Big Brother 2017 Spoilers: The Final Power of Veto Winner Is…
|Tonight we watched as Paul secured the Head of Household win this week on Big Brother 19 and we know who he nominated, but who won the Power of Veto? Keep reading my Big Brother 2017 spoilers to find out which of the remaining HGs secured the Power of Veto and will help dictate who moves on to the Big Brother 19 F3!
Did Josh or Kevin finally win the POV so they could save themselves from eviction on Big Brother? Did Paul win the POV so he could keep noms the same and get rid of one more HG? Or did Christmas win and secure her spot in the F3? Lets be honest here, not one outside of the nominees should be using the POV, but with this cast, you never know! Keep reading to find out who won the final POV of the season!