Big Brother 2011 Houseguests enter the House and Early Bird Discount Expires in 4 days
|The Big Brother 2011 Houseguests are in the House!

Shelly, Porche, Lawon and Dominic enter the BB House
It’s happening, as we speak. The alliances are being forged. The backstabbing has begun. Sure, in the beginning it’s all “lovey-dovey.” But already the wheels are turning and people are getting in place to play.
From what we can discover– the new HG’s will find out about the twist on Thursday Night, the same as we will, so at least we’ll get to see the surprise on their faces..
Don’t you know they’re freaking out, knowing something is coming–with only 8 of them in the house?
Who.. Oh WHO are the Dynamic Duos lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce on the Big Brother 2011 House?
One bit of oh-so-happy news I can share. Natalie Martinez has tweeted that she and Jesse are not… I repeat NOT in the Big Brother house.
I’ll wait while you do the happy dance.
We’ll keep digging up info, while we drag ourselves through these agonizing four days- till the Big Brother Premiere on Thursday, July 7th.
And while we’re waiting, don’t forget– there’s only 4 days to take advantage of the Early Bird Discount on the LIVE FEEDS. If you’re still trying to make up your mind whether or not to get the FEEDS- Check out my earlier post on “Why Get the Feeds. PLUS, this Season the Live Feeds will work on your iOS-4 (iphone4, ipad, ipod touch) and Android Mobile Devices. I just upgraded my phone so I could see them anytime, anywhere!
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the beast in the house
Hi Beast and welcome. With a name like that, I can’t wait to hear your comments this season!
Thank you god for small miracles…
Ain’t it the truth, Susan- ain’t it the truth!
im sooooo exciteed! (:
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