Big Brother 2011 Finale Tonight
|Feels a bit anticlimactic, doesn’t it? This Big Brother 2011 Finale?
Of course, BB Historically speaking, it’s not unusual for the final three to leave us somewhat less than thrumming with excitement.
These three are not quite the ho-hum trio of say.. a Hayden, Lane and Enzo… But I can’t help but feel a little more “Finally, it’s over.” and a little less “Aw… It’s over.”
I hate that too, because most of us wait with breathless anticipation for summer and our favorite show. Remember that shiver you felt the first time the Big Brother 2011 commercial hit the airwaves, back in the blue doldrums of July?
Tonight’s outcome is still less-than-certain, as we wait for the final HOH to be played, yet I have a bad feeling in my gut.
Should Rachel win? Of course she should. Regardless of your feelings about the fiery red-head, she’s the only one left who fought, struggled and played it hard and fast from day one.
Porshe, a ham sandwich for much of the game, only shook out her sleep wrinkles after week 9. And Adam placidly floated along, carried by the tide and Jeff’s team for the larger part of the season.
Yet, looking at the folks in the Jury house, we could see ham beat cheese to win the comp.
Who should take whom? That’s the only question left to be answered.
If Rachel wins, she’s promised to take Porshe. But from comments she made yesterday, it seems she is at least considering her options, and she HAS to know she has a much better chance for votes if she takes Adam.
Especially since Adam and her got into some kind of tiff, and he declared to Porshe that he’d never vote for Rachel to win. That even if Porshe kicks him out, he’ll still vote for her. Uh.. Adam. that’s not really the best strategy ever, to tell her she’ll have your vote if she kicks you out. What would be her incentive to take you?
Porshe’s working with limited vision. She’s not a BB fan, so she doesn’t get the Jury mindset the way Rachel and Adam do. All she knows is that ‘People don’t like Rachel’ and therefore won’t vote for her. She’s not savvy enough in the way the game works to understand that most jury members vote for who played the game best, and not who they did or didn’t like.
Having said that, Porshe’s last-minute wins might be enough fuel to win her a vote or two from the Newbie side–Adam included–to take her to the top.
So,.,.basically what I’m saying is: we have no idea who’ll win tonight. We know who SHOULD win. But that means little in this crazy game.
Who do you think will pull it off? Not who you WANT to win. Who do you THINK will win?
And the BIG question of the night! Who will win America’s Favorite? What do you say?
As for the next season, I made a comment on an earlier post that I want to share here with you. For all us long-time fans, we ask…no, we BEG the BB powers that be to listen to what we…the fans want.
I want BB to really think next season through. Like I-and a million other fans–have screamed a thousand times before. Give us something NEW! Give us your fat. Your old. Your homely (just let them be SMART)! Give us married couples- slugging it out against other married couples. Give us REAL people. No more plastic Hollywood wannabe’s.
Switch up the rules. Switch up the games. Make us breathless with anticipation next year for each show to air.
Watching, as people slowly lose their humanity–or rise above it– in a closed, constitutional monarchy… THAT is what BB was created for!
On a personal note: I have enjoyed–so very, very much–spending time with you this season. I already said my goodbyes in an EARLIER POST, but I hope you’ll join us again next year for what we pray will be a dynamic and excitement-filled season!
And don’t forget.. If you have the LIVE FEEDS…to watch the Big Brother 2011 Backyard interviews of all your favorite BB players, past and present.
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Stopped watching after I realized production has the showed rigged. To bad since it use to be a good show.
It was obvious that CBS has this show set up for Rachel, Brandon, Jeff, or Jordan to win. Bringing Brandon back (who could have ever predicted??), the surprise doubling up after pandoras box, the final competitions (how many times do we get to see rachel wrap her legs around something….we know she wins that)… was sad…and i was very disappointed that they stooped to rigging the show.
Janet…. First of all Thanks again for your wonderful site –i have enjoyed spending my time here and reading your blog–and you know great minds think alike because i have a bad feeling Porsche might win due to the grudges people will hold and not vote for the person who most deserves it ==RACHEl…really i still have some issues with Racehl but if you put aside those issues and vote on who really really deserves it –its Rachel and i don’t care how other people will justify it–it is what it is..DOn’t know what happened with Adam that he feels that way about rachel –but if porsche wins that last hoh and doesn.t take him maybe he wil finally realize just how good of a friend she really is–he had her back all thru the game and in the end she bascially didn’t care nor felt bad for him…at least rachel feels bad for him –i have heard her say it more them once,,not like the conceited porsche…Oh this season just lost its charisma when jeff and jordan where gone and i wasn’t a fan of dani’s but i would rather see her be there then porsche..Anyhow Thanks again Janet and i’ll be here again next year for hopefully a all new and REAL cast–just ordinary people..GO Rachel for what its worth….
