August 26, 2010

Well, Now What?


With two of the best players evicted from the Big Brother 2010 house, the question I have is.. Now What?

Who do we root for?

The brigade, who rode on coattails to get here, Britney- the mean girl, or Ragan- the pompous professor?

I need a little time to mourn..  AND no second HOH comp?? Whatcha doin’ to me BB?”?

I assume the HOH will be tomorrow, so sign up, if you still don’t have the feeds...


August 26, 2010

Live DOUBLE Eviction Show and Endurance HOH Big Brother 2010-Updated


UPDATE:  The HG’s know about the double eviction, and have been told to pack.

Matt takes his suitcase to SR

UPDATE:  I finally get it! I finally understand what it is about Brendan. Yes, he can be annoying, and his voice is just naturally whiny, I think.  But think back to every single John Hughes movie of the 80’s, or the “Mean Girl” type movie of today.

Brendan is the dorky star.  When Brit was with him for their “Night of Chum”.  I thought they both were at their best. Each one helping the other, they did not talk trash about anyone, it was nice, and I think Brit kinda changed her mind about him on a personal level that night. However, just like in those movies, when the popular kids tease the pretty girl for liking the geek, the overplays the “Are you insane?? He is such a loser!” Card..

And..I kinda hate to see how he is like a stupid little puppy, so eager for the Brigade’s attention. I believe that also like a dog, he would be loyal to the point of idiocy. PLEASE quit being so trusting and naive, Brendan!!

WOOOO PIG SOOOEE!! That is the call we Arkansas fans use to show our affection for our beloved Arkansas Razorbacks! It is also an appropriate response for how we feel about this upcoming show tonight!  Britney showed the boys the call  in Big Brother 2010 the other night, and although she is not necessarily representative of our state, she is not doing too bad, temper tantrums aside.

Brit is not in a bad place within the house right now, although, depending on who wins the HOH’s tonight on the LIVE Double Eviction, she might just be making those calls in the Jury House.

Brendan is also not in as bad of a predicament as he once was. For the people who still tag him as a “bully” to sweet Ragan, remember.. He went off because he was trying to save Rachel (a bonehead move) and get himself evicted. I think everyone, including the other HG’s have realized that he is an ok guy.

Will the Brigade finally step up and win a competition tonight??

Last night, on the LIVE FEEDS (Sign up here for the best deal of the season- only $14.95 with @10 of free MP3 dounloads. that get you the rest of the season for less than 5 bucks, BTW) Hayden told Matt that he would be voted out.

Matt told Ragan, that there was no chance he would stay, and Ragan (typically) took it hard, and got weepy and mournful. Even with the knowledge that Matt had stabbed him viciously in the back.

The HG’s got a game to practice with in the BY- a see-saw, where you roll a ball, and pop it into a divided box. I don’t know if this represents the game for the POV,(it has been played before) or the first HOH, since the second HOH is almost assuredly an endurance comp.

Everyone got their practice shots in, although Ragan did very little practice, since he claims he would rather just follow Matt into the JH. Matt seems happy enough about that.

Brit is still laser-focused on getting Brendan out next, but when she vehemently brings it up with the Brigade members, you can see an awkward hesitation, before the obligatory “Hell, yeah.”

Can’t WAIT for this episode to see who survives the the second eviction. And this may be your last chance, to sign up for the LIVE FEEDS and witness an entire ENDURANCE comp for yourself.

In other news, Britney pondered a very interesting question to Lane. :”I wonder if I’m still engaged?” Lane responded: “I hope not. I told my mother on my phone call, I wanted to bring you home.” There is a very interesting interview with Britney’s fiancée here. He seems none too happy with the relationship that has developed between these two.

August 25, 2010

The Hard Part in Big Brother 2010


Well, we have made it to the hard part of Big Brother 2010, where everything has been said, and done and we just have to wait for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday.

This week, the decision is pretty much made, with very little question.

For Matt fans, I agree he played his heart out, even if the “sick wife” thing is a little played out.

Enzo will most likely stay, even though he has won nothing, he is playing the social game strategy, a ploy that has worked well for players in the past.  Although in this stage of the game, it may not get you much farther.  We are at a place, where winning competitions is the key. Floaters can only get so far, and this… is the so far.

Last night on the LIVE FEEDS… well.. not too much happened. The HG’s studied for upcoming comps, talked about past HG’s blah, blah, blah…Oh- and Brit talked about her Pandora’s Box experience with Jesse.  Now.. there was a mention last week about another “secret power”- Brit claims she only got to spend an hour with Jesse. The question is.. Is that true? Did she instead get a secret power? We should find out tonight on the CBS show.

One funny patch happened as Brit, Enz, Hay, Lane talked about Kristin and Kathy. Brit did a passable Kristin imitation, and Enzo laid it down. “If someone comes to you and asks you to vote for them and you say’OK-you go around the house, ask everyone who they are voting for, and get back to me- you are done- that’s it-It’s the death blow.”

The HG’s were given a badmitton set, but other than that, it was status quo..With Ragan and Matt counting everything in the house, almost driving themselves nuts.

However… beginning tomorrow.. Things will heat up tremendously!  With the Double Eviction in play.. Who knows what is going to happen?  The LIVE FEEDS after the show tomorrow night, ending with a banging endurance comp ought to be CRAZY!!

Stay tuned today, for any new news. and SIGN UP for the end game LIVE FEEDS and get your FREE MP3 downloads!

Copied this from my friend at Bigbrothernetwork
How to watch Big Brother 12 on the cheap:
Grab the Big Brother monthly pass for $14.99.
Download $10 of free mp3s from Real’s music store (US users only).
So for effectively $5 ($15 – $10 freebies) you can watch the rest of the season including the remaining endurance comps and all the season’s highlights using Flashback.
Point and laugh at Enzo’s ridiculous penguin costume* (*optional).

