Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Power Rankings – Week 8
|While the Houseguests on Big Brother 2015 seem to have taken a week off to calm down, I think we could be in for a big storm come Thursday night, or at least I am hoping. Because of the slower week, it makes it harder to rank them because no one has done anything on Big Brother 17! Find out my rankings below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Week 8 Eviction Show Live Recap!!!<<<
While we didn’t see a whole lot of activity this week, we have seen some HGs improve upon the power they have in the Big Brother 2015 house. Before I head into this new week of power rankings on Big Brother 17, check out where the HGs ranked in my Week 7 Power Rankings! Now time for me to rank the remaining HGs!