While most of this action has been blacked out on the Big Brother Live Feeds, they came back last night and we were able to determine who was nominated for the final four on Big Brother 2014 and who won the Power of Veto! This will all lead up to another live eviction episode on Big Brother 16 tonight! So, who goes home tonight on Big Brother 16 tonight? Find out our predictions for tonight below in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers!

>>>Click here for our Big Brother 2014 Live Recap for Wednesday’s eviction!!!<<<

Big Brother 2014 Spoilers - Week 10 HoH Photos 13

The feeds were down, but they came back late last night (after the show aired on the West Coast) and we found out the nominees and the veto winner. This was key, as the HoH for Final 4 (Derrick) had some power, but the true power was in the hands of the veto winner and what they decide to do with it.

With that being said, the final two nominees for Final 4 on Big Brother 16 will be:

  • Caleb Reynolds
  • Victoria Rafaeli

Cody won the veto and the Veto Meeting should take place during the live eviction show tonight. The plan has been for them to get rid of Caleb this vote, so he would keep the nominees the same. The only vote tonight comes from Cody, so he has all the power. He could blindside Derrick and decide to keep Caleb and vote out Victoria, but I don’t think it will happen. Caleb will go home and the Final 3 will be Derrick, Cody and Victoria!

Who do you think is going home tonight?

Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2014 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was evicted on Big Brother 16 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 16 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2014 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.

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