Big Brother 2013 Live Recap: Week 10 Double Elimination
|Hold onto your seats for tonight’s live eviction show on CBS for Big Brother 2013 because we have another Double Eviction night in the Big Brother 15 house and things are going to move fast, but will it end how we all want it to? Big Brother host Julie Chen will be rushing the HouseGuests through a week’s worth of events that all leads to two HGs being evicted and joining the jury house! This is going to be good, so watch with me during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who got eliminated on Big Brother 15 tonight with us!
We saw everything play out last night on Big Brother 2013 and my Big Brother 2013 spoilers have filled us in on everything that has happened since that Veto Meeting. I am dying to see what they show us tonight and what happens with the first vote. I honestly think that Elissa has been messing with Amanda all week and it was a plan she came up with. Am I wrong?
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We will start with a look back at some of the events since Veto Meeting (and maybe the fight between Amanda and GinaMarie) and then the voting begins. I made my predictions earlier and our Big Brother poll has 92% of viewers voting for one HG to get evicted. Check those out and follow along in my Live Recap that follows!
Don’t want to know what happened on the Big Brother 2013 Live Recap or see who went home on Big Brother 15 tonight? Then don’t read ahead!
Here we go…tonight is the 500th episode of Big Brother. How many of you have seen every episode???
Julie Chen is in place and let’s look at things since that Veto Meeting. Seven times for Spencer. Come on, people! Amanda still thinks Elissa should have gone up and now GM has people gunning for her next week. Amanda said it is stupid and GM is jealous of her relationship with McCrae and Nick is gone and GM stands her ground!
Amanda puts the idea out there for Elissa to keep her in the house. She has tortured her and thinks there is no way, but gives her safety to the end. For some reason, Elissa goes with it and they exchange jewelry as collateral. Andy comes in and they want to do a Final 4 with him, Elissa and McCranda. Andy is shaking in his boots.
McCrae said to not get her hopes up and Andy is telling Judd and Spencer about the plan and Spencer could be the target now. He is freaking out, but Andy knows he is about to be outed this week!!! Amanda is getting her hopes up!
Julie Chen talks with the HGs and tells them it is the 500th episode and they will be taking part in a Double Eviction! Spencer and Amanda get to sway the votes one more time. No big words from either of them and blah blah and now here comes the vote. How will Elissa vote??? I am so intrigued to see this!
- Judd votes to evict and exterminate Amanda
- McCrae votes to evict Spencer
- Elissa votes to evict Spencer!!!
- Andy votes to exterminate….err, evict Amanda!
We have a first this summer! We have a tie and GinaMarie has the deciding vote! Amanda whispers she loves McCrae before GM makes her vote. GM puts on Nick’s hat and said nothing personal, but Amanda get da stepping! So, this season was fixed for Amanda to win, huh??? Amanda walks out the door and tells Andy she thought she could trust him. He said she could and is freaking out!!!
Amanda walks out to cheers/boos and she guesses people don’t like her. Amanda has the wedding ring and will keep it if it is real! She tried to out Andy’s game at the end if he did vote her out. Julie said people called her a bully and Amanda said she was just being honest. She said she could have been nicer to people and regrets the Elissa torturing. She said she is not a Jordan. She says McCrae and her are real and he is moving to Florida and he wants a Sugar Momma! Elissa will be getting her ring back and she is mad at Andy!
We now have the HoH competition: it is called “Go Fetch!” and the HGs will run through a doghouse and dig and find two dog bones. They will bring one bone back at a time and first to bring back both dog bones and then go retrieve their key and ring in is the new HoH.
McCrae, Elissa and Judd all have one key. Andy and Spencer have none! McCrae gets the second bone. Returns it to his bowl and gets the key and rings the bell and he is new HoH! This is going to get interesting now, huh? To be honest, I don’t mind McCrae and think Amanda hurt him. He started great and then got wrapped up in her. Do I want him to win, hell no. He will then never get rid of Amanda! I am intrigued to see him work on his own and if Elissa gets to him and tells him she voted for Spencer then we could see Andy as the target!
Nomination Ceremony Time: McCrae puts up GinaMarie and Elissa! Why Elissa? She should be in his ear right now telling him that she voted out Spencer, unless he is planning a backdoor of Andy? This is so intense!
Power of Veto Competition: only six HGs remain on Big Brother 2013, so all of them will participate. The competition is called “The BB 500” and they will move a car through a maze and first one down wins Veto.
