Big Brother 2013 Live Recap: Episode 32 – Let’s Bash Elissa Now!
|There has been one common theme since the double eviction show on CBS last time on Big Brother 2013: let’s bash Elissa! Why these five remaining HouseGuests can’t move past it is beyond me, but they are so boring themselves that they tend to focus on the evicted HGs and how terrible they were, especially Elissa and her son! I know Andy teaches at a college, but he is still a teacher and should know better than to rip on kids. Anyway, watch the Elissa bashing with me during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who won HoH on Big Brother 2013 tonight for Week 11!
Who would have thought that both Amanda and Elissa would have walked through the doors and sat down with Big Brother host Julie Chen during the double eviction show last time? I had a feeling it could happen, but I was rooting for an Elissa win in the HoH or Veto competition. I wanted her to stay to mix things up and have a week to out Andy as a rat!
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You can catch up on all the happenings since the live double eviction show over in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers, or just watch with us tonight in my Live Recap and see what CBS decides to show us!
Don’t want to know what happened on the Big Brother 2013 Live Recap or see who got nominated for eviction by the HoH on Big Brother 15 tonight? Then don’t read ahead!
Due to tennis coverage, CBS will be starting the show tonight at 8:51 pm EST, so I’ll be back then for the Live Recap!!!
Here we go…it looks like we might have an episode of a lot of recap and looking back at the double eviction night and the behind-the-scenes crap.
GM celebrates getting to send Amanda home. We see Andy trying to cover his butt and Elissa not even trying to convince people. So, McCrae thinks that Andy is lying and he can tell, but he feels he must put up Elissa to not make waves. Elissa is trying though. Why is everyone afraid of making waves??? Andy thinks it is going as planned, but McCrae knows you are lying but too afraid to do anything!
Is anyone else annoyed by Andy here? I could slap him and he needs to go. I wish people could see this crap! We now get some tears from McCrae and upset Amanda is gone and he is not rolling over. Is it bad I am rooting for McCrae to win now on Big Brother 2013.
Now we see GM dancing and celebrating, but she should watch her celebrating. It will not go well for her. Now Spencer is trying to keep the “Andy voted out Spencer and not Amanda” lie going strong. He calls him out in front of McCrae and McCrae thinks it is just the three of them versus GM and Judd now. Stupid McCrae!
HoH Competition: it looks like a video game. McCrae cannot compete. They will get a pixelated image on the screen of a previous competition this season. Once they figure it out, they then have to put a puzzle together of the face of the HG that won. Slowest one each round is out. The winner will be also giving out special gifts!
Round 1: It is the baby carousel and Jeremy won it, which they all know. GM is working on the floor to make it easier to move the pieces around. Judd is done first, but his puzzle is not correct. He fixes it and is done. Spencer completes and then GM, so Andy is out.
Round 2: the roulette competition and GM is done first. Judd is almost done, but screws up the hair again! He then gets very angry and yelling as Spencer finishes and Judd is eliminated!
Final Round: the Big Brother Express competition and Helen won it. Spencer gets done first and he is the new HoH for Week 11 on Big Brother 2013. He feels good, since he won’t be on the block this week.
McCrae feels better with Spencer winning, but he is still feeling alone. Time for Spencer to give out the gifts: GM and McCrae get the gift of friendship and will be tied together by a friendship bracelet for the next 24 hours; Andy gets the gift of wealth, where he will get a chance to win up to $5,000; Judd gets the gift of health and will have to exercises whenever the whistle blows.
It is a drill sergeant voice telling him what to do. Spencer explains to GM why he put her with McCrae and he didn’t want Judd to get close with McCrae.
GM makes a funny: she said she feels bad for McCrae with this because he just lost his ball and chain with Amanda getting evicted and now he has to deal with her!
Spencer gets his HoH room and we see pictures of Spencer without a beard! He looks so much younger!!! Spencer reads his letter from his girlfriend and in the middle of it: whistle and 15 jumping jacks for Judd, the dirtbag!
McCrae is now going to work this situation of being tied with GM and he presents a Final 2 deal. She seems giddy about it and is playing it off well, but McCrae thinks they have a Final 4 deal and he is smarter than we all think. GM says this is why he must go on Big Brother 2013 and be exterminated!
