Big Brother 19 Poll: Who is Your Favorite HG? – Week 8 (POLL)
|It is that time of the week again where I ask you who your favorite Big Brother 19 HG is! This season has been pretty predictable, but the each HG has their own sets of pros and cons. I’m curious as to who is your favorite HG this week in the Big Brother 2017 house. Last week we had someone other than Paul take the number one spot, but this week he isn’t in the house. So, who will it be?
This week the HGs have a plan in place on who they want to see walk out the door on Thursday. If you want to know who won Veto or what happened at the Veto Ceremony yesterday, make sure you check out my Big Brother 2017 spoilers for those details! Based on the things that have been said and done in the Big Brother 19 house, who would you say is your favorite HG this week? Let me know by voting in the poll below!