McCrae and Judd seem to be moving fast. Spencer is struggling. Andy is doing really well, but he could be in the wrong track! The last person I want to win is Andy!!! Judd is right at the end and he has won the Power of Veto! Now will he use it? Doubtful since he doesn’t want anyone but Elissa up there. He is looking for McCrae though and this could be interesting!
We have some drama and Andy is blaming Elissa for things and everyone knew and Elissa knew, but she denies it. I don’t know what they are talking about.
Veto Meeting: Elissa said she did not know about the backdoor. GM said she had no idea and he won it fair and square. Judd chooses not to use the Veto, so the nominations stay the same on Big Brother 2013. It looks like Elissa is leaving tonight and we are stuck with Andy for another week.
Time to vote and Elissa said she didn’t lie to Judd and never nominated Spencer and never lied to Andy and GM has more votes in jury. GM is loyal she says. Time for the vote:
- Spencer votes to evict Elissa
- Judd votes to evict and exterminate Elissa
- Andy votes to evict Elissa
The votes are in and another unanimous vote and Elissa has been evicted from Big Brother 2013. She made it further than I thought she would.
She talks with Julie and said she thought McCrae voted Amanda out because Andy looked shocked! She made it further than her sister did on her first time on the show.
So, coming up on Big Brother 15 on CBS: Sunday night we have the HoH winner (I’ll have the spoilers later tonight when it is done), Wednesday is a special eviction night and the Final 4 will be in place and then on Thursday we will have another eviction and the Final 3 will be in place!!!
Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was eliminated on Big Brother 15 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.
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So, I think everyone can agree that Amanda will be going home tonight. I think Andy & Ellisa will vote for her eviction, and she (Amanda) will realize that Andy is a snake and had a hand in blindsiding her. She’ll definitely be more pissed that Andy voted her out, than Ellisa. She’ll go into the jury house and go on one of her rants and she will be damned sure that everyone knows about Andy (They already know how she feels about Ellisa, so they won’t think anything about Amanda talking shit about her) Helen will speak up, because she had a suspicion that Andy was playing different sides of the house. Candice and Jessie were both somewhat close with Andy (Jessie more so than Candice) and since they’re both easily manipulated it would Be easy to convince them that Andy is the rat. Granted Amanda did treat Candice & Jessie like crap, but I think that with Helen being against Andy, she could convince them to vote against him also. I think Aaryn would be easy to convince also. That would be 5 votes against Andy if he made it to F2. Could Andy be his own demise by pissing off Amanda, while trying to make himself feel safe? Just a thought. And I know that by coming I. 2nd GE would still get money, but if he made it this far making everybody think he’s someone he’s not, Then he deserves it. That’s just my opinion… I still don’t like him.
Andy is a snake. His cute little boy look is deceiving as he is such a lying, butt kissing everyone, and just a rotten person.
Well evicting Elissa just ended my game watching. She was the only one in my book that was decent to everyone, I wanted her to win 🙁 now I don’t care which one of the nose picking/ hands in his pants digging or the double agent wessel snake, or the bad mouthing racist or Judd who I thought was a decent guy but he chose to hang with lowlife which I say Birds of a feather flock together so I don’t care who wins
i totally agree Chris! very well put!
I don’t care who wins. I hope it isn’t Andy or Spencer. I am losing care of GM winning. I can’t believe it but I am going team McRae. The others, even Judd, can suck pond scum.
You would think tonight’s show is having a direct affect on my life. I am so nervous and worried that Amanda will somehow stay. Perhaps she has evil powder to make everything go her way?
Anyway eeeeeek can’t wait
Why is Andy in everyone’s business….with those huge ears he can hear through walls….how crazy is that!!!
yep this game is fixed – guess that is the end of Big brother for me. so sad that i thought this was actually a reality show. so disappointed in CBS
Fixed how?
because why would elissa even think that being a team with amanda and mcrae be a better game for her after what she has been through. so it ends in a tie and gm has to break the tie. all it did was put a bigger target on elissas back. she knew andy was a rat so he would go and tell the plan to everyone so why would she think that voting to keep amanda would go in her favour? production probably told her to vote for spencer and mcrae was voting spencer so it would end in the tie. i cannot fathom how elissa would think that what she did was a good play move in the game.
If she voted out Amanda it ends in a 3-1 vote instead of a tie and Amanda still goes home. Her vote changes nothing and the same results would have happened in the HoH. Elissa was the next target unless she won HoH. If she won HoH we can talk about things being fixed, but she didn’t.
Todd’s right.
Why in the world did Elissa vote for Spencer? GO JUDD!!
