It seems we know who is going home on Big Brother 2013 a week in advance with how these HouseGuests are playing this season, but Candice may have gone home without much fight last week, but Jessie is not doing the same thing this week and she caused some major drama and fights in the Big Brother 15 house last night. While it solidified her own eviction, it may have put a major damper on Helen’s game as well! There was a lot going on and fights going on between all the HGs, so get some highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below.

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - Jessie and HelenPhoto Credit:

On a day that consisted of a Veto Meeting that was predictable and Andy did not use the veto and kept the nominees (Jessie and Spencer) on the block and Jessie as the main target, the night got very interesting. And we thought that the live feeds would be boring this week on Big Brother 2013, huh?

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To sum this up is hard to do, seeming there were fights all over that house last night and everyone was eavesdropping on everyone. Jessie pretty much outed Helen to the whole house and said she was behind the attempt to evict Amanda last week. Jessie was not lying and knows now that she is headed to the jury house, so she is going to get each and every one of these HGs against each other before she leaves and I love it!

Helen and Jessie got into about 100 arguments over it and Helen kept re-telling the story to everyone else and it got more and more worse by the end of the night. Elissa joined in the fun and asked Jessie if she was on new meds because she was acting crazy. I guess being honest in the Big Brother 2013 house makes you crazy?

Yes, Jessie for sure wrapped up her eviction this week, but it was fun watching her do it. I have this love/hate relationship with Helen and I was hating her last night. Jessie told McCrae everything and he finally understood that Judd was being honest and he screwed himself by voting out Judd. Amanda possibly gets on board with that, but knows there is some truth to Jessie’s statements and now the target is on Helen and Elissa!

Spencer kept quiet during much of this, which is a smart move on his part! GinaMarie was laying low, until Jessie tells her that Aaryn talks bad about her and Aaryn overheard and instead of calling Jessie out on it, her and GM get into it. Feeds went to fish, but apparently there may have been a chest bump by GM and Aaryn fears for her safety. They all think everyone else is insane, which is probably the case! GM called a house meeting, but it solved nothing.

All in all, it was a very entertaining evening on the live feeds, so you should get your free trial now if you don’t subscribe already! I think this is going to continue all week!

Helen was caught in her lies and playing everyone and unless she wins HoH this week, she may be screwed. She still has Elissa and maybe Aaryn, but watch for some damage control by her this week. Is it too late though?

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