Big Brother 2013 Live Recap: Episode 27 – Zingbot Returns!
|Who is ready for an exciting and drama-filled episode of Big Brother 2013 tonight? I am and this should be a good one. We last saw Elissa put up her nominees for Week 9 on Big Brother 15, but does her main target change or did she have different plans this whole time? There is going to be a lot of game talk going on tonight and I think most of us will enjoy it! The Zingbot returns for the Power of Veto competition and I am sure he will have some great things to say about there HouseGuests! Watch it with me during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who are the final nominees for Week 9 on Big Brother 2013 tonight!
Like I stated, things ended last time on Big Brother 15 with the Nomination Ceremony and Aaryn and McCrae going on the block. Elissa and Aaryn have never gotten along and it seems she is determined to get rid of Aaryn, or is she really playing us all? We will find out tonight, but Elissa seems determined to not waste her HoH on getting rid of a weak player!
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With that being said, we have a lot in store tonight on Big Brother 2013: the Power of Veto Competition, the Veto Meeting, Zingbot returning, the house maybe shifting and Amanda taking on the torture approach with a certain HG! Watch it all with me in my Live Recap that follows!
Don’t want to know what happened on the Big Brother 2013 Live Recap? Then don’t read ahead!
Here we go…more tears from Aaryn, as she says she has been doing the dirty work for everyone (i.e. Amanda) and she doesn’t know if they can save her. Doubtful! GinaMarie knows that Aaryn may go home and Elissa is HoH, so GM is being nice. Amanda overhears and she wants to punch GM with brass knuckles. Classy!
GM and Aaryn talk and GM tells her McCranda can’t win anything, so that is why they need her…ding ding ding! Amanda then talks with Elissa and Elissa is avoiding her questions, so she knows there is something going on. Elissa is in the Diary Room and thinking how amazing it would be to get Amanda out and new target: Amanda!!!
Elissa talks to Judd about backdooring Amanda and he is ecstatic! He goes to get Aaryn to go to the HoH room to talk to Elissa. She tells Aaryn that the target is to get Amanda now!!! They will work together to get Amanda out and always expect the unexpected Amanda!!! They are actually nice to each other, even if it is fake.
Time to pick players for the Veto Competition on Big Brother 2013: Elissa, Aaryn and McCrae will be playing. Elissa picks Amanda (and her face hides nothing…she is disgusted). McCrae picks Ginamarie (he is pissed because she will fight to take off Aaryn). Aaryn gets HG Choice and she picks Judd (this ticks off Amanda and questions her 3AM alliance loyalty).
Afterwards, Amanda questions Aaryn about picking Judd and that was a bad move. She thinks she should have picked Andy, but she tells her that he would not have taken her down. She is right, but Amanda thinks she went against the alliance. No, she went against what you wanted.
GM talks with Aaryn and it is great. She tells her to forget about Amanda and then Elissa joins in and they are determined to get Amanda out. Amanda then paces the house and tries to hear every conversation. Elissa and GM are in kitchen and she confronts them about talking about her. Things blow up and GM is not backing down and I love it. McCrae pulls Amanda out of the kitchen and Elissa tells GM to calm down. It was good stuff.
McCrae tells Amanda that was a bad move, so she goes to the HoH room to try to do damage control. She puts on this big act that she has been trying to protect Elissa the whole season and GM is fake. Amanda starts crying and Elissa starts laughing, which is hilarious! She has Amanda right where she wants her: feeling defeated and kissing butt on Big Brother 2013!
Here comes Zingbot: he tells McCrae he always wears shorts because Amanda wears the pants. GM has a Fatal Attraction with Nick. Andy is a pasty floater (and he hates it). He makes fun of Amanda’s tramp stamp and Aaryn is just mean and not acting and Elissa is a cheap imitation of her sister!
Veto Competition Time: they go out to the backyard and have a bridge to roll a ball over. They catch it on the other side and they get one point. First one to 250 wins, but drop a ball and go back to zero!
