Thank You For An Amazing Big Brother 2013 Season!
|We saw the Big Brother 2013 finale last night and that means our time together for this summer has come to an end (insert sad face)! With that being said, I want to just give a big thanks to everyone that joined me for this crazy and bumpy ride this summer. Big Brother 15 was difficult to handle at times, but reading your comments and getting some laughs from them made it a lot better.
This is my first time covering Big Brother and I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed it, even with a season of crappy HGs. I can only imagine what next summer (with a better cast) will do for me! It’s so nice to see a group of people come together on this site and become so close and become online friends. Yes, we are like a family here. We don’t always agree or get along, but in the end we each have some love for each other.
If I am ever feeling down or sick of people, I will just pop on here and read your comments. I have seen some great compliments come my way because of you all, so I will print them out and paste them around my house to remind myself!
We can only hope for a better Big Brother 16, but it should be since Cat and myself will be HGs, right??? I guess I won’t be covering it since I will be on it, huh???
I will continue to post follow-up stories and news from this season, so keep an eye out for those. Big Brother never ends, does it?
For those wanting to keep up with me and my never-ending writing, you can find me on here covering Survivor and you can also find me on Reality Rewind covering all the shows and I run the site Gossip & Gab, so look for my articles there under my name and under Gossip & Gab as the author.
Again, thank you for an enjoyable season and some amazing comments along the way. Fans like you make this easy to do!
Join us on Big Big Brother for all your Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news, recaps, previews, pictures and much more! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 15 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.
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Thanks Todd, it has been a joy. I have been on allot of sites with people bashing each other and I have not seen that here much and enjoy reading everyone’s comments. Thanks again we will be with you on Survivor.
Thanks Todd!!! <3
THANK YOU, TODD!!! The only problem with having you and Cat on the same season would be that we couldn’t vote for both of you! 🙂
P.S. Just listening to some of the family members of the people killed in DC and it is heartbreaking. Sure puts things in perspective and reminds us to show love and consideration to everyone we meet–we never know what kind of pain they might be carrying.
Tessa you are so right. I live each day like it is my last, you never know. I always try to treat everyone like I want to be treated and everyone here has been a blast. I hope all of you follow Todd and Cat on to Survivor.
I live in the DC area and since Monday it has been very hard to cope with all that went on. I have to tell you , I have not been online so much this week commenting as there are “More” noteworthy things to deal with. At the end of the day, BB is a show, these are human beings that have been forced to live together and “play” a game. We have all had our favorites and the ones that disgusted us. I would never want to wish any harm to any of them, after all, they are human and they will make mistakes. To Todd, I have thoroughly enjoyed you site and I look forward to hearing what you have to say on Survivor. Again, my thoughts and prayers are out to all the family’s victims from Monday’s tragedy.
Well said, Sarah. As vehemently has I have expressed my dislike of Andy and others on BB, I would NEVER, EVER wish any of them physical harm of any kind!
And our BB issues seem small, indeed, compared to those families who said good-bye to their loved ones on Monday morning and will never talk to them again. Sobering.
Thank you Lilly, but my name is Sandy, not Sarah….lol. Funny, my mother almost named me Sarah after my great grandmother. How ironic that you called me that name. Thank you for the smile on my face.
Sorry Sandy! I try to address people in my responses because it’s easier to find them in the onslaught of emails sometimes! But I really should be more careful to address you by the RIGHT name! 🙂
Sandy, I agree with Lilly–I don’t think I could ever be friends with the majority of this year’s HGs but I certainly do not wish them any physical harm. I just hope they will come to understand how much their non-physical jabs hurt people like Candice, Elissa, her son, Helen, and anyone else they trashed with their comments.
Your comment just reminds us that a tragedy like the shooting hurts us all but I am sure it is felt even more deeply when it is in your own community. I wish I could just hug those two widows who have spoken on TV and cry with them. Their words break my heart.
Great point Tessa!
I really enjoyed this because I don’t get the live feeds. Thanks for all you did Todd.