Yay! She’s finally gone! Now lets see if Andy can weasel his way out of this one.
I have been pro-Elissa since the beginning but now I am wondering if she is at all bright. What she did tonight makes me wish she and Amanda and Andy can all leave together. I’d crack up if GM ends up winning it all.
Julie could’ve been touched on Amanda but she is out!!!!!:)
I would hate to find out that CBS has rigged the ame. I look forward to this show every year .but if I find out it is fixed I will not be watching anymore.
Did McCray really win HOH or was it rigged?
Bring on Pandora’s box!!! Now their all on their own let the games begin..
Looks like Elissa is a goner!
Yup! Pretty sure Elissa is gone. Maybe next week McCrea will be gone or GM. She will be joining Amanda:(let the games begin again:)
this is crappy!
well – that’s the season for me. How painful is it going to be to watch these remaining characters? So obvious that they will need to bring in Pandora’s Box or some other twist just to keep it interesting. Remaining folks are toooooo boring.
Elissa deserves to ho home !! What a sorry move on her part !!
I thought Julie was too easy on Amanda.
I did too. Proberly, because she didnt say anything about her race. She was not hard at all, you could tell she didn’t like Arryn. She even had a differnt tone of voice with Arayn, I think Amanda is freinds with the production and they liked what she did for there show. I think Arryn mom was right when she said they should what they wanted to show. All the bad of Arrayn. A young girl who needs to grow up, and will have to learn the hard way. She lost alot for this show. I think they go on this show to try to get discover and to try to get in to show business. I kind of feel sorry for Arrayn.
me too, probably didn’t have the time to get into it with the DE coming up
🙁 no one left exciting in the house. the only one deserving is judd, i hope he wins. if anyone else wins, they don’t deserve it. mcrae, and andy better not win, i cant stand them,
What the heck was Elissa smoking? Her speech was off the wall with Julie! No worries Julie I believe every one was confused!
I knew McCrea would win HOH is said it last nite it’s already writing he will win the money .If Amanda didn’t stay so she could win ,then they will give it 2 him , either way they WIN … and am done w/BB
i think mc will be next out. not in exterminators. he can’t be next hoh. unless he wins pov he is out
I agree.
Where did you hear that? If that is true I hope the FCC investgate BB and Cbs. I dont they would do that. I dont care who win as long it is not Andy the rat, Spencer the child provert.
Andy, Spencer need to go next but I am afraid it is MC. Spencer has done nothing but sit and pick his nose while he glided to the end. MC should win just for putting up with Amanda. LOL
Lord have mercy… the conspiracy theory shifts to McCrae and winning it for Amanda. Will it never end?
McCrea does not deserve to win anything, by putting up Elissa on the block. Elissa voted to keep Amanda and he took Andy’s side. Andy is a cockroach who needs to be exterminated. Unless he really wanted Amanda out and let someone else take the fall, it was his way of back dooring Amanda. Then he must be a good actor since he has done a few commercials. I don’t even want to watch anymore since Elissa is gone.
Officially done with this season. bunch of mean mean jerks left
I agree Carol what a bunch of jerks . Don’t care to watch anymore. It will be so boring. None of them deserve to be there. I must say though Judd came back with vengeance to play the game. I have to give him that.
I’m glad to hear that people wont watch anymore. I know I wont watch bbad and more. I dont like no one in the house. I guess it pays to be a child porn watcher, even he was kidding. and a red headed ugly rat, and a back stabber Judd, I a, so disappointed in him. I wish would have ratted Andy out for his true colors. I hope Gm wins, she is the only one with any balls. Andy dosnt have any.
And she is the only one to make racist remarks and racist remarks about Elissa’s son, but let’s root for her?
GM has no class talking about Elissa’s son. She is a racist pig with no job now that she has been fired. She is a stalker of Nick who did not consider her his girlfriend In other words she is nuts!!!
Watch out Nicky she is in love !!
nope I’m done too, Thursday night hawii 5-0 or something on the BB
Well Mcnobrains just sent himself too the jury, Once Ellisa walked out the door, after Mcnobrains put her, he is all by himself, Better win veto and everything else, because moron, you just sent the only person that was on your side, So another boring week of Andy telling Mcstupid how much he is on his side and that it was all Ellisa. BB might be rigged by it does look like BB looks for the dumbest people with no common sense to play the game, Come on 10 weeks and no-one has caught on to Andy, give me a break, I have watched BB from the start, and I can tell you that the level of people playing the game has gone down hill, big time, Can’t believe that this is the best that America has to offer, people like me could never get on BB, Because I have common sense, and know how to just set and watch, also I can tell when some one is lying, so that leaves me out. IMO, If some one would just set in the kitchen and watch the HOH room and see how many times Andy has left the HOH room and gone straight to Mcpuppy and Amanda they would know he was a Rat. Come on BB pick people that would play the game the way it is suppose to be play, I will say that this years BB has been a Great game of Follow the Leader. At this point I really don’t care who win’s. All I can do is hope next season will be better. Yea right the will happen!!!