GM is starting strong and going fast. Amanda is taking the slow pace. Aaryn gets to 29 and drops a ball, so back to zero. GM gets to 51 and drops the ball! Amanda is at 101 and Judd at 91. Judd is having a hard time breathing…smoke another one! He then drops the ball and wants to give up. He is now puking, so he is out. Amanda is at 218 and GM at 207. It is a battle between GM and Amanda and Elissa cheers on GM to do it for Nick! It is close, but Amanda wins it in the end. It was by like 8 balls and GM dropped a ball at 51! Ugggghhh. The plan is gone because Amanda takes McCrae off the block and cannot go up herself, so McCranda is safe and Andy is scared!
Amanda and McCrae talk and Andy pops in. He thinks he might be the renom. Up in the HoH room and Elissa and Judd are talking and she is pissed that Amanda won and she doesn’t want to waste her HoH, but does not give any hints.
Elissa makes a joke to Amanda about throwing the Veto Competition to let Amanda win. She tried to push her buttons and it worked! Amanda goes on a huge rant and says some nasty things (a lot more were not just shown on CBS). She has gone psychotic and all the other HGs see it. She may be trying to torture Elissa, but she is ruining her own game at the same time…if she ever had a gam to ruin on Big Brother 2013.
So, Andy tried to work his magic and goes to the HoH room and says that he hates what Amanda is doing and feels bad for Elissa and know she has at least one friend. What they didn’t show? This was a plan that was thought of with Amanda to make Andy look good and not be the renom!
Veto Meeting Time: Amanda tells Elissa that no one comes between her and her man (Rachel’s line). Elissa gets up there and said Rachel would be disappointed that someone like her would use that line and puts Andy up on the block! Amanda gets up and calls Elissa trash and adjourns the meeting!
Andy then says in DR that he can’t work with McCranda any more and they must go. Is he serious? What do you think of the final nominees?
Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who are the final nominees for Big Brother 15 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.
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Does Amanda not know that everybody lies, and that is the nature of the game. She acts like she is the only one allowed to play. I do hope something happens and she is shown the door, not the jury house.
Somebody please get this broad off the show and keep her off, I have seen dome dumbasses in my day but she is really the winner.
All I can say is that A-Man-Daaa is an ignorant loud mouth bitch. She surely showed that tonight….
She is officially the worst player in BB history!!–She just passed Dick Danato!
I hope that yahoo is put in her place!!! IGNORANT, CRAZY and PSYCHOTIC!!!! Amanduhhhh NEVER should have been on the show!!! A disgrace to sportsmanship!!
PLEASE PLASE Big Brother PLEASE hear our payer. You must give Elissa The Diamond Power of Veto before Thursday’s HOH comp. PLEASE PLEASE We Elissa’s fans beg of you.
I so agree they need to.send. the crazy girl pleaselet elissa get .diamond veto.
OMG McCrae just said SHENANIGANS!! LOL
LOL..are you sure you didn’t send a banner plane?
HAHA!! you caught me. He saw my banner plane. hehe
You got a banner plane over the BB house … and THAT’S what you put on it?!?!?!
LMAO! I just really like that word, Lilly
Well, thanks you you, Kesha, I now know how to spell it! Thanks!!
hehe you’re welcome
I know that is too funny! When he said it I thought of you Kesha LOL
I was reading some updates this morning and the blogger said “Aaryn and Judd were up to shenanigans last night”. I thought of you Kesha. In fact i will never hear the word again without YOU popping into my
LOL…did McCrae just say shenanigans?
Kesha are you watching?
lmao!! Yes and i almost spit out my beer! hehe
Lol Kesha. Beer=Big brother time!
It’s amanda’s fault.. she drives me to drink. hehe
After watching all that… i need another beer!
Me too. let me have all the beer & we’ll play whatever by my rules & I’ll dole out the booze as I see fit. Sound fun? don’t cha just love me?
Sick woman.
She manages to make a sexy outfit look trashy for the POV ceremony. Why am I surprised?
I know right, and then calls someone else trash. LOL Irony
Can someone say CELLULITE!
Someone should have asked her if she slept in her garbage can last night because she’s looking trashy
How do you call someone “trash” when you look like a cheap hooker playing dress up.Millions of sperm and she was the fastest one.
No she wasn’t the fastest. She just bullied the rest of them.
Let’s VOTE: Which is funnier, Cat’s “zings” or Mel’s “ZING” comments?
Thanks for the chuckles this evening, BBB friends!
