Big Brother 2013 Live Recap: Week 7 Elimination and New HoH
|Is everyone excited for the live eviction show tonight on Big Brother 2013??? Big Brother host Julie Chen is back tonight on CBS and will she be bringing any exciting news/twists with her tonight for Big Brother 15??? I sure hope so because we need to put some live back into this season, so I am 95% confident that they will be bringing some kind of twist this week on Big Brother 2013. Let’s hope I am right and watch together during my Big Brother 2013 Live Recap and see who got eliminated on Big Brother 15 tonight!
Our final two nominees for Week 7 on Big Brother 2013 are Spencer and Jessie. The house (i.e. Amanda and Helen) have been gunning for Jessie since last week, so she should be going home tonight. She caused some drama and fights earlier this week, after calling Helen out for all her lies! Will CBS show it tonight? She is getting a very friendly edit and I hope they show us!
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The Live Recap starts soon, but in the meantime vote in our Big Brother poll for tonight’s eviction on Big Brother 2013 and check out my predictions!
Don’t want to know what happened on the Big Brother 2013 Live Recap or see who went home on Big Brother 15 tonight? Then don’t read ahead!
Here we go…we never really see much of Andy until this week, so is anyone else annoyed by him? After the Veto Meeting, Jessie thinks that she is still safe and they have an honor the HoH this season. She then meets with McCrae and Amanda and asks if she is the pawn or not because he told Spencer the same thing. She is smarter than they all think!
She thinks Helen and Elissa have been distant this week and talks to Andy about it and he is a snake! I don’t like him. He then runs to Elissa and Helen and tells them that Jessie is worried and they need to be nice and talk with her and not ruin their game.
Up in the HoH room, Helen talks about Judd with Aaryn and Elissa and Jessie and outs Jessie about the backdooring Amanda. Jessie asks to play pool and calls Helen out for lying and you can see she is squirming! She got the shaky voice and every time someone confronts her she runs out the door. Then Jessie goes to Amanda and McCrae and outs Helen’s plan. Amanda wants to meet with them all to get it all out there.
Helen says it was not true. Jessie is calling her out on everything and Andy knows she is lying. Again, Helen is done and walks away. She knows she is caught, but can she fix her image from this one on Big Brother 2013!
Julie Chen said one of the two nominees will be joining the jury house tonight, but they may not be there for long! She’ll announce why later tonight on Big Brother 2013!!! What will it be?
Jessie now talks to Aaryn about Helen’s lies and wanting her to take the fall for it. Helen, Elissa, McCrae, Aaryn and Amanda meet and talk about Jessie being a target, but oopsie Jessie was listening outside the door! Pops goes Andy and he comes in to talk to Jessie and she is over him and knows he is lying!!! Now Aaryn talks with Helen and Andy and now Aaryn is worried about her game.
The fun begins, as Jessie is determined to blow everyone’s shit out of the water. She tells Spencer and GM about it and that Aaryn is talking GM all day. GM tells Aaryn about it and is actually cool about it, but Aaryn gets pissed at her and said she is annoying. This sets off GM and I guess Jessie’s plan is working, huh? She sits in her bed and smiles….love it!!! GM then calls a pointless house meeting and Jessie is loving it!
Now Julie talks with the HGs on Big Brother 2013. Aaryn said that there are less people and the tension is higher. Andy said Judd was awesome and kept things lively. Amanda said you should never feel safe and there should be a little paranoia. Helen gets asked about when someone will make big moves and she said taking out Judd was a big move and he had social skills to win this game. She said more big moves are to come, so hold on tight!
Some final words from the two nominees on Big Brother 2013 and Jessie said if they support her now she will be loyal the rest of the way and they are like a second family to her. Spencer wishes a happy birthday and wants to stay to fight. Now the vote:
- Amanda votes Jessie
- McCrae votes Jessie
- Aaryn votes Jessie
- Helen votes Jessie
- Elissa votes Jessie
- GinaMarie votes Jessie
No big shocker and in another unanimous vote, the next HG leaving the Big Brother 2013 house is Jessie Kowalski! Back to the HGs and Julie delivers the news that Jessie has been evicted by a 6-0 vote. Hugs all around, but they all seem SO fake!!!! Andy is crying again….why???