Our worst fears came true last night with Andy’s win. He really out-talked GM. But I am happy Elissa won AFP
On another note I loved Survivor last night. The twist really surprised the players and I’m glad they brought back Redemption Island. Looking forward to hearing from everyone again.
Same here Diane. I am going to have to watch them again, between AGT, Survivor, BB my head is all fuzzy this morning.
Thanks Todd. its been great. Cant wait to see your comments about survivor. They already pissed me off voting the black girl off so soon because of her knuckled headed uncle. hahaha
I know, right??
Yeah, that wasn’t really fair, but it is hard on that first Tribal Council and he gave them a reason to target her.
Thanks Todd for all the updates. As I was sorry to see Andy win, I understand why he did. Sorry to say I won’t be following survivor. I just never could get into that show. So will see you, I hope, next season for Big Brother.
Kudos on a job well done, Todd! We’ll stay in touch with Survivor, but I anticipate (and certainly PRAY) that it is just pure entertainment and no controversy!
I wasn’t surprised to see Andy win, but I think he lied(again) about his “loyalty” to GM, and that he thought he had a better chance of beating her in the final two, than Spencer. And, he was right. But, as much as I dislike him as a person, he did outplay the others, albeit with lies, deceit, and backstabbing! I only wish I could have been there when GM, Aaryn were told they were fired from ther jobs, and Spencer was told he is now considered a pedophile by many, but most of all Andy when he was told America was not only NOT in love with him(that I think he believes)but he in fact hated by many, and will forever be known as “Ratboy”. I also would have loved to have seen Elissa’s face, when after voting for Andy, she found out how much she was bashed and villified by the 3-4 remaining exterminators, but mostly by Andy! I don’t know if with all the “releases” and “disclaimers” the NG’s had to sign to be on BB, that Elissa would have any legal action, but I believe that bashing her innocent 15 yo son, over and over, on national TV, who had nothing to do with the show. She may have some legal recourse against CBS or Andy or both! I hope Todd you will bring us any updates on happenings outside the house, with any of the players going public with any statements? Or at least tell us where we can see any updates of happenings now that the HG’s are finally free!
Totally agree, Alan. The thing I want to see is the faces of all the hgs if they ever watch ALL of the BBAD and live feed commentary whenever they weren’t in the room, and especially after they were evicted. It ratcheted up the last three weeks, but it was going on the whole season. Deplorable.
Let me add one thing: Based on my experience with people in the real world, it isn’t possible for someone just out of that house to truly be “sorry” for what they said this season. It will take time for them to absorb it all, really take in the scope of the damage they did – to themselves, but especially the people they defamed and their families – and truly, truly experience remorse enough to learn from it and CHANGE themselves. Anything you see in the coming days is NOTHING by CYA. Remember that.
Can people change? Absolutely! But real sorrow, remorse, and FORGIVENESS takes time.
True, true, true! These first “mea culpas” are pretty much the same as Andy’s “crocodile tears”–mostly meaningless.
I agree Lilly, but does a leaopard really change his spots? I think that after Aaryn was boo’d and grilled by Julie when she left the house, and tried to at first deny she even said any of the vile things, she made attempts to reconcile with others in the jury house. But, the live streaming and BBAD is all on tape forever, for the world to see, and although I’m sure there’ll be a lot of “I’m sorry’s” and tears, it is going to be a CYA palooza for a while. The only positive point of the last show was watching Elissa win America’s Favorite, she acted with the most class throughout the show, albeit a little annoying at times. I was looking right at Andy, when they anounced the award to Elissa, and he kind of gave a fake little golf clap. truly believing he should have won that, too! He truly believes he is just a nice guy? He better save his money, because I can’t imagine anyone giving him a job to teach any kids! After his abizmal behavoir.
Yea, Alan, even though I tend to think Aaryn will grow from this, her apologies are bit early, too. She is young, and I believe she is truly ignorant. I still say she suffers more from being a “mean girl” than a real racist. If she learns to actually care for ALL people, I believe minorities will be among them. But shoot, we’re all just guessing at this point; we don’t KNOW these people.