Since we know if one of the “exterminators” win, they will vote off Mcrea. That leaves a final four of a snake, a slug, a shady f*ck and a power hungry racist biotch……I guess I will be watching football for the rest of the BB season. NONE of the exterminators DESERVE any money at all…….
You want people to speak up yet you shoot them down. What a country you live in. After watching last nights episode I’m even more than convinced that Production and CBS had to do something to make themselves look good. Think about it.The remaining house guests, what a joke. All they have done in the last 7 hrs. is make fun of Elissa and make racist, crude and sexist remarks. This is what is representing USA. I hope this is the last season for BB USA this season was a disgrace.
Think about this. After last night, CBS,s ratings are sure to go down & that’s why nothing was rigged. When homanduh was evicted, it changed my mind from perhaps being rigged to not. Some of you are going to find a way to say it’s rigged no matter what the results are.
did not say rigged, said CBS & production had to do something to make themselves look good. You are reading what you want not what I said. No wonder there is so much mis-communication. Think about that!
Homanduh.s exit interview made her look like a saint compared to Aaryn. That’s wrong. It should’ve been the other way around. I’m disappointed to say the least.
Once again, homanduh showed she has no class. After Ian helped vote out Boogie on BB 2012, Julie asked Boogie if he was mad at Ian, & Boogie said something like. No. My hats off to him & I’m proud of him. When Julie asked homanduh if she was mad at Andy, she said “yes”. She’s a classless piece of shit in my book!
Also, did ya’ll notice what a good sport she was after the vote? NOT!!!! Why that thing thinks she’s more entitled than anyone is beyond me.
I didn’t observe anyone named “homanduh” on BB USA, I did observe a girl named Amanda on BB USA. This is a perfect example of not just you but many others being just as bad as those in the BB House. There is no need for name calling you are just feeding the host of this facebook page with more stupid ideas than already exists.I do not view this as a joke rather you mock society’s people.
Dominique, I agree W/ you that the other house guests are a joke, but I wouldn’t think someone like you would be saying this. I know you said what a joke, but it’s no different than calling them a joke. As far as saying production & CBS did something to make themselves look good, that’s the same as saying it was rigged, & if I’m taking anything you said out of context, maybe you should think about rewording your view points differently so there’s more clarity in what you mean. And as far as nicknaming that thing any differently (it wasn’t me who started it[it’s an apt name though]), it’s not gonna happen. She,s one despicable person & I’ll treat her as such. I’ve always stood up against people who are bullies & she’s the worst kind. If she can learn anything by what people like me are saying about her, then mission accomplished. If you think she’s a good representation of what’s good in the good ole USA then fine.
By the way, I never capitalize her name either. She doesn’t deserve that type of respect from my view. Hip, hip hooray, the evil witch homanduh is gone.
gayr: This was and is my opinion: Saying “something was done to make them look good”,look each word up in an english speaking dictionary. They do not add up to the word rigged. I think you did take it way out of context.I was very careful with my choice of words. I do not agree at all with how Amanda behaved or how she bullied the other houseguests. I do not tolerate bullies at all nor do I tolerate racists. I do not know what you mean by “someone like me”, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I am 100% against bullies and racists being I’m a minority. If I offended you in any way, sorry gayr no need to attack. Do you enjoy antagonizing people for expressing an opinion?
sorry I spelled your name wrong, garyr it was an honest mistake.
Okay, you didn’t say rigged, so we’ll choose your words & just say that production & CBS had to do something to make themselves look good. To me it all sounds the same, however, I didn’t know that was going to cause such a big to do for you.
You can call me gay, & that’s your prerogative & I can call that thing homanduh, & that’s my prerogative. I can take being called gay, but congratulations you’ve just joined the ranks of myself & many others.
I’m not sure if I will even finish watching the season, i deleted them from my DVR this morning….CBS!!!/Big Brother!!!!!
With the good players gone, I don’t know, I can’t really see myself watching anymore bb usa. I think I’ll stick to science fiction.