August 29, 2010

Punishment in Big Brother 2010 **Spoiler**


Hi guys! Not a whole heck of a lot going on in the Big Brother 2010 house, except the remaining HG’s received their second punishment.

If you will recall, the first was BB took away all the cup, glasses, and cutlery.. oooo…  how horrific, huh?

Anyhoo.. At least this second one COULD have some entertainment value.

On the SUPERPASS LIVE FEEDS (remember…Awesome Discount, here)

The HG’s were given Sock Puppets, that they HAVE to speak through. If they talk without using their puppet, they will be a Have Not. Here are the HG’s and their respective alter egos…

Other than this, slightly entertaining tidbit, it was same old…… Brendan and Rachel bashing, Ragan weeping..

thanks, Bigbrotherleak

Bella– one of my faithful commenters, posted a VERY insightful comment last night. I am going to share it here, as she said it better than I could.  Thanks, Bella and I hope anyone of Brit’s acquaintance, keeps one eye on her at all times..(lol-not gonna say it… nope, not gonna say it about the eye… OK! Yep.. Couldn’t resist.. Why has NO ONE commented on the eye???? )

Anyway.. Here is Bella’s post.  THANKS BELLA! Really great!!

Bella said:

This really has been a weak season. It is so odd to hear the final five say(on the live feeds) they are the best final five ever. I truely do not think these people have any sort of sefl awareness. Ragan and britney were still talking about Brendan and Rachel even now. That realy shows you just how little they have going on up stairs. I was so dsappointed in Lane, Enzo and Hayden when they joined in the “mean girl” talk with B and R. It left me with no one to like at all. how can you endlessly make fun of some one’;s physical appearance and then proclaim a life of being bullied(Ragan)?
I will have to give Britney this. She was her catty/make fun of every girl and two guys in the house from day one. So it really is the other players(and especially the ladies) fault for letting her continue to get by with it. But I have a feeling she has a life time of misery ahead of her. Once she got off Rachel and Brendan she has moved on to talking about not being close to her sister and never telling her hello on tv and telling her newest story of how her ex female boss and her would make fun of the other women in the work place, “What’s up with that eye shadow.” She also made fun of some guy she went on a date with. I have never heard her do any thing but talk abdly about people…unless it was Hayden, or Lane Or when she needed him, Ragan.
Has anyone noticed how she has gotten to be less and less attractive as the show has progressed.
I have been really upset with hwo CBS has edited it to look as if she and Ragan are good people. What is up with that?
And as badly as I dislike Ragan I actually wish he would win. I know he is not out with the POV loss. But as least the remaining four would be so ashamed about losing to him. And he is another one who needs some serious therapy.

August 28, 2010

POV Winner-Week 8! Big Brother 2010 **Spoiler**


In case you don’t already know– (sorry, I am a tiny bit behind today)..

The POV comp is done in the Big Brother 2010 house and the winner is……

Yep, Enzo FINALLY won a competition!!  You may now take a moment to recover.. Have the vapors?  Need the smelling salts?? Apparently in the competition, which included searching for CD’s and putting them in some type of container- Enzo bumped Ragan out of the way, brutally, according to a complaining Ragan, to win the comp. Enzo is one fired up penguin tonight!- Actually- he is a penguin no more. He is back to regular (if borrowed) duds.

OK- now what does that mean? Well, obviously Ragan is in deep doo doo..  It is somewhat ironic to see him in the “shun” position now. After ridiculing Brendan for having no friends, and celebrating his greatness, our poor Professor Pouty Pants is all but out the door.

He has only a very, VERY slim chance of survival, and that is predicated on Lane NOT putting Britney up in Enzo’s place.  I was surprised today, to hear Lane and Hayden, talking about taking Brit to F3 instead of Enzo-That would be a punk move, I believe, since you have been proclaiming your “Brigade” Crap since day 1. Although, they already cut Bro-#4-Matt. So maybe only the first time is hard.  Matt, though, at least did have a very tight side alliance with Ragan and so there was some justification for turning on him, but to choose Brit over Enzo??? Now, having said that.. And as much as I don’t care for her as a person.. (I think she is a spoiled, pampered, nasty little thing)…. She has fought. She has won a lot of comps, AND she has played the social game very well.  Enzo has finally won his first comp, here at the final few hours, but he has played the social game beautifully.  Each one is a valid strategy.

I know I have used this pic of Brit before-,but it is priceless and worth a second viewing..

Have you taken the DISCOUNT on the SUPERPASS Feeds?  Pretty Sweet Deal!  Cause, yep… With thediscount, and the FREE MP3 Downloads–you will have the Feeds for Nada!!

So… This week is pretty much a lock, especially once Lane names Enzo’s successor..

Who do you think Lane should put up next to Ragan? AND Who do you want to see as F3?

August 27, 2010

Nominations Revealed- Big Brother 2010 *Spoiler



The Nominations have been revealed in Big Brother 2010!