Middle of the night and Judd is still getting the whistles! He is in the Diary Room and complaining about it and gets more whistles!!! The drill sergeant says once he is done with him maybe he won’t be J-U-Double Chin anymore! The whistles continue and Judd is getting annoyed!
Time for Andy to get his gift, so he is able to break open three piggy banks. The total is what he gets to take home. First pig: $85. Second pig: $9! Last pig: 0.83, so he wins $94.83 and I am so happy!
Now GM and McCrae try to get some alone time with Spencer, but haven’t because of their friendship bracelet. GM goes in HoH room and McCrae sits outside the door. Of course, Andy comes up to talk to McCrae outside the door….ugh.
McCrae gets some time and when he is going in Andy asks if he can shower while they talk (I hate him) and McCrae said give him some time. Spencer reassures him that he is safe, but will go on the block next to GM. McCrae is worried though about Spencer, Andy and Judd working together on Big Brother 2013.
Nomination Ceremony: Spencer kicks it off and whistle blows and 17 squats for Judd! Back to the nominations: Judd is safe. Andy is safe. That means McCrae and GinaMarie are on the block. Spencer said that he can’t trust McCrae and that GM put him on the block twice, so his hands are tied.
What do you think of the nominations from Spencer for Week 11 on Big Brother 2013?
Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was nominated for eviction on Big Brother 2013 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.
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It’s soooo hard to work up enthusiasm for this…. But I feel like I need to say something for you, Todd! 🙂
I know it can be rough, but I am excited to see who wins it all from this group. Call me crazy, but I do think it will be interesting to see it all play out.
Boring in my opinion. They are 100% boring! They are going to sleep until the winner is announced.
I agree with Sarah 100 percent BORING!!!! Can’t stand to listen to the little girl Andy he is one of the most annoying ones yet. We needed Evil Dick he would have made it interesting Andy and these jokers wouldn’t be here. The thought of wasting anymore time on this now I just can’t do it. Boring….
Andy…is the biggest rat and lier here is …..don’t the people realize that there true colors are coming out for all to see??
@ deborah dauson, I can’t stand Andy either. Does he ever shut his mouth. He is always talking and never say’s anything important. And the costant bashing of Elissa, is getting relly old and uncalled for. Can’t wait for it all to be over.
All the bashing of Elissa by Andy is because he doesn’t want Elissa to win the Fan Favorite. He said so today “Mon.” On BBAD. He has so much hatred in him for women in general.
andy should be ashamed of himself. If he is a teacher his lying and snitching is not a good example to the younger generation. I am shocked that a teacher conducts himself like that. I suspect he went thru a lot of bullying when he was younger and perhaps this is his way of payback?? He is a floater. My stomach turns when I see his antics
All the more reason to vote for Elissa for Am. Fav player! that is the one thing that I look forward to…the looks on their face when Elissa is voted Favorite player over any of those scumbag degenerates! I am so happy that I dvr the shows so I can FF past Andy scenes…I think he needs some lip injections himself cuz he has no lips (looking like the Joker from Batman) and I swear drool will come out soon…eeewwww!
I’m sorry Todd, but I just don’t care about any of these people, Nothing they do would interest me, Hope McStupid wins, but really don’t care, Just don’t think any of the other HG’s should win
I agree, but as a BIg Brother fan I am intrigued to see it end and how it ends and who wins. Not excited about the winner, but how it goes down is all.
McStupid is a perfect nickname, and I’m with you – I hope he wins… I definetly don’t want Andy or GM to win.
what happened to the nickname McStinky, he certainly doesn’t look any cleaner, I hate when they zoom in on his fingernails, which are gnawed back to the quick, get your fingers out of your mouth McDirty, oh sorry, other nickname, lol
Now if 60 minutes would just get over..
I’m streaming Global tv online so i’m watching it right now. First 15 minutes is a bit boring but picks up after that.
GOD forgive me, I want to slap the SHIT out of Andy!!!! What a hateful little troll!!!
You will have to get in line behind me and many others, Beverly
Many, many others.
Let me!! Let me!!
To many others.If he is a teacher, God help our children.
Cheryl thats whats wrong with universeties. To many 1960’s liberal indoctrinating our young minds.