Jessie said she has been trying for a few weeks to flip the house and she knew she was going out, so she wanted to get people thinking. She said it may have worked and people might be questioning Helen now. She feels loyal to Helen, but she feels betrayed by her. She felt like an outsider and was hoping for a friend or a showmance and never fit in on Big Brother 2013. She said it will be awkward to see Judd in the jury house and have a bone to pick with him. Again, Julie says this is goodbye for now, but there is a lot of summer left….what does that mean???
Head of Household Competition: it is “Way Off Broadway” and they will compete against each other in twos. They will hear a song for a competition. Answer it right and the other is eliminated and they will pick the next two.
GinaMarie and Helen are first and GM wins, so Helen is out!!! She picks Elissa and Spencer. Spencer wins, so Elissa is out. He picks McCrae and GM (why). McCrae is right, so GM is out. He picks Spencer and Aaryn. Aaryn wins, so Spencer is out (dang it)! Amanda and McCrae are next and she has no clue, but McCrae rang in first and he loses, so Amanda wins. Now it is down to Amanda and Aaryn and one will be the new HoH. Aaryn rings in first and she is correct, so she is the new HoH for Week 8! Again, remember when she was not a threat???
Julie is coming back with the next big game-changing twist!!!
We are back and rejoining the HGs and Aaryn said she has become close with everyone, so this is going to be difficult. On next Thursdays live eviction show, one of the jurors will come back into the house!!! Judd, Candice, Jessie and next week’s evictee will compete live for a spot back into the Big Brother 2013 house! What do you think???
Join us tonight on Big Big Brother for our Big Brother 2013 Live Recap. Let’s watch together and see who was eliminated on Big Brother 15 tonight! Find us on Twitter and keep up with us on Facebook. Don’t forget Big Brother 15 live feeds for even more Big Brother fun, but uncensored! Every sign up helps support this site to keep bringing you Big Brother 2013 spoilers, news and gossip all season long.
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Something IS gonna go Down…..yay!!! I how it’s Game- changing!!
With a choice between Amanda and Aaryn, i’m glad Aaryn is the new HOH. She’s quite the comp player. Impressive. I still don’t care for her but she deserves some credit for pulling it out in a clench.
So let me make sure I have this correct… The jury members are going to have a compilation and the winner will return to the BB HOUSE! Great plan I hope its Judd who wins!
I’m hoping for Candace or Jessie….Judd just doesn’t get it. …. he actually blamed jessie for him lvg the house…. and he was a flip flopper who aligned with people I don’t care for… no Judd…Ni Bueno! :):)
This bigger twist will be the one that the HG’s will vote out this week. That person will be the 4th person in the Jury who will also compete. Sooo, if Amanda has her way and Helen IS blindsided by being next to leave, then that will be the most excitement we have seen all season folks. Think about it, you will have Candice, Judd, Jessie and Helen, all of whom Helen had a big hand in getting OUT the house, competing for a chance to get back into the game. If Helen DOES come back, she will be screaming mad and will be willing to take out everyone. Let’s see if BB will be introducing Pandora’s box this week to the new HOH. I have high hopes that she will do something this time with her 4th HOH. Although, you know, Helen will be up in her room praising her what a good player she is and how they need to make a move to get out Amanda. Helen not knowing that Aaryn is now in an alliance with Andy, Amanda and McCrae, should be able to get things stirred up. I believe she will let Helen think that she is listening to her and I am sure will appease her for now, once the Veto competition is played and who wins, will determine if Aaryn has the strength to strike out at a key player. That is my hopes this week. I feel that her safe bet would be to put up Spencer (pawn king) and GM on the block to play for Veto. Then if Aaryn wins, she can take down GM and put up Helen and BOMB. House is going to get rocked…
she needs to kick everyone out of the room…and make a choice ..her own choice. no more puppets..if that is possible.. Amanda the bull doozer will be up the bedding down in Aaryns bed with her pizza boy.. this is the suckiest season ever.. spineless people and floating down the river. sad sad sad.. might not get envolved next year.
As much as I can’t stand Aaryn as a person, one would still think after winning more comps than anyone else this season she might grow enough confidence to say “screw you people; I don’t need protection” and start developing her own plan to win and building her own coalition! Problem is, her last known alliance was McRanda… Ugh.