I sure hope the show isn’t fixed, I love it. I think Rachel deserves to go, and she should take Adam and she should not trust Porsche at all if she does then she deserves to lose the money. I think Rachel could beat them both and why she doesn’t think she would have jeff or Jordan votes, Jordan has said many times that Adam floated and he did put her up so pay back could be a _itch…. Plus BIG JEFF isn’t gonna be happy with him at all for doing that…
Sadly it doesn’t seem like Rachel knows she has a much better shot of beating Adam. She doesn’t even seem to think she’d get Jeff’s and Jordan’s votes against him which is crazy. Maybe she’s just a much better actress than I’d ever give her credit for and doesn’t want to say anything to Adam about taking him so that he doesn’t run and tell Porsche causing her to take him if she won but I seriously doubt that. Thus I’m gettng a sneaking suspicion that Porsche’s gonna end up winning thanks to the idiot Dani and the boneheaded newbies.
Is it the actual finale tonigh? I thought Julie was saying they would crown the winner on Thursdays show. Maybe tonight they show who wins the comps and becomes HOH and one gets evicted, then tomorrow will be the questions/voting etc.
Am I incorrect?
Thanks, and GO RACHEL!!!
No, the last show is tonight!
Thanks Carol!
Has everyone forgotten Porshe wasn’t allowed to play the first 4 weeks. Since she started playing after the golden key bit, she has done really well. She came in 2nd in the first few comps she played. I think Porshe deserves it more than Rachael. Rachael had her chance last year, and lost it then. She doesnt deserve it this year. She was quick to try and get JeJo out from the beginning with Dani. Yet all the blame fell on Dani. Go PORSHE!! let a newbie win!!
Rachel saved that newbie or how we soon forget and it wasn’t Rachel that wanted to get JeJo out it was Dani causing trouble in the house with wanting to split the couples up because she had the hots for Dominic. Rachel just listened to her and then went straigh to the other vets and told them what was going on and that was when they realized that Dani had flipped on them. But in all Dani was playing her game since her dad left and she had no idea had she would get to the end and all the guys were spoken for persay so she had to find someone to team up with and cause trouble, that was how all that came about she was threatned by the vets except for Jordan in comps but she knew she couldn’t beat her in the finale on votes.
Thanks again so much for keeping us all informed. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your updates this year and I’ll be back again next year. You give much better and more info than the other BB sites I’ve found. Rachel gets my vote just because she’s fought so hard to stay in the game. If she doesn’t take Adam, she’s making a HUGE mistake, IMO.
Now a question, I read somewhere that Julie Chen has just confirmed that BB will be back for another season next year. Was there a question that it might not return? I hope that’s not the case. Even tho I have some doubts that production could be rigging some of what happens, I’m still hooked and can’t wait to see BB!
Thanks again and keep up the good work!
As long as Julie Chan wants to host BB, the show will not be cancel. After all, she is married to the head of CBS and is a fan herself.
I think that most of the time the jury will vote for who they like or for someone who was their alliance member and not for the player who played the best game. IMO, Rachel deserves to win and if she gets to the final two, she will win as most of her alliance menbers are in the jury. That is why Dani and Kalia will likely vote for Porsche. Dani and Kalia would vote for Adam over Porsche if he was in their alliance and she will still over the vets side.
Looking back on the last few years of BB. This has been the case on many of the seasons.
BB next season they need to bring back all 13 past contestants that were voted out on the 1 week.. So american can actually get to know them and see if they would have been good players !! There’s my 2 cents 🙂
That sounds good!
That is the best idea I have heard in a long time. How interesting it would be to have players that konw the game but never had a chance to play for more than a few days. As for tonight, go Rachel.
Excellent idea Buffy!
I’d watch it! Sounds like a winner to me!
I’m with you Buffy…That would be an interesting show!!
