August 17, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Week 8 – Power of Veto Ceremony


This has been an interesting weekend in the Big Brother 2015 house, as the HGs all talk about a backdoor plan and wanting a certain HG to be evicted, but no one wants to make the move! I don’t get it, but maybe things will change with the Veto Meeting on Big Brother 17 today??? Check out the final nominees for Week 8 below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap tonight!!!<<<

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Week 8 Power of Veto Ceremony

In case you missed any of our Big Brother 2015 spoilerslets get you caught up:

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August 17, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/16/2015


As much as I have enjoyed Big Brother 2015, I have been equally frustrated with these HGs on Big Brother 17. No one wants to make a move and the time to do that “big move” is always next week, as we are finding out by the latest Austwins miracle thinking. Check out the highlights from Sunday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-16-2015 Live Feeds Recap 5

We had a slower Sunday in the Big Brother 2015 house, as not much is happening right now besides people talking about Vanessa needing to go, but wanting someone else to take the fall for getting her out. The HGs had the photo booth during the day, which Vanessa spent that time outside alone. Then they had a pool party and playing games with the inflatable shark, which spent alone on the hammock and then went inside alone!

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August 16, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Live Recap: Episode 24 – A Shocked House and New HOH


Despite a wild Double Eviction on Big Brother 2015 that left most of us frazzled and not knowing what even happened or why it happened, things moved on in the Big Brother 17 house! They moved on, so we had to move on with them and that meant a new HOH competition for Week 8 on Big Brother 17 and apparently it might be an ACTUAL new comp, as Steve said he never saw it before! I am intrigued to see that one, so watch with us during my Big Brother 2015 Live Recap and see who won Head of Household on Big Brother 2015 tonight!

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Episode 24 Recap

Last time on Big Brother 17, it was Double Eviction night, so we quickly moved through that first eviction and see how the target went from Vanessa back to Shelli and she was sent to the jury house in an 8-0 vote. Then we moved quickly through a week of Big Brother in one night, as we saw Steve win HOH and put up Meg and Jackie as nominees. Then John won POV and kept the nominees the same (per Steve telling him to do so) and Jackie was evicted in a 6-1 vote! The house was shocked and we see that aftermath tonight!

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August 16, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Episode 24 Sneak Peek (VIDEO)


After a crazy and sad Double Eviction on Big Brother 2015, things did not slow down on the house that night, as the HGs were moving on to Week 8 on Big Brother 17! That meant another HOH competition and then nominations talk began and the target fell on someone new. With the sad DE night, could we have some good news come out of the HOH comp and start Week 8 off strong??? Check out a sneak peek at Episode 24 below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap tonight!!!<<<

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - Episode 24 Sneak Peek

If you are one of those people that refuse to read any of our Big Brother 2015 spoilers and you only watch the shows on CBS then you have no idea what has happened since we saw that wild Double Eviction on Thursday night! If you do keep up, then you know all the excitement that has happened since then and the drama and tears that are hopefully shown tonight!

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August 16, 2015

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/15/2015


It was a weird day on the Big Brother 2015 Live Feeds, especially as we were having down time for no reason and getting all the feedsters in an uproar! In the end, pretty sad day with the results of Power of Veto as it sound like OTEV returned for Big Brother 17. Check out the highlights from Saturday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!

>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap tonight!!!<<<

Big Brother 2015 Spoilers - 8-15-2015 Live Feeds Recap

There was a heat advisory in California and production was telling the HGs to stay hydrated. Some game talk, but then feeds went down for over two hours! Most people thought they picked players and then did POV before the heat came. Nope, they come back on to a house full of sleeping HGs!

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