She makes Dick Danato look like a choir boy!!
OMG LMAO! You guys are killing me here hahahahaha
When I seen what she was wearing I thought to myself “really?!” she must be getting ready for a Jerry Springer appearance and not a Veto meeting!
….and she had the audacity to tell Elissa “sit down trash”!
Reminds me of the saying…pot calling the Kettle black!
Jerry Springer – that’s PERFECT, JO1!!!!!! (Once again with the spot-on analogies….)
First time I ever turned off big brother. This season is terrible between the bullying and racist comments. Verbal abuse is as bad as physical abuse. Amanda should be pulled from the show. Will not watch until that happens!!!!!!!!
I wish I had they kind of wilpower. I’m happy they are finally showing the real Amanda on CBS instead of giving her such a nice clean heroic edit like they were before. I guess they just ran out of nice, she just doesn’t do enough nice. hehe
LOL I really need to proof read my comments better before I submit.
Every three minutes they show her stuffing her face (mostly in bed – of course).
Words can’t express how vile Amanda was tonight! That rant of hers was over the top! McCrae will have a hard time betting rid of her when all this is over! He will have to chew his leg off to get out of her clutches!!
I didn’t watch the Amanda show also known as big brother tonight. I don’t know why they allow her to do anything she wants to last season a man got kicked out for less
James 12….after this nasty Amanda experience this will be my last BB……
I have been a loyal BB viewer and agree with the comments made tonight about Amanda’s behaviour. Unless they pull her out..this will be my last season watching. It was horrible to watch!
Dick Danato wishes he was as putrid and vile as Amanda!! When she gets out of the house, there will be no one on Earth that will EVER marry her!!
You mean not even McCrae?
Cbs you are disgusting for supporting bullying and racism.
I am glad that CBS is showing just how vile one person can be!! This is the way the World is today!! Full of hate and ugliness! I hope when she gets out of the BB house and sees how she acted and hear how the whole country hates her–She will never show that ugly face of her’s in public11
Amanda is a classless sow and should be removed from the show. She is abusive.
Just let her keep it up! She is destroying any way she can ever show her putrid face in public again!! Everyone in the US hates her! She will never sell another house–or keep any job! She will be constantly be reminded of the horrible, sickening way she handled herself, in the BB house!
Disappointed in Zingbot. Obsessed with Babybot.
I am not watching this show anymore Im finish, I hope everyone will follow. It is not worth it. Amanda is just a mean girl, and a bully, She has so much hate in her eyes, it scares me. She has said thing like killing and raping other house guest and stabbing people with scissors. I think Cbs and BB should be fine. They let this go on for to long. I really think she needs to get help for her anger before she hurts someone. She is the mean us person in the history of BB. I think she is the most hated Girl on any tv reality show. Bb NEEDS TO GET HER OFF, BEFORE THEY LOSE ALL OF THERE VIEWERS OR SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS AND THEY WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
I agree. If I were them I would worry that Amanda might carry out her threats or that another houseguest may finally not be able to take it anymore. I bet they signed waivers that if they get hurt they can’t sue.
That really is hate in her eyes My sister in law looked at people the same way & she ended up in a psycho hospital.
When she gets out of the BB house–if there is anyone who will care anything about her–should get her professional help, before someone takes out a gun and makes her shut her mouth! She is going to have to live with the way she has acted on BB, for the rest of her life! People will remember just how ugly she acted and they will treat her with that same respect1 Who will ever buy a house from her or who will ever give her ANY job?? She has cooked her goose!!
The fact that they didn’t show all the nasty stuff Amanda did, like the pad, and the condoms, proves that the show is biased towards her. It may not be fixed but it is not showing the absolute truth when it comes to this horrible excuse for a woman.
You are too kind to Amanda by calling her a woman,she is definitely NOT what I call a woman, as a real woman would not act the way that she does. I would, however, refer to her as just a female.
They may not be done yet. There is still the update before the live vote tomorrow. Still, there are some things that might not ought to be on the milk-toast version on CBS….
Amanda should be thrown out of BB house.Shame on CBS
Do you all really think Zingbot is funny? I could do better!
