Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Recap – 8/12/2013
|It seems we know who is going home on Big Brother 2013 a week in advance with how these HouseGuests are playing this season, but Candice may have gone home without much fight last week, but Jessie is not doing the same thing this week and she caused some major drama and fights in the Big Brother 15 house last night. While it solidified her own eviction, it may have put a major damper on Helen’s game as well! There was a lot going on and fights going on between all the HGs, so get some highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below.
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On a day that consisted of a Veto Meeting that was predictable and Andy did not use the veto and kept the nominees (Jessie and Spencer) on the block and Jessie as the main target, the night got very interesting. And we thought that the live feeds would be boring this week on Big Brother 2013, huh?
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To sum this up is hard to do, seeming there were fights all over that house last night and everyone was eavesdropping on everyone. Jessie pretty much outed Helen to the whole house and said she was behind the attempt to evict Amanda last week. Jessie was not lying and knows now that she is headed to the jury house, so she is going to get each and every one of these HGs against each other before she leaves and I love it!
Helen and Jessie got into about 100 arguments over it and Helen kept re-telling the story to everyone else and it got more and more worse by the end of the night. Elissa joined in the fun and asked Jessie if she was on new meds because she was acting crazy. I guess being honest in the Big Brother 2013 house makes you crazy?
Yes, Jessie for sure wrapped up her eviction this week, but it was fun watching her do it. I have this love/hate relationship with Helen and I was hating her last night. Jessie told McCrae everything and he finally understood that Judd was being honest and he screwed himself by voting out Judd. Amanda possibly gets on board with that, but knows there is some truth to Jessie’s statements and now the target is on Helen and Elissa!
Spencer kept quiet during much of this, which is a smart move on his part! GinaMarie was laying low, until Jessie tells her that Aaryn talks bad about her and Aaryn overheard and instead of calling Jessie out on it, her and GM get into it. Feeds went to fish, but apparently there may have been a chest bump by GM and Aaryn fears for her safety. They all think everyone else is insane, which is probably the case! GM called a house meeting, but it solved nothing.
All in all, it was a very entertaining evening on the live feeds, so you should get your free trial now if you don’t subscribe already! I think this is going to continue all week!
Helen was caught in her lies and playing everyone and unless she wins HoH this week, she may be screwed. She still has Elissa and maybe Aaryn, but watch for some damage control by her this week. Is it too late though?
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WOW. You go Jessie, FINALLY! Someone with some balls to stand up and tell Helen what she thinks. I wonder how bad Amanda feels now that she blamed Judd for putting her on the block only to find out that he didn’t. And shame on you McCrea for turning on someone in your alliance. This should teach you a lesson on listening to Helen, who is in politics. Obviously, she knows how to manipulate people and get her way.
No one in the house knows she is in politics. They think she is a stay at home mom.
You are correct, no one in the house knows this, however, there has been a couple of times that Helen has let it slip about eating in restaurants in the DC area. If she is from Chicago, then how did none of them pickup on this? I was just merely making a statement. thank you for pointing that out.
Sandy you know why they didn’t pick up on the references…they are running around in la la land where nobody wants to make waves and all play nice…
They wouldn’t recognize a mack truck if it ran them over!
Glad Jessie whacked the bee hive with a stick! Love it 🙂
JO1, I know. I can’t tell you how many times I have picked up on Helen making comments to the other HG’s, however, no one is listening. I have seen Andy sit right next to Helen when she is talking to someone else and she never talks about Chicago. Only things she recalls. When Helen won HOH, it was so obvious (well to most normal people) that pictures of her kids were from the grade school. the surroundings weren’t of Chicago? Duh. Anyway, glad these people can make me laugh. I absolutely LOVED Jessie, bet Andy wishes he used the Veto nom now and put up Helen. Well, we can all hope that She doesn’t win the HOH this week. She will definitely be gunning down for Amanda & mcCrea. But she better watch out, she doesn’t have as many friends in the house she thinks she does. Just Elissa for now would never vote against her, oh wait, not unless that means’ her game is over. LOL. this is going to be a good week after all.
You tell them Jessie,Way to go it’s about time They see Helen is behind all this,Hope Helen goes next!!!!!
yah Jessie…..Everyone should go after Helen.Jessie was the only one who did this right. She confronted Helen infront of the HG and that is how it is done. Now, they should let the guests know about Judd not the MVP and let him back into the hse.. That would make it very interesting.