I will find it much more difficult to forgive Amanda, Andy, Spencer, and even GM. They are not only a little older, but their offenses were repetitive. And let’s face it, Amanda was anything BUT contrite last night!
And Andy … he’s nothing if not totally dependent on people liking him. He will be devastated when he learns what America thinks of him. Even if he were to do a complete about-face in real life, though, I’m not sure I could ever look at him differently. Same with Spencer, frankly.
How could you be expected to trust Andy when he can lie so readily? I think I would always wonder if he was telling a lie or being truthful. And would his apologies–if there were any–be sincere. They didn’t sound very sincere last night.
Yea, Tessa, one thing I should have said above is the only thing they are sorry for this early … is the fact that they got caught – or the fact that they got CALLED on what they did.
Shoot, look at their initial reactions before production warned them: They had NO IDEA what they did was offensive because THEY didn’t see it as such!
Exactly, Lilly. Case in point…Spencer asking Julie “Did I say anything wrong?” Unbelievable!
I just find it incredible that anyone could be that out of touch with reality! As Julie implied, it would take well more than 90 minutes to even begin to list everything that was wrong!
If I can wax “philosophical old person” here for a minute….
Stop and think about something that happened in our society in recent years that shocked you when it first happened. Then, given enough time and enough blah blah blah about it, we come to accept it and it’s no longer shocking. Until the next shocking thing happens (but it’s usually WORSE than the last one). Things on tv or in movies that WE never would have seen as children are just common place now.
This season will fall into the same category in the annals of BB history: We’ll always call it “the worst season ever” but our sensibilities and memories will dull, and we’ll wonder if we judged them too harshly. But I fear this summer opened the door for worse behavior being acceptable in the future. I hope not, truly, but I’m afraid history is on my side with this one….
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Values seem to deteriorate at warp speed these days. I feel so sorry for kids these days who have so much exposure to things that are so far beyond their maturity levels. I still believe there is right and wrong but that is looked at as being a “hater” these days. May I say that I “hate” the term “hater”–what a cop-out. If you disagree with someone, be able to state your case but also be tolerant enough to let them express their point of view. I mean have a discussion, not a shouting match. Agree to disagree if you must but make it a civil discussion. Calling someone a “hater” is truly a cop-out. So many people who claim to be tolerant are only tolerant as long as your opinion matches theirs.
I apologize for preaching so much on this board but it has actually allowed me to clarify in my own mind what my real values are and that I can learn something from just about any situation–good or bad (even BB!).
You might want to go down to post #13 — Sarah posted links to 2 very interesting newspaper articles. I think you will find them very interesting even though I wish the reporter had been a little more aggressive.
Now that I am done with being sick, I’m looking forward to see anything about the BB HG’s, Maybe they will answer the questions, GM “other than taking me out what was your biggest move? GM ya ha yo I love ya all, Andy why did you lie to us when you didn’t have too, Andy I was scared and the rest was BS, Not one of the F@ really answered the questions, Also I watched some of the Back Yard Party, with Jeff, he didn’t get in to any thing the really mattered, So I can still hope that someone has the balls to pin them down and make them answer the question of why are you an AHole?
Chris, I think you have come up with the ultimate question! 😉 Too bad they don’t have a fan on the jury–I would nominate you!
Hmmm….I think that would be a really good twist–have some kind of contest or game to select a fan to be on the jury. Anyone else think that would be a good idea! Of course, that person would have seen EVERYTHING so they probably couldn’t let him or her interact with any of the other jury members but that could be done.
Thanks tessa: I wrote a complete season of BB once, one of the twists was to have someone that couldn’t be voted out, but that the HG’s could talk too about what to do, He would know everything that was going on in the house, He wouldn’t be able to tell the HG what was really said, but he could lead them down the right path, Thought it would be a great twist!!
Speaking for myself, that sounds like a great improvement!
I would NEVER let my child be in Andy’s classes!I so would love to see his reaction. Also when they announced Elissa’s win, you could see Andy and Spencer commenting to each other.I would love to see Ellisa’s reaction when she see’s how Andy (whom she truly liked) hated her.
