Big Brother 2015 Live Recap: Jason Moves Out and The Twins Move In
|One moves out and two move in tonight on Big Brother 2015 and I am dying for this Twin Twist to backfire on Shelli and Vanessa. I still don’t see how anyone would want an extra number to come into the Big Brother 17 house, but they did and their wishes have been answered. Now Julia, pair up with the other side of the house and start taking some people out! Watch with us tonight during our Big Brother 2015 Live Recap and see who got eliminated on Big Brother 2015 tonight!
Last night on Big Brother 17, we saw the plans change from Austin to Jason and Vanessa try to talk her way through getting everyone on board with this. We also saw a terrible edit from CBS, but who am I to judge how they run things over there? In the end, Jason and Becky are on the block and one is walking through those doors tonight!