It is time to find out the two nominees for Week 8 on Big Brother 2013, as a new episode of Big Brother 15 airs tonight on CBS. We find Aaryn as the Head of Household for the week, which is the fourth time we have been in this situation all season long. I’ll say it again: remember when the HGs voted out Kaitlin because she was the bigger threat over Aaryn? Imagine what Kaitlin would be doing in this house then, huh? Watch Aaryn put up her nominees tonight during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and watch with us!

Big Brother 2013 - Episode 23

Last time on Big Brother 2013, we saw Jessie get voted out of the house in another unanimous vote by the HGs. Aaryn went on to win the HoH competition (even though she attempted to throw it for Amanda, but she may control the house but Amanda just isn’t that great in the comps). Now the fun begins, as we see tears and paranoia kick in for these HGs.

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You can catch up on all the happenings from the live eviction show over in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers, or just watch with us tonight in my Live Recap and see what CBS decides to show us!


Don’t want to know what happened on the Big Brother 2013 Live Recap or see who got nominated for eviction by the HoH on Big Brother 15 tonight? Then don’t read ahead!


Here we go…Spencer has been on the block five time and come down every time. How is that possible??? He thinks he could be in a good position for a couple weeks. True? Andy cries again and Jessie was a good friend and seeing her go was tough. Anyone sick of this act?

Aaryn knows that everyone goes to her to get blood on her hands while being HoH. Simple thing: get blood on your hands doing your own thing!!!

Amanda and McCrae talk after the HoH competition and he hates he threw it and she didn’t win. He said he trusts no one in the house but him and her, which sets off Amanda and she cries and hides behind a trash can to cry more! Spencer and GinaMarie talk in kitchen and GM says something smart: Amanda is going to ruin McCrae’s game!

Elissa is now worried with Aaryn as HoH and she feels it is going to be her against Helen on the block and Helen says no way. Helen feels she has become good friends with Aaryn, so she goes in and kisses some major butt and she tells her that she is better than Janelle. Another pep talk from Helen on Big Brother 2013.

Amanda needed a little alone time (apparently while hiding behind a trash can and crying) and now she is ready to make plans for next week and her plans: put up Helen and Elissa and Helen is going home! McCrae then talks with Aaryn and she wants to put up Spencer and Elissa and that is best for her game, but here comes Amanda and she wants Helen up there and she says all and all must follow, but tell them both they are not the target. Andy comes in and agrees, but look at his “big move” last week as HoH, right?

Titles for 3AM Alliance: Amanda is The Mastermind, Andy is The Agent, Aaryn is The Beast and McCrae is The Enforcer. He hates the name, but any name is fine as long as it is not Little Girl!

Aaryn gets her HoH room and who is not excited to see this? Elissa is not excited and I guess they ran out of pictures, so now she is with goats! Amanda is throwing out some big jealousy and using her mud mask and stealing her “winners blanket” to rub off on her.

Helen and Elissa talk and Helen wants her to talk to Aaryn and smooth things over, but she does not like her and feels uncomfortable with her and what she has done in the game. Elissa now has her breakdown and misses her family, so Helen brings on the tears and “misses her family too” and try to win the game if she is here anyway. She then tells Helen that if she goes to jury than she would go home and not go to jury house. This upsets Helen because she wants her vote in the end. So, Helen is that confident that she is going to the end?

Helen brings on the tears and heads up to the HoH room and outs Elissa on what she said and they all listen to her, but the funny thing is that everyone in that room is going to come after her this week (besides GM and Spencer). Aaryn said it is a slap in the face that Elissa doesn’t want to go to jury, but she did try to get her out two weeks in a row. When will Aaryn grow a pair when it comes to nominees and not just in the Diary Room?

Have and Have-Not Competition: they divide themselves into teams and Aaryn will play, but will remain a Have even if she loses. Green Team (GM, Amanda, Helen and Elissa) go frist and they have to go in this big, black box and find a hidden key. Once they find it they come out and unlock the box and hit the stop button.

It is completely black in there and it is sticky and there are pans of who knows what and they are all flinging there hands in there. Dust is flying out and they are all dirty. Helen is searching in those pots big time, but the key is right in between them and never finds it! GinaMarie starts doing the pots and she finally searches between the pots and finds it and they run out and hit the busser.

Orange Team (Aaryn, Andy, Spencer and McCrae) head in next. Andy and Aaryn are sliding around the floor and whining. Spencer finds the key really fast, but they struggle with finding the exit door. They find a door and it is a trick door and get slimed! McCrae finds and opening and it is the exit and they get out and his the buzzer on Big Brother 2013.

Times: Green Team – 7:21 and Orange Team – 3:41 and Helen, Elissa, Amanda and GM will be Have-Nots for Week 8!

GinaMarie is from Staten Island and has never met a Korean and Helen is trying to educate her on other people besides on Staten Island. She is just not cultured and it shows!

Elissa has decided to put the personal differences aside on Big Brother 15 and she talks with Aaryn in the HoH room. She says she misses her boys and her family and her yoga mat! Yup, she can’t go into the jury house without her yoga mat!!! Aaryn said if she goes on the block that she is not the target.

Now Helen talks to her and said she will be loyal to Aaryn and she tells Helen that she is fine with Spencer or Elissa going home this week on Big Brother 2013. Helen said if she wins the veto and Aaryn doesn’t want her to use it then she won’t. This is going to be a fun week!

Nomination Ceremony for Week 8 on Big Brother 2013: GinaMarie is safe. Spencer is safe (Helen is pissed). Amanda is safe. McCrae is safe. Andy is safe. That means the nominees for Week 8 are Helen and Elissa! This is huge and she said they are a power duo and they will come after her power duo if they stay in the game! Helen trusts Aaryn even though she is on the block.

What do you think of the nominees from Aaryn tonight on Big Brother 2013?

Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was nominated for eviction on Big Brother 2013 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.

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