August 23, 2010

Veto Ceremony Done- Big Brother 2010 **UPDATED**


BUSTED!  Enzo, tucked back into a corner last night, is seen pulling something out of his penguin costume and eating it..  Hmmm.. Does BB truly see all??


UPDATE-  And THIS is why I can’t stand Ragan. A Hypocrite is just the worst to me….  He continually trashes Brendan for mentioning Rachel. and here he is last night…

(Thank you Jokers..)

BBT 3:05 AM–

Ragan & Matt head towards bed. They stop to look at the memory wall pictures. – kalicush
Matt doesn’t think they touched up the pictures but Ragan says they touched up his picture a little! Ragan says Rachel’s pores are like the opposite of a Noxzema commercial.

Matt and Ragan are in the Taj. Ragan is whispering about Chima obstructing the camera in that room. “She makes more and more sense to me everyday”

The faces of Ragan-

Condescending Lecturer

Professor Pouty Pants

Petty Little Meanie

Just when I think, OK. Maybe he’s all right. I started to feel a little sorry for him for how he will take it when he finds out that Matt is lying about the sick wife thing.. He pulls out an unnecessary bitchy comment like that one, and I’m done again….

Updating this post, not too much going on in the Big Brother 2010 house, on the LIVE FEEDS. But, I’m gonna mention them again, cause this Thursday… After the double eviction, historically, we should have a massive Endurance Comp! So, Sign up here and ride out the rest of the season with us Live Feeders!

UPDATE- Love heals all.  The odd “bro-mance? sho-mance?” Whatever it is between Matt and Ragan, must be stronger than the Big Brother game, because even after learning that Matt threw him under the bus, the two spent long hours together re-connecting. Seems all is forgiven. aww..

Matt is pushing the sick wifey as hard as he can, but won’t do much good. I don’t believe he will out the Brigade, because at this point, why would he?  Vote-wise, Hayden, and Lane will vote for Enzo and he knows that. Ragan will likely still vote for him, spat or not. And that leaves Brendan. The one and only shot that Matt has to stay in the game, is to recruit Brendan’s vote. So…..

Otherwise, very little happened in the house. Brit, mocking Natalie, BB11, made a tinfoil crown, and played around the BY. Hayden played cowboy with a rope, and broke a vase, and Matt and Enzo played with themselves.

Thanks, Hamster Watch

And, strictly for your enjoyment!!

The Veto Ceremony in the Big Brother 2010 house is done and there are a couple of people really upset. It is getting down to the nitty-gritty now, and with the Double Eviction this week, things are sure heating up. There has been a lot of complaining (I have been guilty of it myself) about how boring this season is. However, it just keeps surprising me, with people who have their back against the wall pulling it out at the last minute..  Seems as if, from a rather pedestrian beginning, we are winding up for a fantastic finish!

Now– on to the BIG NEWS!

Brendan used the POV , naturally, and Britney put up Matt.

Britney told Ragan afterward that Matt had been throwing Ragan under the bus to everyone and Ragan is deeply hurt and upset that his BFF would do that to him. Ragan wants to call him out. Wait till Ragan finds out he lied about his wife..

UPDATE: Matt walked into the kitchen where Prof. Pouty was studying the wall of faces, and when Matt asked him what was wrong, he gave him a clipped ‘nothin’.  Every person who had ever been in a relationship knows that nothin’ …

Ragan just gave a little speech to the rest of the HG’s that he had several “conversations” that made it seem as if he was “hard core” campaigning to keep Matt, and that thereby it was misconstrued, so wherefore… There was a few comments and mostly awkward silences, before he went back into the house, and Matt cringed as his game is slowly going down the tubes.  I think Enzo said it best  when he told Matt: “I think he’s in love with you, dude.”

Sign up for the LIVE FEEDS for the end run to the finale– We are sure to have a lollapalooza of a Double Eviction, ending with a Big Time Endurance Comp!!!  And STAY TUNED for the explosions that are sure to follow  todays POV Ceremony..

August 23, 2010

Veto Ceremony Today- Big Brother 2010 *Spoiler*


BIG Veto Ceremony Today in Big Brother 2010 House!

After a 24 hour period handcuffed to Brendan while he took his hourly chum baths, they were finally released. Watch the LIVE FEEDS and use the FLASHBACK feature- pretty funny, and even Britney said what a gentleman Brendan was during the whole ordeal- although Ragan trashed him, even about that.

Everyone began going to Britney, pleaded their various cases on whom to put on the block, when Brendan uses the Veto to save himself today. Matt also continually plays his (false) sympathy card, tugging on their heartstrings about his wife’s (again-fake) illness.

Professor Pouty Pants spent hours with Brit, pleading-not his own case, but Matt’s. Matt, on the other hand, tried to lead her to put up either Hayden or his BFF Ragan.

Ragan believes that Matt walks on water, would take a bullet for him, all the while Matt is aiming the gun, that hold that bullet right at Ragan.

The Brigade, to a man, is working to convince her that Matt is the  best bet to put up against Enzo.

Today is Brit’s 23rd birthday and Matt (sucking up, perhaps?) made her a cake.

thanks to bigbrotherleak

Britney is torn, scared of what will happen if Brendan wins the HOH in the upcoming, Thursday night DOUBLE EVICTION! It is sure to be an interesting show!

What will happen today? Sign up for the last, sweet deal for the 24/7 LIVE FEEDS!  and STAY TUNED for results of the POV ceremony!


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