Stand in line. He is nothing but a snake in the grass. I never hated someone as I do him. I didnt watch tonight, can stomach watching these houseguest. Gm is being pay back by getting hurt. I dont feel sorry for her, God doesnt sleep.
Amen Erin….Karma will get them! God don’t like ugly and they act ugly.
Yes, yes Beverly I agree with you totally Andy’s a troll a whiney one at that!! A nasty little nat that you want to swat..Spencer the king floater, GM IS a true Blonde from rots to tip idiot…Mccrappy needs to man up an put his pants back on and take Amanda’s panties off! I miss Elissa..
oh I so agree, when He yelled at elissa, and said stop lying Elissa, I wanted to go through the tv and strangle the life out of him, that was beyond low, can’t wait for the finale, when it all comes out. and all the trash talking about elissa and her child, wth
Totally agree with you. I bet there would be a very long line behind you to slap him.
Believe me beverly we all would love nothing better than that! He is just plain vile
Yes everyone would love to slap the crap out of Andy, but everyone please understand, It takes years of Practice to be able to year the way Andy does! You just don’t start at the drop of a hat. Andy is the best that I have ever seen, and that take Practice!!!
I seriously can’t stand Andy!!!!…I hope he is out soon!!
Andy will win it all, unfortunately. one hundred percent. hehe
That’s why he doesn’t care about his job or apartment
He really is scum of the earth. The things he has said recently on BZbAD is awful. His parents must want to go into hiding. Just SCUM
JUst when I think i can’t possibly dislike Andy anymore than I already do, he proves me wrong. UGH!
I am sayin 100% he doesn’t. McCrae is going to win HOH and then bye bye Andy!
I sure hope so, Wake up McCrea.He needs to put Spencer and Andy up and get the less of the two evils out Andy the devil hisself. Andy Satan
I am so hoping you are correct, Mr2Nice–Andy’s reaction would have to be priceless–the little snake.
he’d probably cry, like he’s done every chance he gets, such a whiner, loathe him
We can hope, can’t we?
I can’t watch anymore! These 5 make me sick. Everytime I check live feeds/bigbigbrother or jokers, they are Elissa bashing or talking trash about another hg. They are disgusting. I will wait to watch finale and hopefully a decent person (Elissa :)) will win america’s choice! Because none of these 5 deserve a penny!
Totally, 100%, agree with you!!!!!
I don’t even do much the Elissa bashing as it is bringing her son into it. I think it’s pretty much known universally that kids are off limits. These people are scum. I mean we knew GM was trash after the shit she said to Candice but the rest of them turn my stomach (except Judd).
These five have no boundaries–you are right that kids should be off-limits–we know that but apparently this crew is clueless.
I wonder if Andy really thinks the viewers are so impressed by his wonderful game playing–boy, is he in for a rude awakening!:)
Hey, Tessa, you should visit his facebook fan page. I wouldn’t condone the crude language or name calling there, but we are most certainly not alone!
I actually gave up on FB a few months ago but that just might make it worth a few minutes of my time.
Please not andy or spencer.the others don’t really deserve(mabey judd).but really done if them 2 sit at final.andys stabbed all in back.just a good bullshiter.but devious,when scheming.&I do not like how he played the game.whole Bb 15 disapointing this year!!!
What a night Sept. 18th will be. Survivor will be on from 8:00 – 9:30 followed by the Big Brother Finale till 11:00 Awesome!!!
Typical floater fashion. No one has any courage. McCrae AND Judd are BABIES!!! Part of me is gonna be tickled to see Judd slide out the door next, powerless to do anything about it. There honestly is NO ONE I care to win. I continue to pray – only – that Andy does NOT.
Of course, like I’ve been saying for a few weeks now, that’s looking less and less likely.
But it was so great to see Andy not win a lot of money when he broke the piggy-banks. Looked good on him.
I know right! HAHA!
The amount in the last pig he broke open was especially sweet! 😉
That’s about what this season has been worth. 83 cents. And if Andy wins, i hope after taxes that’s about all he has left. He should pay a penalty tax for subjecting the BB fanbase to torture.
That’s it, Cat!! The power CBS could give us on finale night is we get to tax the winner (and doesn’t the 2nd place person get $50,000?), a penalty for pain and suffering.
The money goes FROM their earnings TO Elissa!
Can you imagine the look on Andy’s face if he’s F2?!