This is not “me”. Been reeeeealy busy today but will post something tonight. I have a few things to say :).
You may want to look down at #13 where Sarah posted the links to 2 very interesting newspaper interviews. Can you say “delusional”?? 😉
Thank You Todd for all your hard work. You done an out standing job keeping us there.. Even if 3/4 of America dislike who won. There is nothing we can do about it. And there was nothing any one could do even CBS. I still think it would have been a show it self watching how Aaryn, Spencer, Gina and more take the news of the way they acted. Even Andy’s mouth was nasty when they sat around playing cards. Oh Well, may be next year.
good job todd!
Andy won’t care what people outside think…he is smiling all they way to the bank right now
I found this online thought everyone would finally want to read what Andy thinks ( although he’s still very much delusional !)
This is one with the rest of the idiots
Sarah, THANK YOU for those links — I read the first one and just about threw up hearing Ratboy’s responses to the reporter. Wish they had a reporter who would have called him on his answers. Andy seems to be either delusional or so used to lying that he is incapable of recognizing, much less telling, the truth. Doesn’t he realize people had BBAD and live feeds which completely negate his answers. Hey, Andy, should I believe you or my lyin’ eyes??!!
And I have a personal pet peeve — I wish people would stop calling him professor — he was a part-time instructor who worked at the whim of the college. It was not a full-time position–I wouldn’t even call it a part-time position since there was no guarantee he would work from one semester to the next. He advised that we ask some of his students about him because they all liked him. I did read some of the “evaluations” and they sounded like “snow jobs” — the overall impression was that he was an easy grader who didn’t require much in the way of work.
Anyhow, that article was a real “treat.” All I can is that I certainly hope poor Andy works on that inferiority complex!! 😉
I have enjoyed this site but have not posted till now. I too, wonder where they found these idiots and agree with the majority of you. If you want interviews unafraid to ask the tough questions, go to Entertainment Tonight’s web page. Interesting! Also, TV Grapevine published everything seen and done from all of the live feeds, almost word for word. Hard to believe some of the filth coming from Ratboy and Spencer. Hard to read but if you are someone who doesn’t know what all the excitement is about, you should read what the final four spewed. I also encourage you all to let CBS know exactly how you feel. You can send comments at While I thought Candace and Elissa were hard to take at times they certainly did not deserve the nasty things said about them. Elissa showed a lot of class and Candace was the only one with enough courage to fight back. I would be hiring the most aggressive lawyer in town. Anyway this has been a good site, lots of thoughtful posts. I’ve enjoyed you all.
Welcome SuzyQ. Thanks for the comments and suggested web locations.
You know, I’ve visited an Andy-friendly Web place and they referred to the hateful “live-feeder trolls” as being the culprits for the Andy “hatred”. I don’t condone the way some people have chosen to speak their frustration about Andy – with the really ugly name-calling and such – seems to me to be no better than he was….
But my point is, this particular “Fandy” site seemed to think if the people who discussed the live feeds would just go away, Andy wouldn’t have any haters. Well, duh!!! Until you saw or read some of (and you really don’t have to see ALL of it) the vile things that Andy said about people he claimed to “love” in that house, you don’t have a real perspective on why America is so universally angry at Andy – and others – who conducted themselves with truly horrible bad judgment this summer.
Adding my welcome also!
Thank you SuzyQ for those very informative sites. I am glad that the ET reporter asked some tougher questions. And the transcript of that last night’s “conversation” was appalling. Jokers is the site where I have been reading “transcripts” of the live feeds for almost all of this season but that one was especially appalling. The garbage that those filthy minds spewed was sickening. If anyone still thinks Andy and Spencer (and GM, too, but maybe to a slightly lesser degree) were just having a little harmless fun, please just read that “conversation.” Can you imagine being Elissa and seeing that??!! That backyard should be declared a hazardous waste dump and cleaned up before a new crew moves into the BB house.
I also managed to watch Jeff’s backyard interview with Andy on the CBS website and it was gag-inducing. One thing that creep doesn’t have is an inferiority complex. Jeff, you are such a nice guy that I gotta believe that you were smiling on the outside and also gagging on the inside — hope they paid you hazardous duty pay to talk with Andy, Spencer and GM.
