The person you most “Medium” Suspect-Big Brother 2010 *POV-SPOILER*
|The paranoia has set in well and good in the Big Brother 2010 House. Everyone suspects everyone else. No one yet knows who the saboteur is, including us.
You gotta see these people and their psychosis setting in, on the 24/7 Live, Uncensored Feeds.
**I will be continually updating as the day goes on. Stay with us!
Here is a little something you menfolk are missing.
**Spoiler Alert**
And a little something for us gals.
My thoughts on it are this: In the words of the immortal Dwight Schrute,
“It’s never the person you most suspect. (Andrew/Brendan?) It’s never the person you least suspect. (Lane/Hayden?) It’s always the person you most medium suspect. (Matt/ Annie?).
It was nearly a sure thing for Brendan to go home, and then, surprise, surprise.. He won the POV! That shook things up and all of a sudden…Everyone is Brendans BFF.. Brendan does not want to lose his smoochie-face partner, so now-what to do, what to do?
The “girl drama” heated up last night with Britney talking smack about several of the other girls. I said earlier that I have never heard her say anything positive about anyone, and last night was no exception. She not only trashed Annie (which has become something of a pasttime for her, she also talked about how Kristen was “not pretty, and had a bad boob job”. This girl is not the little Pollyanna she looks like.
Enzo is swiftly becoming the “Russell” of this season with his rampant paranoia. He has decided that Annie is an actress, and is pushing hard for her to be the replacement.
And speaking of the all-important replacement. It looks as if right now, it is likely to be either Kathy as a pawn, against Rachel, or… Annie to go home.
All depends on this morning, before Hayden is called on to make his decision. These people are, as most BB contestants over the years have been, wishy-washy.
Sign up here for the AWESOME 24/7 Live Feeds to see all the craziness for yourself, and stay tuned as we discuss it ad nauseum! LOL
Bye ya’ll!
****UPDATE- After watching the Flashback from last night, I am absolutely appalled. If you have seen the movie “Mean Girls” you haven’t seen anything. Britney is a Mean Girl 5.0! She spent literally hours trashing every girl in the house, except Monet who was her little follower. I would put money on the fact that she was the queen of mean in her little high school and the bane of any girl in that school who didn’t fit into her little crew. And, I really want to take the high road, so I’m not say it…THE EYE.. oops, I did.. sorry..
*Addendum: My son just pointed out, and in the interest of fairness I am including it here, that the only thing that would make Britney’s trash-talking ok, is if she is, in fact, the saboteur. I personally don’t think this is the case, but trying to give the benefit of the doubt.
***UPDATE– The HG’s just got a message from the saboteur who claimed that two of the people in the house are life-long friends. Apparently, Andrew flipped out- saying it proved it couldn’t be him, since no one likes him– no one understood him, or his Judiasm. The other HG’s teased him later about it, and he calmed down. All the HG’s are even more paranoid than ever..
Who do you think are “lifelong” friends in the house?
The love story continues…
**UPDATE-^:13 BBT- Kristen ran up to Hayden’s HOH room. Hayden said, “We have a problem. Andrew just told me that everyone here went on the same vacation but me and you, and everyone knows it. what are we going to do?” Then the feeds cut. Then they came back, and Hay said, “Maybe we should just come out with it.” Kristen said.. Feeds cut. when they came back, he asked, “Do you think we should just talk to Andrew?” She says yes.
Now she says “That is just bad luck, but do you have any idea who the two people are?” So that blows my “Hayden and Kristen are brother/sister.” DANG!
**I watched the CBS blackout scene in slo-mo, at the suggestion of J on the comments section. (Thanks J)
On the left couch was Rachel, Hayden,Enzo.
On the right couch was Britney, Matt, Ragan, Andrew.
On the floor was Annie, and in the blue chairs were Lane and Brendan.
Brendan got up, as we know, and Matt took his seat in the blue chair. He and Andrew were both seen in the BR.