And as we post, Amanda has already decided who the noms should be – and Aaryn is agreeing. Geeeezzzzz – these people are killing me!
Yeh…true… she should make a move but but that goes to show JusT how spineless All of these people are(even the person winning the Comps…..simply Annoying and simply Exhausting to watch!
guarantee Spencer will go this week! That will create the least amount of drama, which is what these house guests seem to want. Boring!!!
Ok, why is Amanda behind the trashcan in the storage room crying? Is this anything like Rachels bush crying? The girl has lost it.
Ok, i see. She’s crying because she can’t win anything. Sheesh…cry me a river.
She cried last week too. She’s admitted she’s sore loser but COME ON.
I bet there’s no pep talk from Helen this week!
Aaryn again as the HOH is this a new record or does someone else have more HOH titles? Not sure. I see Aaryn putting up GM and Spencer. Poor Spencer they keep using him as a pawn but his day will come when they want him gone!
Rachel and Janelle both won six HOHs but thats with 2 seasons each. Ian holds the record with 4 consecutive wins. Aaryn is making a name for herself (no, not that one), as a decent comp player.
The only thing is. …she REALLY Only won 3 comps. …lest we forget Jeremy won that first one for her, but as I shared in a comment above, I give Her credit for winning the Comps that she has….she tasted blood and liked it and has been winning. But…..this is a sorry, lazy, good for nothing group of competitor’s
She also won the POV during the DE. Looks like she’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
I’m sorry, but unless the returning jury member comes back with a MAJOR power – or America gets some power to help him/her – the whole thing next week is pointless. And unless Aaryn gets really brave really fast … I’m thinking … Spencer in a week??
Totally agree. It looks like Elissa is her target though. Apparently Elissa made a nasty remark earlier about not wanting to sit next to Aaryn or GM because they are disgusting. Oops…looks like Elissa sealed her own fate.
I think that Helen and Amanda will divide the house….Helen will want whoever comes back on her side because she will need the votes especially if thet vote Elissa out. Let’s not forget that: Candice,Judd, Jessie AND whoever gets voted out this week will All compete to return……it will not be so easy to understand this Twist…..
I think there was another time when someone returned to the house. The evicted ones were kept in sequester and one was returned,
Also I agree that someone needs to step up and play their own game, not just foolow the leader, takes the excitement away,
Kaysar (season 6) was voted back in the game by fans. During an endurance comp he made a deal with the devil (Jen) and was betrayed by her. He could have won HOH but she tricked him. And of course he was evicted again.
Oh yes Kaysar….he was very Handsome (datnit where are the handsome Men!??!)
Oh yes Kaysar….he was very Handsome (darnit where are the handsome Men!??!)
Well its fixed, no way that aaryn could be it 3 times. At the very east let elisse win. I wont watch it anymore
I love the “it’s fixed” comments. Earlier in the season, the show was fixed for Elissa because she was winning MVP every week. Now it is fixed for Aaryn???
Hey, anyone else notice that slight hesitation by Spencer when he won his first round of the HOH comp and had to select the next two contestants? Maybe it was my imagination, but I could swear he was about to obey my scream at the television to “pick Amanda and McCrae!!!”
Okay, I confess: I broke down and started watching BBAD for the first time in a week….
–Andy, the butt kisser, and McCrae talking game with Helen like they are in an alliance. Geez.
–Amanda (picking her FEET – has she pod cloned herself from McCrae when we weren’t looking?) saying that IF “and that probably won’t happen” Elissa goes home this week, she might remove herself because she’s homesick, and she’s probably America’s favorite, so that $25,000 would go to someone else?
–What’s up with making us stare at the DR door with no sound for a full minute before Aaryn pops out?
–Seriously? We have to make a production out of seeing Aaryn’s HOH room … for the THIRD time?!
–That said, is it NORMAL for EVERYONE to consume all the snacks of the HOH? I mean, I know the HOH usually shares, but this season just seems like there’s an open-door, but man…. It took Amanda less than 5 minutes to apply a new mud masque of Aaryn’s.
I reeeeeally despise myself for watching this.
Okay, I guess I’m the ONLY person stupid enough to be up watching this. …
But I have yet another DEMAND for next season: Either select HGs who can have a conversation without swearing, quite literally, every three words OR put BBAD back on Showtime where we can understand a conversation that has language in it. This beeping out most of what EVERYONE but Helen and Elissa says because they can’t communicate without foul language is about to get on my LAST nerve…..