Tess, anytime! You’re right he’s soooo delusional at this stage its unbelievable! However if there is one thing i would commend Andy for if i HAD to , it would be for being an excellent BS-ser, he is in the wrong profession, as a junior lawyer myself i say he should become a lawyer! I mean the guy is prepared for anything and everything!! He has planned every word he is saying to the dot and you can see that. There is a podcast of a radio interview on the entertainment weekly website and he just has a justification for everything, its nauseating listening to him but even more nauseating to know he can talk himself out of anything even his nasty bb experience!
Oh and another annoying bb aftermath piece if news. Despite aaryn walking around saying she’s sorry ect, when confronted about her previous agency she said , she already has interviews and meetings lined up with 6 other agencies already, plus the previous one that fired her ‘wasn’t that good anyways’. What a way to confirm your remorse aaryn. Lets hooope she’s honest about most of her apologies.
Lilly, it is hard to believe there are any “Fandys” out there but sadly it is true. As they say, “Birds of a feather flock together.”
Sarah, he certainly does have an answer prepared for everything. I may have to listen to that interview if I can find some barf bags to have ready! Yes, there is a certain category of lawyers that he could fit into very easily! Every profession has its bottom-feeders but thank goodness for the good guys (and you definitely belong to the good guys group).
I do believe Andy has absolutely no sense of shame.
I also started to listen to the podcast but could only stand hearing his voice AND the bs for about two minutes. I had high hopes for Aaryn but in the ET interview when asked what she had learned she said it was to think before she speaks. Her brain wasn’t in the right place. On hearing about lost jobs she said, “Wow, I didn’t think America took it that seriously.” She also commented that she voted for GM because if she didn’t she would look bad. I think she would benefit from a year or so of community service helping to care for those who are struggling to stay afloat. She needs a big dose of compassion.
Also, as someone (Lilly I think) said, the more time that passes the less objectionable things seem. If you start thinking Aaryn’s comments weren’t so bad, check out the Utube video of her comments. That much attitude doesn’t go away overnight.
Totally agree with you, SuzyQ. Aaryn is saying the right things (mostly), but I think it needs time to take hold. I have HOPE that she is young enough and this will affect her life enough that she can change, but I’m under no illusions she could possibly have realized in this short time the scope of what she did. She’s only had time to be SCARED by the initial ramifications of her words. Time will tell.
It is kind of sad that her family hired not one, but two publicists to whitewash (no pun intended) the whole thing. Why not instead encourage her to own up, apologize and vow to do whatever necessary to make amends. Maybe Candace can, if she is so inclined, be a positive influence on Aaryn. Having a publicist makes everything seem orchestrated. I don’t dislike Aaryn, I hate her behavior and truly hope she changes. But her family is not helping.
I agree, SuzyQ. I keep telling myself that her apology and friendship with Candice was BEFORE the publicists. We can only hope – for Aaryn’s sake – she can rise above her problem, which – sad to say -what may indeed be her family!
I don’t think theres any hope for Andy. He’s been lying, manipulating & trash talking about people for a long time. Way before he entered those doors.Thats why he was so good at it.He lied to the bitter end with the loyal to GM crap. The same GM that when Elissa put up Aaron 3am tried everything they could to get her to put up GM too so they could vote her out.We know why he chose her & it had nothing to do with loyalty.(1)He knows Spencer has a better way with words than GM & was hoping she would lose her cool & a few votes in the process. (2) Spencer was a pretty sure vote for him on the jury. (3) He knew a couple of the jury would never vote for GM because she is more of a man than he is since she said some bad things to their face while he was hiding behind other people’s skirt tails saying a whole lot worst.I’m so over all these losers.(But can’t wait til next year)
Carolyn d m, did you read that article in the Hollywood Reporter. Really shows how dumb he thinks we are. And you are so right about that 3AM alliance–didn’t he go along with trying to get GM put on the block? I don’t know how he kept things straight since he made alliances with every one in the house. It sort of indicates he has had lots of prior practice in fooling people.
