For the first time on Big Brother 2015, we don’t have a ton of ground to catch up on, as we have the Nominations Ceremony and Battle of the Block on Big Brother 17 tonight and this all happened on Thursday night/Friday morning after the live eviction show Thursday night! Yes, so we will have a lot of action, but not a week or two of action to cover in one hour. Check it out with us during my Big Brother 2015 Live Recap and see who won Battle of the Block on Big Brother 2015 tonight!
Last time on Big Brother 17, things started with trying to catch us up on days full of drama in 20 minutes! It was insane the amount of stuff they left out, but in the end, we all knew Jace was going to get evicted and it happened. We also found the twins for the Twin Twist this season, which happens to be Liz and her twin sister Julia, who have switched four times so far this season! Then we had the BB Takeover with Kathy Griffin, who will be calling the house seven times this week and the person that answers the phone on the seventh call will be able to decide which three HGs vote that week at the eviction will be thrown out! That is kind of huge, right? Then we saw Shelli and Becky win HoH for Week 2 and now we pick up from there!
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