This possibly be one of the worst weeks for me on Big Brother 2013, as the three players up for eviction on Big Brother 15 for Week 2 I don’t mind. Yes, it is still early in the season, but there are plenty of people in the Big Brother 2013 house that I despise and these three people are not any of them. How could Elissa, Helen and Nick be on the block this early in the game and all at the same time? I still need to make my Big Brother 2013 predictions for the Week 2 eviction and you can find them in our Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

Big Brother 2013 - Week 2 Nominees

We got to see the final pieces put together last night on Big Brother 15, as CBS showed us that Elissa won MVP and nominated Jeremy, but then he won the Veto and took himself off the block. In a move that will haunt her, Elissa did a renom of Nick to leave it at Helen, Elissa and Nick on the block!

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So, who is getting voted out tonight? CBS knew Elissa was going to have a hard time in the house, which is why I think the MVP twist was added in this season. Elissa made a bad move by using the renom on Nick and not on Kaitlin, but she was going off what people were and weren’t telling her. I think if Andy would have shared with Elissa that Aaryn might be gunning for a Kaitlin eviction then Elissa would have nominated her instead.

As much as it appeared that Elissa would be going home, one of the reasons why Big Brother is so great: you just never know until the vote actually happens. There were some major events that happened last night during the Live Feeds! It looks like they have enough votes and Nick will go home tonight! This will shock the hell out of the HoH Crew and the Moving Company, but it looks like McCrae is jumping ship and I am predicting Nick will go home!

Who do you think will go home tonight on Big Brother 2013?

Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was evicted on Big Brother 15 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.

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