t try to lie about it. It would just cheapen what we have.

I know you are not faithful to me alone.  (sigh) And, I won’t lie to you.  It hurt, but then I just had to realize that BB is bigger than all of us. The heart wants what it wants..

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