The individual most deserving of winning this season’s BB; unfortunately, has been at the Jury house since it opened. I believe Aiden should be the winner because he was able to multi-task on 4 different tasks at once: (1) he is very bright & thinks ahead when he strategises; (2) he not only remains calm in a storm, he managed to contain the storm of irrationality that was Rachel; (3) he won Vetoes and (4) he ‘smelled out’ other’s bull#### and called them on it.
Sandy…Aiden? Did you mean Brendan?
I don’t really care who wins anymore- this year of BB was not very good. Shelly has been the worse LIAR ever and it actually made me sick! Dr. Will & Boogie were good liars too but Shelly beat out all the seasons of BB liars combined! I wonder if she lies in her personal life too! Her daughter isn’t allowed to lie but her mom was horrible! She had better NOT get Americas vote!
I don’t like Rachel either but we’ll see!
Thanks for all the updates- you did a great job!
There is no way American will reward you playing like that. It’s one thing to keep it interesting like Enzo did and he didn’t even get it but to flat out hurt someone like she did is another. She will feel the wrath of that in the “REAL WORLD”
great idea buffy
I really hope Rachel wins. She’s played the Game!
I want another group that can produce such awesome entertainment as Chill Town did! Those were my favorite seasons ever!
Rachel deserves to win. She really played the game and besides she’s got a wedding to plan! I wasn’t crazy about her but she turned a corner in the game and I think alot more people are rooting for her. Porsche is a bore and even a lazy liar! She doesn’t even try to sound convincing. Sure Rachel is emotional but so what! She’s in the final 3 and hopefully tonight she will win and really have something to go bananas about! Go Rachel!
I hate to say it, but I hope Rachel wins tonight. She has played a good game and deserves to win over the other two people that are left.
I agree…Can’t stand brenchel but rachel did play the game and there is really no one in there that I care to watch win. But R. did fight harder than the other two slackers.
i cant wait till we see who wins i hope it is the red head. we will see.
So happy that Rachel won!! I must say that Shelly redeemed herself tonight by voting for Rachel!
I agree keisha, Also Does anyone know why Evil Dick left on the 2nd day??????
With her winnings, maybe Rachel can seek out the world’s first personality transplant! Maybe Brendon can assist with the procedure, what with his promising future in medical research and all.
I am so glad that Rachel won! I don’t think Porsche should have been in the final 2 because she is just a low energy slacker but at least Rachel won and thank god Shelley came through because Dani and the rest of her gang were definitely the spite vote. I’m going to watch Rachel on the talk today. Go Rachel!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah RACHEL WON THE GAME…And guess who voted for her? It was Shelly…I guess Shelly felt like she owed Jeff, Jordan, Brendon and Rachel that much…Adam didn’t vote for Rachel well that wasn’t too surprising to me because Rachel didn’t take him with her to the finals…I guess that was payback for Adam…I sure hate that Porshe came in second place but unfortunately she did…Danielle you are such a SORE LOSER and if anyone need a personality it is YOU and Porshe…And Danielle RACHEL is a much better player than you 1000 times over…Now go back home and let daddy take care of you even your own daddy was against how you played the game…Congratulations Jeff for being America’s favorite and please be kind to Jordan and take care of her…Once again RACHEL I am truly happy you won because you played and fought the hardest, took the most insults and kept on smiling, and you was one of the smartest people in the house…Now go home to Brendon and I wish both of you all the happiness in the world…Go Girl…you have proven that nothing stands between you and you man….
Funny how half you probably didnt think it was ‘rigged’ when Dani’s butt buddies in production were trying to sway adam shelly and rachel to save her sorry pampered little behind.
I don’t get it… big brother is over, what are people talking about?
Who the heck is aaron? 🙁
why are you still responding then gretchen lol
I don’t know who Aaron is, maybe this guy is watching a whole other show. Big brother should give us updates about what people are up to. Like did Rachel and Brendan spend all that money and when is the wedding!
Think the wedding is in december or january. rachel asked jordon to be a bridesmaid. jeff and jordon finally decided to move in together…….we just dont know where. dani and dominic are dating. kalia just made an interview where basically everyone thinks she sucks cause we’re all racists.