Yay for Jessie! But honestly, if I were cheering for one side of this queen-bee battle, I would have wished to get Amanda out first. Then MAYBE I could root for McCrae! Otherwise, I’d prefer Helen and Elissa over McManda any day. It’s just that, from who is left in this house, I could stomach Helen or McCrae winning (assuming McCrae played the game sans Amanda). MAYBE Andy would be my third choice; he’s a tattle-tale weasel, but at least he isn’t a bully and he’s playing his two-faced game, such as it is. The rest of them turn my stomach completely. Ugh … the lesser of the evils. Ain’t it grand?!
Totally agree with every word Lilly! Helen is less annoying than Amanda. But at this point i will settle for what i can get. But i do detest what Helen said about Judd last night on the feeds. She told Aaryn that she’s afraid of Judd, she doesn’t really know him and after his pleas to be saved he might come after her in Chicago after the game. WTH! Is she setting it up for another Judd eviction if he returns or is she really that stupid? I think it’s a game move. But one that might bite her in the ass. Jessie knows she’s going so i hope her last act of revenge is taunting Amanda with the possibility of Jessie and McCrae being in the jury house together – without cameras – without Amanda – and with LOTS of alcohol! LOL…Amanda might self-evict! 🙂
LOL Cat…the real reason Amanda wants Jessie out is because she sits too close to McCrae on the HOH couch. For someone who feels so secure verbally beating everyone into submission, she is very insecure about her relationship with McCrae. I hope Jessie goes out of her way to be extra friendly with McCrae this week (maybe she’ll even move into the bed next to them – you know McCrae will never have sex with her in the room. Amanda will swear it is because of his feelings for Jessie NOT because of ANY sense of decency.)
Amanda yelled at McCrae the other day for telling Jessie (in his good-bye speech) that she was too good of a player.
Maybe we’ll get some fireworks after all this week. Hope Jessie can stay strong.
Geez. I swear CBS is pumping nutty-gas into this house because these guys are batsh*t CRAZY!!! Not just paranoid, but their thought processes are just out there!
I agree. The thought process in the house is idiotic. They all say they have watched the show before but clearly don’t act like it. Get AMANDA out now or she will end up winning.
Agree 100%. As I’ve said, there are varying degrees of what would be “tolerable” winners in those who remain. My choices (with increasing degrees of vomit inducement as you get to the end) are:
McCrae (w/o Amanda)
My favorites from tol
erable to detesting are
I am more in agreement with Gary’s list. My vote is going to the fish to win this year!
I’ll take that vote, JO1. In fact, I’m not stupid enough to believe CBS would ever let us affect the winner in the end, but wouldn’t it be cool if they announced to the house that America voted on the winner (just to give them insight into the outside world), and it was … the fish! Would that freak them out, do you think?
J01, that’s funny. I just got a nebulizer ordered by my doctor and it came with two masks and both of them have little fish faces. I could wear them during the show to cheer on the fish!
Lilly,I agree w/ you 100%. If that a**hole amanda were gone it would be easier to root for McRae. I like Helissa better than McManda. Also, I don’t use proper nouns on gina marie, amanda, aaryn, or spencer. They discust me.
woo hoo Jessie! Love her! 🙂
If your going to go out….go out with a Bang!
And Jessie’s last act of revenge should be to out that little weasel Andy in her final speech before the vote.
Too bad all the good stuff happened at the end of BBAD, last night would have been a good night for a 3 hour show.
<–Too cheap to buy the live feeds hehe 😛
had the feeds last year and it was good but we did get a lot of fish and trivia…so I decided to not get them this year and am glad I saved my $ since they are really boring with only a few interesting happenings here and there.
You can only watch so much hot potato and other games Helen created…
Finally a spark! Someone with a pulse 😉
That is what I would have done too….If i’m going out i’m going out with a bang. So proud of Jessie for making waves in the water that Andy didn’t want to ripple! Now at least we have something to look forward to after this eviction.
Wouldn’t it be great if the other HG’s suddenly grew brains and voted Spencer out so they could hear more from Jessie about what Helen has really been up to all this time. Helen even had the nerve to complain to Jessie that she told people that Helen didn’t need the money. Jessie said she said that to one person and she apologized to Helen and Helen accepted her apology. he he
true, helen has told so many lies that she can’t keep them straight! She had to focus on that one thing since she had no defense to Jessie’s accusations.