Once again Elissa showed class and dignity. I don’t know how Amanda thinks her antics are good for her or her boy toy. Amanda is pure trash and McRae isn’t any better. As Amanda is making a butt of herself he is grinning. Guess warchng $500,000 go out the window is kinda funny….
I agree, Elissa is definitely a classy young woman, she deserves to be called a woman as well as a lady. And I loved that Elissa was laughing in Amanda’s face and that Amanda was too stupid to realize it.
I have never hit anyone but if I had been in the same room with Amanda when she was tormenting Elissa, she would be nursing a black eye. Elissa had more restraint than I would have, she does have more class besides Mcranda are pigs. I guess some of them are so lazy that they don’t know how to clean up after themselves. I would be ashamed to be on tv and show to everyone what a lazy pig I am with no manners.
Amanda & Mcree are total pigs.. They lay in bed all the time cutting people down and eatting and let their room look like a pig pen with trash, food and clothes thrown all over.. I would think with nothing else to do while locked in a house they could atleast clean up after themselves.. I hope they see what real slobs they are and how rude Amanda is. Makes you wonder if Mcree is just using her to get to the end becauses he is afraid of her too.
I was thinking conspiracy! Maybe Amanda is working for someone to take down CBS like maybe ABC, NBC, or even Fox? Uhmmmmm! Because she was so over the top. If she vets eliminated she then goes on TV , poor me I Was used and taken advantage of in that place. Just throwing that out there:)
Now THAT sounds like a more reasonable conspiracy theory than CBS shooting themselves in the foot with this … person.
I’ve been a fan since season 1. Bullying in schools we’re trying to stop but allow it on national t.v. I hope and pray Amanda gets out of this house next week can’t handle her any longer. Even if I didn’t like someone I wouldn’t allow this type of behavior to carry on. I feel they really need to bring pandoras box in and let Rachel come in and bring Amanda some of her own medicine. Now that would increase ratings!!
Glenda, in the first season didn’t America get to vote for eviction? Also I remember voting to give Eddie the money. Am I imagination it?
amanda need to go. bb you all make me sick. it all about the rating and money.elissa had none but hell this. she hoh should been good. but amanda got mad becouse she did get her way again.she and mcc run the house but elissa not play ther game.
If by some WILD chance Amanda gets Pandoras Box…i hope it contains the game Candyland. And a copy of “How To Win Friends and Influence People”. And free lifetime tickets to sensitivity training. She would be so upset she might self-evict.
Cat; If by some WILD chance Amanda wins HOH and gets Pandoras Box, then THAT is the box I want her to get.
I hope Amanda’s employers meet her with termination papers after the show as GM’s and Aaryn’s are. I would NEVER allow her to represent my company!!!! Disgusting.
Who would ever buy a house from her?? I’ll bet that CBS producer, Allison, who is her friend, will have a lot of explaining to do!!
LUUUUCY, you got sum splaining to do!!! hahahahaha
I hate to say it but they need to keep Aaryn and vote out Andy, Andy will do anything and he thinks he is safe with the whore and her boy,I am praying Judd or gm gets hoh next week and those 2 trash bags go up, if Amanda could get any trampier she would be in a porno show, get out of bed stop eating every 2 seconds and stop climbing on grosso boy you are sickening and childish the way you were with Elissa and then gm everyone had now seen your garbage it is time for you to go.
Someone must have played a sick joke on Amanda and removed the mirror from her room before she got dress for the veto meeting, because she could not possible have looked in the mirror and thought that she looked sexier and more elegant than Elissa. When she stood there looking every bit the Vile, Sick, disgusting, Trash that she is and turned to Regal and Classy looking Elissa and said “Sit Your Trashy Ass Down” I thought that didn’t just happen I’m pretty I didn’t hear what I thought I heard. Did I???
Guess I was still using my hand to shut my mouth that kept dropping open tonight — missed that bit of irony!
I’d read about all this happening (and much more) and I was still appalled. Shouldn’t have been, I know, but I was.
yes you did
I wish America had a percentage of the vote like other reality shows.
