Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/13/2015
|We were riding a wave for a couple weeks on Big Brother 2015, as the good guys were winning comps and things were, kind of, going out way. The Double Eviction came last night on Big Brother 17 and that wave died out and our hopes of a good guy winning may have to! Check out the highlights from Thursday below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
After that terrible DE that saw Jackie eliminated, we had the Live Feeds come back and John was sitting alone in silence, as was Meg. It was determined that Steve asked John not to use the POV and he felt no connection with Jackie and heard she was going to backdoor him (which Vanessa told him), so that is why he was gunning for her. My theory of getting rid of Van over Shelli will continue and this is only part of that reasoning.