Okay … do I start ALL my posts with “okay”??? js
I so agree Lilly.Sometimes you miss most of the conversations cuz there is sooo much bleeping..I guess that shows what kind of people they are..except for Allisa and Helen.
These guys are FOUL. No wonder Elissa is homesick and wants to leave!! I know she isn’t perfect, but she really does have too much class to be in THIS house!
Why is Elisse even there she does nothing except smile for the camera and she is Helen little puppet. As much as I don”‘t like Helen’s game( I kind of like her as a person, but I like Pizza boy and Amanda less. God Amanda has to go ,I can’t even stand watching her and pizza boy weasel as he is walking out he can grab Andy ( the pretender
Last night on BBAD, they had a big discussion about Elissa. She evidently was in a bad mood tonight and said something like she didn’t want to sit on the couches next to GM or Aaryn. So Helen tried to explain that Elissa is getting really homesick and it’s getting to the point where staying in this house for the money might be worth it, but when you don’t win comps (OR have any power…) you’re worried you might get voted out to stay in the jury house for another month. And Elissa is dreading missing her family more there for nothing. Anyway, it explained her attitude last night. She was the only HG not hanging out in the HOH room. I think she’s reaching the point where she just can’t stand these people any more, and she’s sick of playing the game because she doesn’t think she can win. Shoot, with the some of the disgusting conversation in the HOH room that I saw, I would feel the SAME way.
This isnt a new twist. It has been done before, only America voted for who should come
Back. So it’s a twist on an old twist. I had hoped they would be more creative than that,
so they could spice up what I think has been the most boring BB to date.
And unless they send the returning guest back with a MAJOR power to protect them for a week or two, it’s yet another anticlimactic BB15 fail….
well as much as i try to get my head into watching this season and try to pick out the good and stuff – OMG i am more bored than ever………last night i watched and of course it was an hour of boring boring boring – we knew exactly who was leaving – Does Julie Chen not see how BORING this show is? Okay maybe she isn’t watching it. And for Helen to actually say “there have been BIG moves in this house” what the heck has she been smoking in there? I do not know what the hg’s see that we arent seeing – no big moves made. Oh and this “twist” coming up – oh yayyyy – yes its been done before and as soon as that person comes back they are on the block fighting for their lives again. Oh and now Aaryn wins the HOH – whoop whoop – who cares – she is going to “do what the house wants” its what the house wants to save her for another week. And so it goes – another boring week coming up. In the jury house 1 comes back – after a competition – Candace won’t win and if she does there will be nothing but blah blah blah between her and GM and out Candace will go / Jessie won’t win and if she does no one will take her side and out she goes / Judd might win and if he has a brain and game play he might be the one to sway some to his side (aaryn, gm, elissa, helen) as he knows he was betrayed by his “alliance” (mcrae,amanda, andy) or he should of figured that out. hard to say. if it is helen gone next week she will stay gone she is not good at challenges so cant see her winning.
Anyways that is my view on the show – very very boring again.
A friend of mine called me last night and said oh dear i missed BB / what happened? And I said oh you didn’t miss much – summed it up in 1 sentence -Jessie got evicted (ho hum who didn’t know) and Aaryn won HOH (woo hoo – who cares nothing will happen) that is all that happened in the whole show.
Julie Chen – maybe watch the show from our view and see how boring you have made the BB show. Someone should fire her just for Co-producing this train wreck.
Okay i vented and feel a bit better – lol
Believe me, I feel your pain. I watched a 90 minutes of BBAD and changed the channel (see rambling above…). The ONLY thing worse than the boredom we’re enduring is the possibility that Amanda and Aaryn have a strong chance of F4 now, and one of them will likely be F2 unless SOMEone (McCrae) grows a brain. Problem is, as cynical as it sounds, if McCrae is smart, he’ll take Amanda with him to F2 (if the sex can continue to fog his brain enough to put up with the rest of her crap). Amanda’s final loss: BB15. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
I am seriously sick over this season…I have watched it since day one and have never missed a season..I turned it off last night before it was over. I already knew what was going to happen..I have no desire to watch it anymore..I’m tired of it.