The only people who I never saw, until the lights came back up were Kathy and Monet. Kathy on the end of the left couch, and Monet on the floor.
1:43 PM BBT | Message from the Saboteur: “2 people were lifelong friends or have a previous BB alliance.” |
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Darn it i missed where annie found out she is a target–uugghh–but i still think she is playing her cards to early with trying to get in an alliance with everyone–I agree with you on Britany–she is a trash talker–How does her boyfriend feel hearing her talk like that and yesterday she asked rachel if brendens pennis is large –again how does her boyfriend feel about that–and i feel like she just wants everyone to like her if you ask me she is the valley girl not kristin(who i think may be the sabotuer cuz shes so in her own world.) Any how the whole house is parnoid now –Enzo needs to keep his mouth shout. and why did they tell Lane about there plans for annie–dumb–but as we all know things change in a new york minute in that house. We have a full steem game going on. Love your new site i come here every day to get my updates. Good job as always. Keep up the good work!!!
@susan yeah, I never thought about that! Wonder what her mom and dad think of her behaviour, too?
Yep, Annie does need to back it up a pace.
So glad to have you on here. Just like old times, huh?
just watched a replay of the first act of the saboteur with my wife….interesting to point out that right before the lights go out there are 2 hg’s missing from the main room. (i think andrew/definitely Kathy) Hmmmmm…we thinks that it is Kathy! It just makes sense with the way everything went down. as soon as the lights go back up, BAM! she is seated on the left at the end of the couch. snuck in there. curious……………….
@J- That could make sense, because with this new update coming in about the message from the sabo… Some of the HG’s think Kathy and Britney are mom and daughter. But on the other hand, if the sabo was one of them, would they tell??
@janet don’t you just love it when hg’s start spinning weird scenarios! ha! mother/daughter….nice. i just feel confident in it being kathy because of the video evidence that they put out…but there i go! Spinning a scenario
@J- who would you suspect as being lifelong friends? “Lifelong” to me means they must be related. Even if two friends met in kindergarten, they aren’t “lifelong” friends.
I’m thinking a brother/sister combo? And I feel like Kristen is involved, she is pretty enigmatic.
@janet…hmmmm i can see where they would think the relationship of kathy and britney…cuz kathy said she had a daughter very young didn’t she in one of the first showtime feeds (i believe in her teens) which would make perfect sense seeing as brit is 22 and kathy is 40. but you don’t think it could just be smoke and mirrors? and about kristen….dontcha just feel she may be dead behind the eyes?! jk. kind of like audrina from the hills! not a whole lot going on there. ha
@J- Hmmm, maybe, maybe. or maybe still waters run deep. Waiting to pass judgement on that one. At least she doesn’t badmouth EVERYONE like a little B that I could name.. (Oh wait, I did name her..)LOL.
yes! britney is nasty to epic proportions. we shall wait and see. figure todays feeds and tonights feed will give much much more insight. and….thinking lane has got some shenanigans in his closet. he could be linked somehow. when they announced a saboteur…his reaction was suspect. he got all sorts of flushed in the cheeks. i could just read something is not right there. my money is on kathy but number 2 choice is lane
Does anyone know if they have done a have have not comp and why is Kathy all bruised???
@Tiff- Yes, They did the Have-Not with Ragan, Rachel, Kathy, and Matt being the Have-Nots. Kathy got bruised up during that competition, I think, and the Hot Dog one. Apparently, the HN comp involved caramel. think the honey comp from season 10-
I was just wondering if no one did it at all. Because Big Brother did say they wanted to help the sabo out and get things started. Just a way for the houseguest to become suspicious of each other.
Hayden and Kristen are related or longtime friends. I thought it then Monday night on BB After Dark, Hayden said to Kristen as they were alone “do you think anyone suspects us yet”. It couldn’t be a showmanw bcuz they never spend much time together. Just my opinion.
I really think ” Hayden & Kristen ” look a like, big time.