Big Brother 2015 Spoilers: Live Feeds Going Down For 36 Hours!
|Get ready for some major downtime on the Live Feeds for Big Brother 2015, as CBS wants to keep all the action and spoilers hidden from us while the F5 get to work on closing in on the F3 this week! So, 36 hours without the Live Feeds on Big Brother 17? Check out the details below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
>>>Click here for our Week 12 Eviction Show Live Recap!!!<<<
The Live Feeds had a news ticker pop-up yesterday announcing that Live Feeds would be going down at 9:00am BBT (12:00pm EST) on Monday morning and would come back at 9:00pm BBT (12:00am EST) on Tuesday night! That would put us right after Tuesday’s eviction show airs on the West Coast. So they are keeping us all in the dark until everyone sees that eviction, huh?