True, I was so happy that he didn’t win over $100 and he wasn’t happy you could see it on his face LOL
Yea, small consolation.
After seeing Spencer HoH room photos I see the connection to Andy. Both red hair very pale skin same heads maybe Spencer think of Andy as his son Andy can look at Spencer see what he has to look forward as he age…scary! Just my thinking! 🙂
After seeing Spencer’s photos (Marilyn in the stocks) and hearing the way he talks about women I worry that Marilyn might be more of a hostage than a willing participant in that relationship.
Do you think the poor thing was trying to send us a message by sending that photo? I hope someone in Arkansas will rescue her.
Don’t worry, I’m sure the FBI found her when they were searching his house for child pornography. JK
That was the only high point of the show for me when Howdy Doody won less than $100! There is something about the way his bottom jaw doesn’t move when he talks that annoys me.
What an uninteresting, undeserving group. I already said on another post that I even felt as if I had to disinfect my poor TV after that crew was inside it for an hour.
GinaMarie, enough with the bug spray!! We get it!!!
OMG, Tessa, me too! I’m sooooo sick of the way these four are proud of themselves. What a coup! You set up a 4-person alliance with 7 people left in the house, and you STILL couldn’t manage to lock in the F4!!
They ONLY thing they have to be proud of is that, for the first time this season, ANDY has finally managed to keep his big mouth shut and not a reveal a secret!
Lilly, the only reason he has kept his big mouth shut about the Exterminators is that 4 out of 5 remaining HGs already know! And the 5th one suspects it. Once the next eviction takes place he no longer has to keep the secret anyway. One of the Exterminators will be cannibalized!
Wait, Lilly, he still has some time left before the next elimination–never count the rat out!
I know, Cat. That was my pathetic attempt at humor….
I AM excited to see if Judd “outs” them if they blindside him in the eviction.
Judd might self-evict just to get a cigarette.
Please don’t call Andy Howdy Doody, Howdy Doody was a wonderful little guy…….Not like Andy at all…………
@Linda from Ohio and Jacqueline,
You are so right–I should never have insulted Howdy that way. Please accept my apologies. Howdy taught kids good values–I can’t imagine what characters like Andy are teaching them.
actually cat, he didn’t keep the secret…he told Amanda in his goodbye message about his corny alliance! So technically he didn’t keep a secret yet…go figure LOL
Actually, I should stop referring to him as a rat or a weasel–that is an insult to those two animals!
Someone mentioned they thought andy looked like Howdy Doodie. That is an insult to Howdie Doodie, at list his character was a good guy. Big Brother should never bring him back for future shows.
I just want to slap them all. They have no game moves. There has not been any HOH except Elissa and Amanda that nominated on their own. At this point, who cares who wins. None of them deserve it. Andy and Spencer are the biggest floaters and Judd isn’t fall behind them. McCrae finally steps up his game a little since he doesn’t have Amanda to float behind. As for Ginamarie, I wouldn’t give her bus fare home. She has not earned it.
This BB is such a rip off….you wait 3 months and for what ….a floater to win this game…really sucks…
i have NEVER comment on line about anything b4 but andy totally disgusts me! my brother is gay and he would HATE andy! Hes a professor and is so broke! who would ever want him to teach!He is sooo nasty! I hope he sees all these comments & gives up teaching! if he wins it will be because all the rest of them dont have a clue how to play this game @ still hold your head up!
I know I’m jumping ahead a bit but I have a question:
Did anyone else see, hear or read the conversation about Ian telling the HGs during the Veto Comp that there would be no Vegas trip this year because they didn’t have the funding?
Is it true or does CBS (or whoever funds this junket)just not want to be associated with these people for any longer than necessary?
Las Vegas called and said, “No way!!!”
Actually the Vegas Reality Bash was cancelled back in March (i think it was march). CBS is not associated with it. Meaning that they are not sponsors. Even though a lot of BB HGs go there after the show to meet and greet with other reality stars and there were even live feeds to view the party. Any of the HGs this year would have known that if they were inclined to check it out. BUT – i have read that Ian confirmed this for them. I don’t know if that’s true but i suppose we will find out.
And also the people that actually sponsored the Bash are under fire for misappropriating the funds used for it. I guess their way of avoiding questions is to cancel it altogether. Evel Dick has spoken about this on his twitter site before.
