Big Brother 2015 Predictions: Final 4 Eviction – Who Goes Home Tonight?
|The highs and lows of Big Brother 2015 continued last night, as we went way up high after the eviction on Big Brother 17, but then sunk back down when the Live Feeds came back on. Can we go back up tonight on Big Brother 2015? So, who goes home tonight on Big Brother 17? Find out my Final 4 predictions below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
>>>Click here for our Final 4 Live Eviction Show Recap!!!<<<
Last night on Big Brother 2015, we got to catch up on things going on inside the house. We saw the Power of Veto play out and John almost throw it until Steve came close to winning it and John pulled out the victory. Vanessa decided to put up Austin as the renom and then proceeded to vote him out of the house after the vote ended in a tie! The show ended with Steve winning HOH for F4. From there, the Live Feeds came back and we found out the Vanessa won POV for the Final 4 and she was calling the shots.