Of course we’re dumb because we’re not professors like him.He’s probally told that lie so much he believes it his self.I’m sure he does’t care what we think of him because he’s going to giggle all the way to the bank in those little boy red shorts of his.I just hope he’s wearing them when karma bites him in the ass.
LOL, let’s hope karma finds him soon!
Just read Andy’s column there, he really is delusional
So before he takes that money to the bank, do you think a few sessions on the couch might be a good idea? Or is he too far gone? 😉
Andy and Colton (of survivor) give gays a bad name, seriously. My brother, who passed away of Aids at 50, and my nephew ( who got married last weekend) are gay , and they are nothing like these two. It just pisses me off when the worst of a minority group are shown on tv in a bad light and then honored and rewarded for thier screwed up behavior. Not fair.
Now, Anthony, do you really believe that they would knowingly pick the worst representatives of a minority group just to create controversy? (YES, THAT WAS SAID SARCASTICALLY) So sorry to hear about your brother–don’t know how long ago he died, but I know that kind of wound never really completely heals.
Thanks Tessa, my brother passed away December of 2000 at age 50. He got aids from a blood transfusions after being beaten up and left for dead on the streets of SanFrancisco. The SFPD drove passed him several times. He was 38, doctors said he would be lucky to see 40. But he proved them wrong and went on to became a serious and effective advocate for Aids prevention and cure. His funeral was standing room only. He was a published author of plays, poems, short stories and a very fine director and actor. He was strong, brave, smart, even brilliant at times but more importantly he was gracious , thoughtful and kind. I miss him and always will.
You were blessed to have him in your life.
People who can take a personal tragedy and use it to help others are real heroes and your brother definitely sounds like a he fits into that rare category.
Tessa , that is a nice thing to say about my brother, thank you .
I agree SuzyQ
As a gay man, you want to be proud of the fact that the first gay person won BB, but then it is Andy….ugh! I think it is known that he does not represent gay people, but they thought he would make good television and they were wrong!
Todd, I did not realize he was the first Gay man to win BB. And we can’t take that away from him or wipe it out if history. It’s a good. Thing. But I do agree BB probably did not fully realize what they had in Andy. But this all will pass and only his winning BB will stand. Unless he keeps coming back like Colton. 🙂
I have a confession that only you guys can understand lol, since the finale whenever i get a chance i google/youtube searching for interviews or updates on the hgs now to see what their reactions are, i’m starting to think i’m a little bit obsessed lol but im sure it’ll wash over (i think? .. Nah it will lol) and i came across a video of kathy griffins on the talk and when asked about her favourite she said it all in a nutshell! – i tried to copy paste the link on here but it won’t work for some reason, but she said exactly what we’ve been saying in an excellent sentence.
After coming across all the interviews, its honestly, imo, hard to believe any of them are remorseful and really UNDERSTAND what they’re really apologising for. I know many of you won’t agree but i feel like maybeeeeee spencer and gm don’t see the severity of their actions because their intention were not malicious, and this makes me think maybe its just a deep routed issue there in that they’re just simply ignorant when it comes down to social etiquette and sensitivity. I was surprised when gm said that she in fact has a nephew who’s half puerto rican and so the comment she made not only insulted america but her own family, this goes to show that its down to ignorance. Spencer keeps saying that he has a bad sense of humor and he just took it too far ect. This does not in any way justify anyythiing they’ve said and done because the difference between being a child and an adult is the latter has to take responsibility for their actions and bare the consequences.
With aaryn and andy on the other hand, they seem to make excuses for their actions- although andy seems even more abnoxious and says the elissa rants were because he trusted her at first and she turned against him which pissed him and he could only vent went she was gone. Aaryn brushed off her being fired by saying she’s already got 6 agency meetings lined up already and that that agency wasn’t soo good to begin with.
We have to admit though good or bad the contraversy still has us talking even after bb is over ( or maybe its just me and i need to get over this ‘obsession’ and move on lol.