Thanks, you are always a wealth of information but I like Tessa’s theory better. 🙂
Now I am waiting for Judd or GM to spill the beans if one of them does so it could make the Final 4 at least somewhat interesting.
Key word is somewhat!
Ratboy Andy does get more disgusting every day, he is pure hate, I have to mute the sound when he is on, he turns my stomach what a waste of the BB season, I wait all year for BB. Ozzy these people can,t hold their heads up anyway their all insects.
It looks like Cbs is putting the screws to them like they did to there viewers. Only thing is most of the hgs dont deserve to go, but some do deserve to go and that is asham. I thjjink the show should give some of the hg a trip to the nearest Mental Hosptial. I am sure Andy parents are real proud that they raise a lier. I dint watch tonight and I havent watch bbad, I only read the bloggs on the internet, because people are so funny. I know Andy gives gays a bad name.
Andy may look like Chuckie who is the best Floater BB ever had its funny to watch him do his sneaky little shit, didn’t like him from start and I don’t wont him to win, Andy is a Hell of a floater he,s good in what he do, not only he looks like Chuckie he acts like him, he,s sneaky and will stab you in your back that’s why he always says he don’t want no blood on his hands. Elisa for American Favorite
The Elissa bashing continued on after dark last night. andy seems to be concerned that elissa could get America’s favorite. The more Andy talks the more votes will go to Elissa. Spencer mentioned something about rubber bands in elissa’s clothing?? Can anyone fill me in on what they did to her belongings? Spencer, Andy and McCrea are really obsessed with Elissa, they truly seemed threatened by her being in the house.
Elissa was telling the truth when she said that she nothing to do with putting Judd up on the block and his eviction from the BBH. It was last minute decision spearheaded by Helen, Amanda and her posse (that includes Andy). So when she said she didn’t know about it and had nothing to do with it until the very last minute when she was told how to vote, she was telling the truth, and have said so many many times. She said it right after she tried to hug Judd when he was evicted and he spurned her, she just couldn’t understand why he refused to hug her when it was not her decision to put him on the block. She said it to the other house guests(including Andy) She said it in the diary room. She even said to Judd the moment he re-entered the house. So when she was trying to explain to Judd yet again that she had nothing to do with his eviction and please use the veto on her and save her from eviction, The Rat Andy yelled at her to stop lying and called her a liar. Can you imagine Andy calling someone a liar?? it boggles the mind!! Judd is an Idiot !!!I dislike Andy with a passion!!.
Double thumbs up to this post. Watchin BBAD I think both Judd & McCrae are regretting taking her out of the game.
McCrae not so much because of Amanda but more because he has no one to work with and is on to the other players
Judd because I think he knows he’s the odd man out when it comes to the exterminators.
Thanks Mr2Nice!! and regret they should! they made a stupid decision taking her out when they did. That decision just might come back and bit them in the butt. Deservedly so!!
I do not get BBAD (and I am beginning to think that is a good thing!) but I am glad to know that maybe those two are finally waking up although I fear it is too late.
Joycelyne This is Big Brother and Truth does
not get you far in this Game. Well Told Lies
do! Andy is a master of that and saying what
HG want to hear. Judd,GM,Spencer Elissa are just
too Dumb to Win. Andy is not.
I do like the name “Chuckie” better than Howdy.
Jono, I understand!! but for Andy of all people to call someone else a liar is just astonishing.
Ellisa has been echoing that forever, as she did to McCrae about Amanda vote. Honest is not something these people can recognize
So true Mimi!!! so true!!!
I still like Judd, but I know he is going to the jury house. Have you noticed how Andy hates everybody. McCrea never takes a shower from what I see, I don’t think he should move in with Amanda it’s not going to work and tonight we find out he kind of has a girl friend back home, or I should say he had one.
How on earth did this game end up with the dumbest people making it to the final 5. I would to see mcCrae win, but Amanda will just move him to Florida until his money is gone
I know Gary! mind-boggling isn’t it??? I can’t figure it out myself.
OK If MC and Gina are tied together how do they change their tops without untying?
That really wouldn’t be a problem for McCrea because I am sure he wears the same clothes for a while. My husband and I both asked that question last night.