She was scrambling to come back with quick answers to debate Jessie’s well thought out attack. Helen is used to being on the offensive and well prepared herself, so she had no idea how to defend herself when the tables were turned. Ha!
If GM chest bumped Aaryn why was she not removed immediately? That would be considered physical contact…..
Maybe it didn’t really happen or it did happen and BB chose to ignore it….
hmmmm makes one wonder
I don’t know…maybe it was a bump as they got in each others face, yelling and screaming as opposed to a bump with aggression. ???
I hope this wasn’t on BBAD cuz I’ve been deleting them before watching for the past week or so.
I know exactly what you mean JB…I was deleting the AD also. I did watch a couple here and there and trust me when I tell you that you didn’t miss anything.
I will have to check last nights BB AD since Todd let us know that Jessie stirred the pot. Hopefully it will have something good on it. Lately we got to hear them think of all kinds of crazy names to name Amanda and McCrae’s baby, then hours and hours of them playing hot potato and such! It’s almost comical that I torture myself so LOL
No chest bumping on BBD last night just a little of Jessie and Helen arguing outside and Helen walking away mad. McCrae farting and Amanda picking his nose. Exciting night!!!!! LOL
Jessie and Helen’s fight was outside by the pool table and then Helen stormed off with one last nasty remark and then she went in and gathered the troops so she could tell them her side of the story that just happened and that’s when BBAD ended. So it’s like the last 10 minutes or so of the show.
it started heating up the last 6 min of bbad…they show us almost 2 hours of boring stuff and commercials and when it gets good cut us off…LOL
You’re right J01. It either ends or they switch to another part of the house or the fish every time it starts getting worth watching. LOL
JO1 I asked myself the same question. You cannot physically touch any other person in the house. After all, Willie was thrown off the show last year because he got up in one of the other guys face and just nudged him with a hat or something like that. If GM chest bumped Aaryn, that should call for immediate eviction. NO IF AND OR BUT’S. She has been allowed to be verbally abusive so far, NOW THIS. WTH.
Praise be to big brother god allison grodner. There is someone finally calling everyone else’s sheet out. If you’re going down in big brother, take as much collateral damage as possible!!!!
In the beginning if the season I would have never thought that the rally cry of the fans would be “GO JESSIE GO!”.
desperate times…
I am so tired of Amanda and McCrae. I thought McCrae would have been a smart player. NOT! Amanda is a cruel and mean spirited person and I would never have anything to do with that type of person. Gina Marie is included as a mean person. Saying those aweful things to Candice about her mother is HEARTLESS!
for god sake Candice started this one or did you miss that part? she was trashing GM for still living at home.. what did you think GM shouldn’t give it back to her?
she is going to get a lot slack for making that comment–very very mean!!!!!
This makes me wonder how proud gena’s mother is of her daughter?
You just got to love when the evicted one goes all out to cause kaos on the way out and get everyone against each other. Good for her.
Here’s a question:
Aside from the horrible things that have been said and done on this year’s season(please remeber I started with this caviot),have the “floaters” actually ruined this year’s game play? Isn’t the art of the true floater the ability to sit back and observe? To take everything in and offer very little (if any) opinion one way or the other. To make a move only when it becomes absolutely necessary. This year’s floaters couldn’t keep their yaps closed if their lips were glued shut.
Just a thought….
and I thought this years twist, this MVP, was supposed to ‘scare’ the floater, or make them harder to make it through.
however, you are right. for some stinkin’ reason no mofo in the house can keep a secret or an alliance together.
Good point. These HGs are even bad floaters! 🙂
Good for Jessie, I am proud of her. This game needs some excitement. I still want Amanda out, I just dont like her, she is so bossie, I hope McCrea runs for the hills after this game. She seems like a person who could be a stalker.
it’s called playing the game… Helen is a whole lot more bossy
No way.
Why “no way.” After every HOH that Helen didn’t win, she was the one who ran to the new HOH and told them who to put up. Have you not figured out yet that Helen is “the house?”
Sorry to see Jessie go. I have watched BB every season and this is the first time that I don’t care who wins. With Jessie going home, it leaves us with a bunch of petty, whinny, bigoted individuals. I do hope that Jessie gets the 25 grand that America votes on.
Yea, for Jessie. This has been the most boring Big Brother. We should all vote Jessie for the most likeable player in order to reward her for sparing us one more night of
On a more serious note I would prefer Amanda and Aaryon to be the next players out of there. I do not want racist Aaryon to win any money. I am glad she lost her job.
