Big Brother 2016 ended its live Thursday eviction show without crowning a new Head of Household. The episode did not even air the start of a Head of Household competition. However, host Julie Chen announced that Friday’s special episode would show this week’s Big Brother 18 Head of Household competition, along with the Carnival games and concert.
The Big Brother 18 Live Feeds returned a little after the episode ended. We saw a few houseguests scattered around trying to protect their game. Most houseguests were discussing how latest evictee, Paulie Calafiore, blew up Paul Abrahamian’s game before he left the Big Brother 2016 house.
It was a little difficult to gather what exactly Paulie did to get everyone so confused and scared. However, He did enough to sway James Huiling and Natalie Negrotti, and shake their new alliance with Michelle Meyer, Victor Arroyo, and Paul. The Jatalie showmance started comparing notes with Nicole Franzel and Corey Brooks. They all came to the conclusion that Paul had been playing all sides of the house.
James even accused him of playing Paulie’s game. Right before feeds went down, Nicole, James, and Natalie made plans to target Paul this week. Privately, James and Natalie discussed the need to get out Paul this week, so they were buying what Nicole, Corey, and Paulie were selling them about Paul.
Depending on who one tonight’s Head of Household competition, we have potential for another game flip. After over five hours of feeds being down…..
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