Big Brother 2014 Live Recap: Week 5 Elimination and HoH Comp
|Everything is place for a backdoor tonight on Big Brother 2014, but will it truly come as a shock to her before the votes are actually counted on Big Brother 16. And will the producers show us the babbling, crying hot mess that Caleb will become when she leaves? This will be too good to miss, so watch with us during our Big Brother 2014 Live Recap and see who got voted off Big Brother 2014 tonight!
Week 5 started with Zach and Frankie winning HoH and wanting to either backdoor Caleb or Amber. Zach acted like a fool for most of the week, which was egged on by Team America trying to accomplish their mission. As we saw last night on Big Brother 16, that did not happen and I was happy to see that. It had to be an argument and not just Zach making a fool out of himself! Team America is back and needs to throw two votes into the eviction against the majority, so could it mess with the plan for tonight?