I am ready for Amanda, Elissa and GM to go – then I will enjoy watching BB again – enough with the fake boobs and the drama queens already! I am saying my rosary for Judd every day – he is the only one I can stand and I hope he gets the moola!
drama queen that would be howdy doody aka Andy
Hey all you long islanders ! Don’t by anything that’s listed through bully Amanda !And if you see her nasty self on the streets bully her just like she’s done on the show ! And to her parents you should be ashamed of how she has turned out . And McCray you better run as fast as you can the other way !!!!
how can he run he is tied at the hip, also if tried she probably try to kill him too
Okay, add stupid to the hgs’s qualities. One of them just asked what “bosom buddies” meant and Andy said it was a derogatory term for “lesbos” so you better not say it cuz people will think it’s bad.
Ugh. I’m watching BBAD alone again…. Mimi, where are you?
There are 8 people in this house, and our choices are basically watching Andy chomp on a sandwich or McCranda lay on each other and just stare into space (oh they were kissing a bit ago and talking about how their parents would meet in a month and how they watched them fall in love on tv…).
Hmmmm… let me choose….
Wait…. I think I’ll go find a sharp stick and poke it in my eye!!
Better yet, I’ll just head off to bed.
See you all tomorrow BBB friends!
Okay, I confess, I didn’t turn the tv off fast enough. I SWEAR whoever produces BBAD (wow, do you actually PUT that on your resume if you’re in Hollywood??) HATES us:
Back from commercial…. I’m lulled into quasi-pleasant viewing of Judd, Elissa and Andy (who has stopped chomping dry cereal) play a nice little game of Jenga, teasing each other a bit. Cute.
Cut to the back bedroom, where McCranda are laying in bed and Spencer is saying something about telling someone he would put HIS hands on someone’s titties. Ugh! (Perish the thought…!)
Okay, I know guys talk like that sometimes – and I know the Jenga game wouldn’t win an Emmy, but PUH-LEASE!
Wow Tom Hanks would be suprised to learn that he is a lesbo. I guess I’m old I remenber the show
I remember that show (wasn’t particularly a fan). Indeed, I remember when the term had a GOOD meaning. I’ve used it before!
I remember that show too. For me, bosom buddies always meant a close friendship. But Andy is actually right. It’s sometimes used to describe lesbian relationships. Although it is not meant to be derogatory. But i guess if you’re a snarky person it could be taken that way.
It would be a big bite out of amandas ass if they let her go just before she wins. Hopefully she won’t get that far. She is a hateful person that needs help. Her family is probably so ashamed of her and the way she acts. You might think she’s the star of the show, but you are losing viewers.
Please all you Asian people with lots of money to spend. Go to dumb ass place of employment tell them you want to buy a house ! Then say but I will be going to your competition and give them your money ! Hopefully she’ll get fired and then they both can deliver pizzas and live under a bridge with the homeless . Give them a real reality check . Lol
who would take a pizza from them it might have finger and or toe nails in it zing
PLEASE DO NOT LET AMANDA OR MCRAY WIN HOH,,,,I think EVERYONE in the house has had their fill of them.. Mostly Amanda, she realy is disgusting……Can,t wait till she,s gone..
I think she is an only child and is use to getting her way. Her parents spoiled her rotten and she thinks she is entitled. BB will let her act whatever way she wants as long as she does not hurt anyone physically. There are many shows out there that allow the people to fist fight. Bad Girls Club and some MTV shows. This is nothing compared to them. She makes us hate her. We as viewers need this to keep us watching. I am not condoning her behavior but she is the one that has to live with it not me.
She’s not an only child. She has an older brother and a younger sister.
Ahhh, the bratty middle sibling who is starved for attention!!! That explains some of it….
After tonight it will be 2 am. hopefully next week it will be 1am
I was reading one of Amandas pre-interviews before coming into the BB house and i have to say it’s laughable now. She says she’s going to play the game like this: “I’m not going to be too aggressive. I’m not really down for a showmance. I want all the men to want me but not let any of them have me. I plan to listen a lot and bond with the women”. WTH?? Thats hilarious when you see how she acts now. Some of the things her father says (in an interview) don’t quite add up. He says she was bullied as a child because she was jewish. And that she has a black adopted cousin that is autistic and she’s very sensitive to bullying of people with special needs or bullying in general. She has always stepped in and spoken up for the person being bullied. where IS that Amanda? Certainly not in the BB house. Am i missing something or has she done a 180 degree turn from her true personality?