Lane has made his nominations, and while they may be somewhat surprising, there is a method to their madness.

He has nominated Ragan, as expected, with Enzo as pawn.


He and Hayden planned this-although I am not sure it was completely with Enzo’s blessing. They did not want to put up Britney- although I am sure they have her in reserve in case Ragan wins POV.  HOWEVER, if Ragan shares with Brit his theory about the three boys, and she wins the POV, there is a small chance she could take Ragan down, thereby forcing Lane to put Hayden up. with Hayden and Enzo both on the block.. It could be the end of the Brigade.

Still, this is just conjecture at this point. Sign up for the SUPER AWESOME FREE deal on the LIVE FEEDS– Remember??  One time only $5.00 Discount Code.  Then, when you claim your $10.00 in FREE MP3 Downloads… The Feeds cost you…… NADA!!  I am so sorry, my friends to the North, the Free Downloads are US only.. 🙁

Enjoy the FLASHBACK feature- and all the extras that come with the SUPERPASS!!

And.. Hang on tight, as we anticipate the POV tomorrow!!!

August 27, 2010

Nominations Today— and BIG News about the FEEDS!!


NOMINATIONS TODAY! Stay tuned for the results– Updated throughout the day..

UPDATE: The “Punishment”- BB took away all their cups and cutlery.  ooooooo….da..da..dummmm.. Also, Lane and Hayden making plans. Plan to put up Ragan and Enzo-as pawn. They do not want to tick off Britney in case she wins HOH the next week, she will be the one to get rid of Enzo next week.  Looks like they plan to sacrifice Enzo- take Brit to F3.  Stupid move… Brit has a MUCH better chance of winning than Enzo..

UPDATE: The HG’s are on outdoor lockdown-waiting on their “Punishment.”

UPDATE: Pandora’s Box has struck again.  Lane’s story was that there was a  money tree with different amounts of money in sealed envelopes.  He claims his envelope contained $91.17  AND  there would still be something unpleasant unleashed on the house, later in the day. He will not be left off the punishment- but will suffer with the rest.  Hmmm.. We shall see.. Do you guys believe him?

Brit and Ragan speculated about what the punishment might be- and were able to incorporate their favorite pasttime…Trashing Brendan and Rachel..(Saying that maybe the punishment will be three Rachel look-a-likes to come into the house).. Surprised..  I thought you might be

OK- I know a lot of you would LIKE to have gotten the LIVE FEEDS– for Big Brother 2010—But times are tight, and we have to watch our pennies when we can.  Good news everyone!

You can now get the FEEDS, basically for FREE!!  Superpass has issued us a one-time only DISCOUNT CODE- if you SIGN UP HERE–  Here’s how it works-

  • Sign up here using $5 off Discount Code
  • Pay the remaining 10 bucks
  • Receive $10 BACK in FREE MP3 downloads (US only), of your favorite music,  movies, etc..
  • …Free

People–it don’t get better than FREE!!  I know, I know–you are saying.. But it’s so close to the end, Janet..  Why would I sign up now, Janet.. Here is why.

Because then you will know if you want to go for the whole season NEXT year..

PLUS  with the Flashback feature- you can go back and watch ANY part of the whole season you wish…  AND you can also go back and watch any part of SEASON 11!!Take a look… There is a LOT more going on with SUPERPASS than just the FEEDS- you can see the BB reunions, The Backyard Interviews, post season..  LOTS OF COOL STUFF— (hi.. did I mention it’s free??)

Give yourself a little taste.  Then next year, come back, sign up.. and we can all hang out together.. and  go through the season fully informed!

Lane will make his noms today.. So stay tuned for the results—- Will it be Britney?// Will she go postal on him????   These are the days of the Big Brother Lives…

August 27, 2010

New HOH- Week 8 Big Brother 2010-Updated and NOMS Today! Spoiler**


After a brutal Double Eviction, the Big Brother 2010 house is down to 5..

The HOH competition was played late last night, and your new HOH is………

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen,  The Brigade finally stepped up, and Lane has won the latest HOH.  Brit and the remaining members of the Brigade are ecstatic, of course. The only one, who is probably not thrilled is Ragan.

The HG’s spent their time productively, however…..Several hours of Brendan and Rachel bashing..yay.. how fun.. 🙁

I swear, these people cannot come up with any new form of communication. I find it very telling that those two made such an impression that the others spend most of their time talking about them ad nauseum..

Anyhoo.  Lane will announce his nominations today, and since we know that Ragan will go up, the question is…who else??

Will Lane out himself on the Brigade alliance, by putting her up against her little buddy, or will he keep it a secret and use Hayden on Enzo as a pawn?

Hayden's HOH basket

Stay tuned for the noms, or SIGN UP for the last few weeks of the LIVE FEEDS!  Here at the end, is usually some of the most devious scheming


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