The Live Feeds came back last night on Big Brother 2013 and it appears that we now know who will be in the Final 3 for Big Brother 15. It is a sad day, but we must move on and either hope for some crazy events in the house today to change things up or just accept these Final 3 and figure out who we want to win from that group, huh? Whether we like it or not, one of these four will be winning the $500,000. Check out some highlights in my Big Brother 2013 spoilers below.

Big Brother 2013 Spoilers - Andy and SpencerPhoto Credit:

We have been on blackout for the Live Feeds since Tuesday afternoon so we would not see that Judd was evicted from Big Brother 2013 for the second time this season. Since that eviction, we also saw Andy win HoH, but who did he nominate and then who went on to win the Power of Veto?

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The nominees don’t really matter much, but he put Spencer and McCrae on the blockThe real key to this next eviction is the PoV winner. Andy was triumphant again, so he controls the fate of the Final 3 now….sort of. He can keep his nominees the same, which would mean that GinaMarie would cast the deciding vote. Or he will take Spencer off the block and put up GM and that way Spencer will cast the final vote. It is a matter of who Andy trusts more, but The Exterminators met last night and will be voting out McCrae and will tell him sometime today before the live eviction show.

Our only hope? Somehow McCrae convinces the person casting the final vote to vote out the other HG and bring him into the Final 3 because they can beat McCrae and not the other HG. Chances of happening? Very slim, but one can hope, right?

Moving on to the Final 3 of Big Brother 2013, but it looks like Spencer and GM made a Final 2 deal, if they can get that chance. They know they can’t beat Andy, so want him gone. Either way, I think it is now a battle between GM and Andy. I don’t think Spencer can win, so the jury is out and I think (and I hate saying it), but I think Andy might win it. Do I want that to happen? Hell no, but his gameplay has gotten him to this point and he may have been a liar and a snake, but popping into every conversation got him into the Final 3. He blew competitions early on, but now he is Final 3 and winning.

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