To be fair (which I really hate to be…), I think we can probably all agree that the BB house brings out the worst in its hgs. It’s not fun being away from everything and everyone you know for 90 days – not to mention locked up with strangers, knowing you can’t leave, AND trying to play a game for $500,000.
That said, this house just seems to be FULL of the worst possible slugs who have no shame about “letting it all hang out” – literally and figuratively!! This house and the game can’t “make” you do things or be someone you’re not. Freakishly horrible behavior is not the exception, its more the norm. The kinds of things Spencer was saying last night on BBAD – I totally see how he thought that stupid joke about child porn was funny.
Back to Amanda. I think she just must have been particularly good at putting on a fake face for those around her before BB. (Why she doesn’t seem to care that everyone she knows, and DOESN’T know, is seeing her at her worst is beyond me.) That makes sense if she was in sales.
I really think it’s possible that she and her family think she doesn’t tolerate bullying outside BB. I honestly believe she and many of the others in this house have NO CLUE that their behavior is deplorable to most people watching. (Even people who SHOULD be objecting to things said – or look a little uncomfortable about them sometimes – sit in the room and nod.) Sadly, I’m afraid this may be the new normal for many younger persons.
**heavy sigh**
I have to agree with you Lilly that the BB house brings out the worst in people. I think the concept of the game is designed for that to happen. It sort of buys into the thought that nice guys finish last. As for Amanda, she also stated that she would “do whatever it takes” to win the game. That part i can believe. Maybe she didn’t realize how hard it would be inside the house. But a COMPLETE turnaround from your supposedly true character is a hard thing to sell to the viewing public.
Agree. No way you “become” a different person in this house. Like many challenges in life, being a BB hg reveals things about you that perhaps even YOU didn’t know!
That’s why I honestly think Andy is going to face some things when he gets out. Other than butchering Elissa whenever he gets a chance to look “big” in McCranda’s collective eyes, he usually doesn’t SAY the bad things (well … except for the F-word every other sentence). But he most certainly LETS them be said around him. He not only doesn’t speak up; he doesn’t leave the room either.
For all the people astonished at what a bad example – especially about bullying – this season of BB has been for kids (like I would EVER allow my daughter to watch this if she were still young!), I think Andy has the most to explain. He may not get fired, but I’d be surprised if he doesn’t find a few friends and acquaintances keeping their distance.
God Lilly, I truly hope not.
As a mother I would be outraged if my girls ever acted anything like Amanda!
My 24 year old is now a mom herself and I know that I instilled all the right things in her because she is now teaching her boys them right out of the gate.
If I was Amanda’s parent we would be having some serious conversations and interventions upon her exit of the game…
I say that we as a society need to stop this degeneration fast!
She is a racist biotch!!!!!!!!!! Her father is a big fat liar. There is no way you can change your personality that much. Besides when someone tells her she is being a bully she has no idea why they would say that.
I agree! I hope people treat her that way when she leaves BB .She’s gonna end up a lonely cat lady .lol
How can production allow this trashed mouth bully to continue with her slandering, bullying,stalking,threatening behavior. Not only has BB sunk to a whole new level but they’ve taken it into the gutter. This has been the WORST of all 15 seasons. I am truly disappointed that CBS allows this behavior to continue without penalty to Amanda (while McCrea laughs while hiding behind Amandas apron! ). McCrea – take your b$&@s out of Amanda’s purse and put them back where they belong!
Surprised CBS has not removed Amanda, but then I heard in a blog that she was friends with Alison Grodner, Producer. Why is she allowed to be on the show if this is the case. Amanda is the nastiest, rudest, most obnoxious and bully female ever to be in BB house. She needs to be removed and the bullying needs to not be allowed in such tight quarters; this nasty little girl has everyone controlled and scared. Worst group ever on BB, the only decent people being Elissa, Judd, Candice, Howard, Helen. Why McCrae has hooked up with this b—-, he sure is weak for a male, to let her wear the pants and run him is pathetic!
I am missing the live eviction ( stupid football game !!!) anyone wtching that can update me??????
Stupid long HoH. Have to work a dozen plastic eggs through a maze of chicken wire. Gonna take an hour or two, looks like. Aaryn went home, btw.