I believe that Helen is more dangerous then Amanda, GM or Aaryon. At least with these three the other HG’s have an idea what’s coming. but Helen has them all fooled. Andy is another sneaky one.
I’m with you. Helen is the most dangerous and phony person to have ever gone through the BB doors. It makes me sick when she gives her little pep talks when people are feeling bad about not winning, all the while planning to stab them in the back the first chance she gets. Ugh!
I LOVE this!! I’ve not been a Jessie fan all season but I am SO digging her right now! Give it to “Helisa”. I can’t STAND fake. And those two are the fakest we’ve seen in a while. Love. Absolute LOVE!
Hey Janet good to see ya pop in! How’s the book going?
I would rather they show the reactions and conversations of the evicted houseguests …. bet that would be entertaining
Would love to watch that show!
Didn’t I hear GM call Candice a crack baby? GM has some serious issues upstairs.
Yeah GM has a serious hang up where Candice is concerned. She just can’t stop talking about her. I think Candice should take out a restraining order against GM now!!!
Yes, she did, and I can’t believe it. JO1, Candice doesn’t need to get a restraining order, she needs to take her to Civil Court and sue the hell out of her. That is the only way you can make someone like her pay for her actions. Restraining order wouldn’t be able to get the point across. GM would more than likely stay away. All talk, no action. Typical New Yorker who thinks they are entitled.
True! I almost feel bad for New Yorkers if that is what america gets to see as representing NY! Pitiful.
Not a New Yorker but that wasn’t a nice comment!! JMO
Wasn’t offending or talking about New Yorkers just pointing out that GM is nuts
Sorry JO1 that comment was meant for Sandy. 😉
When I think of New Yorkers, I think of all the wonderful people who were shown for days and weeks after 9/11, helping each other and consoling each other and surviving one of the worst horrors in American history. I don’t think of them as rats like GM.
@J01 Hopefully, GM will get herself thrown out of the jury house. All this time and go home with no money? Priceless. 🙂
I like that.
Me, too. I’d be down with that. 🙂
That would be awesome!
I hope vaGina did bump Aaryn. Then she would get bounced out. That would negate the nominees this week and Jessie would stay. That would make Helen very nervous.
It would be cooler if Jessie took HOH next week and put Helen up.
I swear, for a politico, Helen must suck at her job. She talks to much and loves patting herself on the back. Not the smartest move in her profession.
Helen is probably a low level operative. I doubt her lame actions on the show are going to improve her career prospects. If she can’t win in such a small contest, her bosses are probably going to fire her.
As someone wrote earlier, if she was going up against the cast of the last couple of years, she would have never made it to jury. This is only working so far because of the young age and stupidity of the current HGs.
But I can see her being a politician’s cheerleader, boosting his ego, giving him more self esteem to believe he’s going to win. (All for her own purposes to be sure)
I don’t understand why GM is still in the house when she was suppose to have chested bumped Aaryn since last year one the players did the same thing and the were called to the diary room and made to leave on the spt.
They are not sure that GM did chest bump her. Some think that Aaryn is making it up..
shut it down, You have racist, pedophile comments and now GM acting like a thug. Shut it down.
Here is a thought BB bring back all the evicted house guess that went home first. Let them have another shot.
I like your idea, Michael. The last sentence about bringing back everyone who went home so far. I’d rather watch the rest of the season with those players than I would with the players that are left. Good idea!
I have been in the US for 10 yrs, watched each season, but this season is the most boring season of all time , house guests are racists , fake, annoying , crying babies. No one is willing to stand on their two legs to change the GAME. I wish next season will be celebrity Big Brother. Just to change things up . I love the show but this season is full of weirdos . If only someone can make a big move to change things up and stop being scared CATS. Just saying.
When all of the floaters are gone and there is only the big guns left, I think that’s when it will get interesting. Each one of the entitled few thinks they are part of the F4, F3, F2, winner. The first one that gets turned on will remind the rest that they could be next. In fact, I think it could be next week with Spencer being the only floater left. The only thing is that when the jury member comes back in that will delay the feeding frenzy of each other for another week because they will become the new target that the entire house decides to put up and evict. The only thing to keep that from happening is if the returning juror wins HOH first.
I hate this season. They picked the worst group of people, I keep hoping it will get better but I doubt it. Also the racial remarks and insensitive remarks were so unnecessary, I am very disappointed in CBS for not trying to improve this season.