September 7, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Results – Veto Competition Week 11

This Power of Veto competition is going to be huge for Week 11 on Big Brother 2013. There are five HouseGuests remaining in the Big Brother 15 house (four of them on The Exterminators and McCrae). Of course, McCrae was put on the block by Spencer last night at the Nomination Ceremony, but could he win veto and throw everything off for The Exterminators? I want to see it happen and you can find out if my dreams came true in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

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September 4, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Live Recap: Episode 30 – Still Fixed For Amanda?

As interesting of a week we have had in the Big Brother 2013 house, tonight won’t even get into half the good stuff because most of the good things happened after the Veto Meeting, which is how tonight’s new episode of Big Brother 15 on CBS will end. My Big Brother 2013 spoilers have given you recaps for the past two days on the live feeds and they have been interesting, to say the least. Let’s watch together tonight and see what has led us up to that point during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who are the final nominees for Week 10 on Big Brother 15!

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September 4, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Sneak Peek At Episode 30 (VIDEO)

We have arrived at another Wednesday in the Big Brother 2013 house and that means it is time to catch up on some of the fun that went down the past few days for the new episode on CBS tonight. We saw GinaMarie put up the power duo (McCranda) on the block for Week 10 and now we get to see the aftermath of that Nomination Ceremony on Big Brother 15 last time. It is going to get good and it is Veto Night on Big Brother 2013! Check out a sneak peek below and then come back tonight for my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and watch with us!

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September 2, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Week 10 – Power of Veto Ceremony

This has been a week many of us have been waiting for on Big Brother 2013. Someone finally had the balls to put McCrae and Amanda on the block and it appears the other HouseGuests have opened their eyes and see that they must be broken up! Elissa tried to backdoor Amanda last week on Big Brother 15, but it failed. Now we get the Veto Meeting today and the final nominees for Week 10 will be announced. Find out the details in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow.

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August 31, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Results – Veto Competition Week 10

We may have had boring times this season on Big Brother 2013, but I think the HouseGuests were all planting the seeds to make for a very exciting finish to Big Brother 15. Alliances were formed every week and it all lead to them working together and no one wanting to go against the house. Boring, right? Well, that also leads us to that big group of HGs now needing to work against one of the alliance members or showmances and it is making for fun viewing of the live feeds. We just had our Power of Veto competition and get the results in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers that follow!

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August 31, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Power of Veto Players – Week 10

The Power of Veto competition is always such a huge event in the Big Brother 2013 house because the results could put a wrench in the plans of the Head of Household that week. GinaMarie seems to have a plan for her HoH for Week 10 on Big Brother 15, but will it follow through after today’s PoV competition? She made her nominations last night and I think everything will be just fine, but the Veto winner still determines the main target this week. Check out the players in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

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August 28, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Live Recap: Episode 27 – Zingbot Returns!

Who is ready for an exciting and drama-filled episode of Big Brother 2013 tonight? I am and this should be a good one. We last saw Elissa put up her nominees for Week 9 on Big Brother 15, but does her main target change or did she have different plans this whole time? There is going to be a lot of game talk going on tonight and I think most of us will enjoy it! The Zingbot returns for the Power of Veto competition and I am sure he will have some great things to say about there HouseGuests! Watch it with me during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who are the final nominees for Week 9 on Big Brother 2013 tonight!

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August 28, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Sneak Peek At Episode 27 (VIDEO)

The week is halfway done and that means Veto Night on Big Brother 2013 tonight, as we get to see all the drama and game play that takes place on Big Brother 15 that led us to a very fun-filled weekend last week. Targets will shift and new alliances will be formed? The reason I love Big Brother 2013 was restored because of these events, so it will be fun to watch it all play out on CBS tonight! Check out the sneak peek below, but then come back tonight for my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who won Power of Veto on Big Brother 15 tonight with us!

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August 26, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Week 9 – Power of Veto Ceremony

What a weekend we have had in the Big Brother 2013 house: from Judd returning to the game and Elissa winning Head of Household for Week 9 to Amanda not getting Elissa to do as she says, so she tries the torture approach to get Elissa to self-evict. I just love the fact that Elissa is using the HoH room like it should be….her room and her room only on Big Brother 15! No sex from McCranda in the bed or everyone eating all her food. Now to the big news of the day: the Power of Veto Ceremony for Week 9 and get the results in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

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August 24, 2013

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Results – Veto Competition Week 9

The time has come and we can finally get a better understanding of what Week 9 on Big Brother 2013 will be about thanks to the Power of Veto Competition. The players were picked earlier today and the competition is finally done and we have a HouseGuest with a necklace worn proudly on Big Brother 15. Get the Veto results in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below!

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