Im catching up with bb australia and i have to admit it’s entertaining and the people are quite interesting characters.
Tessa I think Andy would need more than a few sessions on the couch…however maybe the could will open up and swallow him and his shrink will not even bother to look for him
LOL! But I would feel sorry for the poor couch–what a case of indigestion!! 🙂
Okay guys, I’m throwing in the towel. I just can’t waste any more time on these creatures. Besides, my blood pressure just can’t handle it. Apparently Ratboy is enjoying the fruits of his notoriety (not fame). I tuned into an interview with Amanda. After several minutes of gushing by the hosts, she came on all excited to talk some “f—–g s–t”. I fast forwarded only to hear her again talking about how mean Elissa was to her. I’m sure that GM is a big celebrity in her small world. So while their worlds did not come crashing down when they left the house, I’m confident that once their fifteen minutes of fame is over things will not look so rosey. At least I hope not. But perhaps Ratboy and Amanda are just too delusional to ever get it. I think my biggest disappointment was Julie Chun. Did she only confront Aaryn because it affected her personally? Why didn’t she challenge Spencer? I know she has to be a good host but why not address all of the ugliness, even if only a little bit. I’m also confused as to why no one ever told me I was inducted into Rachael’s army. I thought I was just voting for Elissa because of all the crap she went through……okay, to piss off the rest of them too. I have no doubt that I will relapse occasionally and check back in to see what I’ve missed. But to tomorrow I will write my letter to CBS (I’ve already sent three emails)
Just had to comment to let you know someone read your post and feels your pain, SuzyQ. Whether you believe in God or Kharma, I believe these people – especially the ones with no remorse – will get what’s coming to them … eventually. In the meantime, I’m not hunting down news about these jerks because most of it is just adding to the aggravation I experienced during the season. Quite simply, my time if more valuable than that.
BTW, totally agree with your comment about JC. I have hope that BB16 will be different because CBS respects their viewers too much than to expose us to the same crap next summer. But I admit I have my doubts.
But I intend to keep my promise: If the pre-season advertisement poster is of the typical “pretty” people in bikinis, plus the token minorities and gay – without ANY additional age or background diversity, I won’t even watch the first episode. I, frankly, hope other BB fans will have enough self respect to do the same and give CBS a HUGE wake-up call. But I if that happens, I will miss the interaction on THIS website!
Oops, accidentally hit submit too soon. I’ve enjoyed talking with you all and reading your posts. For the first time since BB started,I won’t be watching next year. I think this year brought such good ratings that CBS will surely try to duplicate it or even try to make it more shocking. After all, it IS all about money, not doing what’s right. I sure hope I haven’t said anything too mean. I try not to do mean but it’s been hard this year. Lilly and Tessa, it’s been a pleasure. So long:)
Oh my what can I say…just glad I am not related to Julie Chen…she should be a contestant in the BBH next year…She seems to like those people…plus the thinks Elissa won because she was Rachels sister..Duh Julie …no she won because she has class…Look the word up in the dictionary
Amen, Jan Jan!
Is it true what I said Elissa and Spencer were going to be on the Bold and the Beautiful…Why is Spencer getting rewarded…I have never seen this soap…but after reading that I sure would not start
Howard not Spencer
Someone once asked why Julie Chen only went after Aaryn and not the others (about their remarks)…that is because Aaryn did her Asian imitation…whereas the others just degraded women in general by using the C word and talking child porn etc…Julie I guess thinks that is okay…because that brings in the money…also told that she is offering great gifts on The Talk (never watch it)…got keep the people watching so they don’t boycott…
Thank you Todd, I was told that someone read it was Spencer…So I doubled checked just now and you are right it is Howard…Lot better than Spencer…Thank you again
Why are we still on BB, we should now be discussing Survivor. It is on tonight, so enjoy. GM all my on line Survivor buddies.
GM all on line buddies. Why are we still discussing BB we should now be on to Survivor. It is on tonight so everyone enjoy, and have a good day.
Sandy please forgive Lilly for calling you Sarah…I think she has been sipping some of my Winnipeg Koolaid