Big Brother 2015 Predictions: Week 10 Eviction – Who Goes Home Tonight?
|We have arrived at another live eviction night on Big Brother 2015, but we have another Double Eviction on Big Brother 17! That means we have two HGs heading to the jury house and that second eviction could be a big shocker, or so I am hoping! So, who goes home tonight on Big Brother 17? Find out my Week 10 predictions below in my Big Brother 2015 spoilers!
>>>Click here for our Big Brother Week 10 Double Eviction Live Recap!!!<<<
Last night on Big Brother 17, we saw the Power of Veto competition play out. It was a fun one, as the HGs played some hide and seek for the POV. We finally got some good news for the good guys, as James won it and it forced Vanessa to name a renom. Despite having the opportunity to make a big move and take out one of the triplets, she felt the better move was to keep Meg as the target this week. So, Julia was put up as a pawn and the target remains on Meg.