Big Brother 2017 Spoilers: Week 3 Nominations Announced!
|It has been an interesting few days on the Big Brother 19 feeds with HGs planting bombs in the house trying to get other HGs targeted. We all know who I’m referring to, but in case you don’t, I’m talking about Paul. This week at the vote he had Kevin throw in a hinky vote, keep reading my Big Brother 2017 spoilers here to find out how that is playing out!
The hinky vote that Kevin threw into the mix last night on Big Brother 19 has been blamed on Dominique. In the picture above, Ramses is talking to her trying to find out if she voted to evict him. She is trying to figure out why he is spreading things about her, but he isn’t. Alex has been keeping an eye on this situation, find out who she put on the block this week right here!