Wow! That was some update and how nice that Jordan is going to be a bridesmaid. I thought Jeff and Jordan should at least be invited to the wedding. As far as Dani and Dom go, they both stink and throw Kalia into that mix too. Not a fan of hers and her botched bobbed nose.
not sure if jordon is going to or not. i think they will be there for sure though. so will ragan (rachels enemy from season 12 and now best friend). Dani is just using dom to keep herself in the spotlight. Just like she used him to keep herself in the game this year. Dani is still a self absorbed little twit who thinks she’s the greatest bb player of all time……and she is soooooo jealous of rachel jordon and evel dick cause she feels that none of them deserved to win and she did.
As for Kalia…….the fact that she likes to torture her little dog and laughed when another dog died says all you need to know about her.
Wonder what Shelly is up to… she was a mess! All she did was sun and smoke! Maybe that dude was talking about Adam, not Aaron!
I think shellys daughter kicked her butt when she got home lol she’s made up with jeff and jordon and apologized to rachel for stealing her stuffed animal (which of course never aired on tv). rachel tweeted back ‘you voted for me to win, all is forgiven!” lol
I wonder who porsche is gonna poison next….. (live feeds again)
you know i liked adam until finale night. sure he floated his way to the end but you gotta do what you gotta do. but then he called porsche a floater (pot kettle black) and told rachel that porsche didnt deserve 50,000 dollars. so then she evicts him and he’s preaching to julie that he’s an all-star (huh!?!) and that he would have beaten rachel or porsche in final 2. (uh no way to either) then he votes porsche to win. what a nutjob he is.
What about that crackpot Lawon! What was up with him thinking he was coming back with special power?! What a bananahead! I got a good laugh that night. One thing I will say is that when bb starts every summer we usually don’t like the house guests, although we did like Cassi. It just takes awhile to get used to everyone but that porsche, didn’t like her from day one. Bringing back Jeff, Jordan, Brendon and Rachel was a good idea but I don’t think Brendon and Rachel have a healthy relationship. I think Jeff and Jordan are the better couple but I still like the other 2.
lawon is the dumbest player ever……worse then season 3 marcelles……..who was the first player who ever had the choice to use veto on himself……..failed to do so and then was evicted lol.
I think outside of big brother brendon and rachels relationship is not toxic like it appears on tv. I also think her winning the show will boost her confidence in herself, not just with brendon but out in the real world. Im hoping that employers who interviewed her after her first season got to see the real her by the end of season 13. she is someone who is loyal and honest and someone you’d want to have on your side.
I find it awesome that jordon and rachel formed the friendship they did. The two most unlikely friends in big brother history…polor opposites seemingly but in the end they had a lot in common.
btw i thought all the BS about ‘rachel hates cassi cause she’s beautiful’ was way over done. and cassi played it to the hilt…….kinda dissapointed in jordon cause she played this game before……she knew you have to make decisions that are gonna hurt people… she nominated cassi and put it off as being rachels fault (she could have just nominated lawon and kalia but she had a secret deal with kalia not to put her up, which she would screw rachel over again when it got to final 5 with). JOrdon was also fine with dumping cassi because it meant her butt kisser shelly got a golden key
How do you know so much about bb?! Maybe you should audition to be on the show. I got an application, you probably did too. My kids always tell me to audition but I always say that they would throw me out the 1st week!I totally missed the bit about Porsche and poison. What gives with that?
I probably would get thrown out because of my mouth lol like rachel i tell it like it is…..but if i had an alliance i’d be loyal to it till they stabbed me in the back and then all bets would be off 🙂
would be pretty good at endurance cause unlike adam im in my late 30’s but am in good shape lol.
early morning on august 14th, porsche was in the kitchen with dani and kalia and she spiked milk with benefiber. bb ordered her to dump it out but they didnt punish her at all or inform the other housemates…….and dani and kalia just stood there and laughed while she did it.
Which makes me laugh when dani said at the finale that she turned on jeff jordon rachel and brendon cause she didnt want to be friends with ‘those people.’ nope. she wants to be friends with people who poison milk and torture dogs. I think that shows what her real character is.
Of course she will just blame it all on her dadddy one day.
Btw jordon said when she found out about the benefiber that she thinks thats the reason she was sick for 2 weeks. so im guessing she probably spiked food/milk at some other point.
That Porsche is pure evil and she should have been kicked out of the house for that. So not right.
I have watched Big Brother ever since season 1! I am a HUGE fan and enjoy the show very much. By now everyone should know how to play the game. There needs to be a few new things added to make there be surprises where knowing the game just doesn’t matter! I’m ready now for it to begin. Bring it on!